The version you requested (4.4.0-22.40) is not available, but a newer one is (4.4.0-142.168). We redirected you there.


This package is 139.1 KB. It is available at .

View its full control file here: debian/control.


automatically generate crash reports for debugging


This package depends on: python (>= 2.6), python-apport (>= 2.0.1-0ubuntu5), lsb-base (>= 3.0-6), python-gi, gir1.2-glib-2.0 (>= 1.29.17), sysv-rc (>= 2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu2), upstart-job.

This package recommends: apport-symptoms.

This package suggests: apport-gtk | apport-kde.

This package does not conflict with any other package.

Package Contents

This package is indexed.

apport 2.0.1-0ubuntu5 is in ubuntu - precise / main. This package's architecture is: architectureless.

File Mime Type Owner Mode Size
postinst text/x-shellscript N/A N/A 842 bytes
postrm text/x-shellscript N/A N/A 191 bytes
preinst text/x-shellscript N/A N/A 610 bytes
prerm text/x-shellscript N/A N/A 399 bytes
/etc/ root:root 0o755
/etc/apport/ root:root 0o755
/etc/apport/blacklist.d/ root:root 0o755
/etc/apport/blacklist.d/apport text/plain root:root 0o644 216 bytes
/etc/apport/blacklist.d/README.blacklist text/plain root:root 0o644 217 bytes
/etc/bash_completion.d/ root:root 0o755
/etc/bash_completion.d/apport_completion text/plain root:root 0o644 6.5 KB
/etc/cron.daily/ root:root 0o755
/etc/cron.daily/apport text/x-shellscript root:root 0o755 219 bytes
/etc/default/ root:root 0o755
/etc/default/apport text/plain root:root 0o644 149 bytes
/etc/init/ root:root 0o755
/etc/init/apport.conf text/plain root:root 0o644 1.3 KB
/etc/init.d/ root:root 0o755
/etc/init.d/apport root:root 0o777
/etc/logrotate.d/ root:root 0o755
/etc/logrotate.d/apport text/plain root:root 0o644 126 bytes
/usr/ root:root 0o755
/usr/bin/ root:root 0o755
/usr/bin/apport-bug text/x-shellscript root:root 0o755 1.8 KB
/usr/bin/apport-cli text/x-python root:root 0o755 12.1 KB
/usr/bin/apport-collect root:root 0o777
/usr/bin/apport-unpack text/x-python root:root 0o755 1.3 KB
/usr/bin/ubuntu-bug root:root 0o777
/usr/share/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/apport/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/apport/apport text/x-python root:root 0o755 13.1 KB
/usr/share/apport/apport-checkreports text/x-python root:root 0o755 1.3 KB
/usr/share/apport/apportcheckresume text/x-python root:root 0o755 3.2 KB
/usr/share/apport/apport.jar application/java-archive root:root 0o644 2.4 KB
/usr/share/apport/ text/x-python root:root 0o755 1.4 KB
/usr/share/apport/gcc_ice_hook text/x-python root:root 0o755 1.1 KB
/usr/share/apport/general-hooks/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/apport/general-hooks/ text/x-python root:root 0o644 1.1 KB
/usr/share/apport/general-hooks/ text/x-python root:root 0o644 3.8 KB
/usr/share/apport/general-hooks/ text/x-python root:root 0o644 14.0 KB
/usr/share/apport/general-hooks/ text/x-python root:root 0o644 15.1 KB
/usr/share/apport/java_uncaught_exception text/x-python root:root 0o755 2.2 KB
/usr/share/apport/kernel_crashdump text/x-python root:root 0o755 1.2 KB
/usr/share/apport/kernel_oops text/x-python root:root 0o755 1.1 KB
/usr/share/apport/package_hook text/x-python root:root 0o755 1.9 KB
/usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ text/x-python root:root 0o644 568 bytes
/usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ text/x-python root:root 0o644 1.7 KB
/usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ root:root 0o777
/usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ text/x-python root:root 0o644 4.8 KB
/usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ text/x-python root:root 0o644 6.5 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/crash.class application/x-java-applet root:root 0o644 433 bytes
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/crash.jar application/java-archive root:root 0o644 770 bytes
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/run text/x-shellscript root:root 0o755 2.8 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 20.6 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 1.6 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 27.4 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-python root:root 0o644 8.6 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 11.1 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-python root:root 0o644 9.3 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 10.6 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 3.6 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 486 bytes
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 24.4 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 30.6 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 8.1 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 76.7 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 2.3 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 20.1 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 28.3 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 19.5 KB
/usr/share/apport/testsuite/ text/x-c++ root:root 0o644 74.9 KB
/usr/share/apport/unkillable_shutdown text/x-python root:root 0o755 3.3 KB
/usr/share/doc/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/doc/apport/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/doc/apport/changelog.Debian.gz root:root 0o777
/usr/share/doc/apport/copyright text/plain root:root 0o644 625 bytes
/usr/share/doc/apport/crashdb-conf.txt text/plain root:root 0o644 3.8 KB
/usr/share/doc/apport/NEWS.gz application/gzip root:root 0o644 22.6 KB
/usr/share/doc/apport/package-hooks.txt.gz application/gzip root:root 0o644 2.0 KB
/usr/share/doc/apport/README text/plain root:root 0o644 3.0 KB
/usr/share/doc/apport/symptoms.txt text/x-python root:root 0o644 2.5 KB
/usr/share/icons/ root:root 0o755
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/usr/share/man/ root:root 0o755
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/usr/share/man/man1/ubuntu-bug.1.gz root:root 0o777
/usr/share/mime/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/mime/packages/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/mime/packages/apport.xml text/xml root:root 0o644 414 bytes
/usr/share/python/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/python/runtime.d/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/python/runtime.d/apport.rtupdate text/x-shellscript root:root 0o755 133 bytes