/usr/share/tcltk/xotcl1.6.8-comm/Ftp.xotcl is in xotcl 1.6.8-3.
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package provide xotcl::comm::ftp 1.0
package require xotcl::comm::httpAccess
package require XOTcl 1
namespace eval ::xotcl::comm::ftp {
namespace import ::xotcl::*
Class Ftp -superclass NetAccess -parameter {user passwd}
Ftp instproc initialize args {
#my showCall
my instvar port caching user passwd loginMsg resp blocksize
set port 21
set blocksize 1024
set caching 0
set user ftp
set passwd cineast@
set loginMsg {}
set resp(connect) {220 provideUser}
set resp(provideUser) {331 providePasswd}
set resp(providePasswd) {230 loginFinished}
set resp(loginFinished) {227 pasv}
set resp(pasv) {200 type}
set resp(type-list) {150 list}
set resp(type-retr) {150 retr 550 retry-retrieve}
set resp(transfer) {226 transferDone}
Ftp instproc err {state reply} {
my abort "Error in $state: $reply"
Ftp instproc queryServer {query state} {
my instvar S
puts $S $query
flush $S
fileevent $S readable [::list [self] response $state]
Ftp instproc response {state} {
#my showCall
my instvar S code msg
set reply [gets $S]
#my showVars reply
if {[regexp {^([0-9]+)[-](.*)$} $reply _ code msg]} {
fileevent $S readable [::list [self] responseMulti $state]
} else {
regexp {^([0-9]+) (.*)$} $reply _ code msg
my responseEnd $state
Ftp instproc responseMulti {state} {
# multi line response
my instvar S code msg
set m [gets $S]
if {[regexp "^$code " $m]} {
my responseEnd $state
} else {
# try to strip code and dash
regexp "^$code-(.*)\$" $m _ m
append msg \n$m
Ftp instproc responseEnd {state} {
my instvar S code msg resp
fileevent $S readable {}
#puts stderr "code=$code, msg=<$msg>"
foreach {c newState} $resp($state) {
if {$c == $code} { return [my $newState] }
my err $state "expected=$resp($state), got $code $msg"
Ftp instproc GET {} {
my instvar S host port url
regexp {^(.*):([0-9]+)$} $host _ host port
my running
# rb running my $url ;# ???
# proxy ?
set S [socket -async $host $port]
fconfigure $S -blocking false -translation {auto crlf}
fileevent $S readable [::list [self] response connect]
Ftp instproc provideUser {} {
my instvar user msg loginMsg
set loginMsg $msg
my queryServer "USER $user" provideUser
Ftp instproc providePasswd {} {
my instvar passwd
# if {[pwdManager requirePasswd "Ftp $user\@$host" $user password]} {
# my queryServer "PASS $password" providePasswd
# }
my queryServer "PASS $passwd" providePasswd
Ftp instproc loginFinished {} {
my instvar msg loginMsg
append loginMsg \n$msg
my queryServer "PASV" loginFinished
Ftp instproc pasv {} {
my instvar S D msg
set d {([0-9]+)}
if {[regexp "\[(]$d,$d,$d,$d,$d,$d" $msg _ 1 2 3 4 p1 p2]} {
if {[catch {set D [socket -async $1.$2.$3.$4 [expr {$p1*256 + $p2}]]} err
]} {
return [my err $proc $err]
fconfigure $D -blocking no -translation binary
} else {
return [my err $proc $msg]
my queryServer "TYPE I" pasv
Ftp instproc type {} {
my instvar path
if {$path=={}} {
my queryServer "LIST" type-list
} elseif {[regexp /$ $path]} {
my queryServer "LIST $path" type-list
} else {
my queryServer "RETR $path" type-retr
Ftp instproc retry-retrieve {} {
my instvar path url
append url /
my queryServer "LIST $path/" type-list
Ftp instproc list {} {
my instvar S D contentType
set contentType text/dirlist
my headerDone
fileevent $S readable [::list [self] response transfer]
fileevent $D readable [::list [self] readData]
Ftp instproc read {} {
# the method read is called by the more general method readData
my instvar D block blocksize
if {[::eof $D]} {
set block ""
close $D
unset D
} else {
#puts stderr blocksize=$blocksize
set block [::read $D $blocksize]
#puts stderr read:[string length $block]bytes
Ftp instproc transferDone {} {
my instvar D S
if {[info exists D]} {
fileevent $S readable {}
set block ""
close $D
unset D
my finish
Ftp instproc retr {} {
my instvar S D msg totalsize contentType path
regexp {[(]([0-9]+)[ ]+[Bb]ytes} $msg _ totalsize
set contentType [Mime guessContentType $path]
my headerDone
if {[info exists S]} {
# file dialog was not canceled
fileevent $S readable [::list [self] response transfer]
fileevent $D readable [::list [self] readData]
fconfigure $D -translation binary
namespace export Ftp
namespace import ::xotcl::comm::ftp::*