/usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/context/ContextView.py is in rhythmbox-plugins 2.96-0ubuntu4.
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# Copyright (C) 2009 John Iacona
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# The Rhythmbox authors hereby grant permission for non-GPL compatible
# GStreamer plugins to be used and distributed together with GStreamer
# and Rhythmbox. This permission is above and beyond the permissions granted
# by the GPL license by which Rhythmbox is covered. If you modify this code
# you may extend this exception to your version of the code, but you are not
# obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
# statement from your version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import os
import ArtistTab as at
import AlbumTab as abt
import LyricsTab as lt
import LinksTab as lit
import rb
from gi.repository import GObject, Gtk, Gdk, Pango, Gio
from gi.repository import RB
from gi.repository import WebKit
import gettext
gettext.install('rhythmbox', RB.locale_dir())
context_ui = """
<menubar name="MenuBar">
<menu name="ViewMenu" action="View">
<menuitem name="Context" action="ToggleContextView" />
class ContextView (GObject.GObject):
def __init__ (self, shell, plugin):
GObject.GObject.__init__ (self)
self.shell = shell
self.sp = shell.props.shell_player
self.db = shell.props.db
self.plugin = plugin
self.current_artist = None
self.current_album = None
self.current_song = None
self.visible = True
# cache for artist/album information: valid for a month, can be used indefinitely
# if offline, discarded if unused for six months
self.info_cache = rb.URLCache(name = 'info',
path = os.path.join('context-pane', 'info'),
refresh = 30,
discard = 180)
# cache for rankings (artist top tracks and top albums): valid for a week,
# can be used for a month if offline
self.ranking_cache = rb.URLCache(name = 'ranking',
path = os.path.join('context-pane', 'ranking'),
refresh = 7,
lifetime = 30)
# maybe move this into an idle handler?
self.init_gui ()
self.connect_signals ()
self.load_top_five (self.ds['artist'])
# Set currently displayed tab
# TODO: make this persistent via gsettings key
self.current = 'artist'
self.tab[self.current].activate ()
# Add button to toggle visibility of pane
self.action = ('ToggleContextView','gtk-info', _("Conte_xt Pane"),
None, _("Change the visibility of the context pane"),
self.toggle_visibility, True)
self.action_group = Gtk.ActionGroup(name='ContextPluginActions')
uim = self.shell.props.ui_manager
uim.insert_action_group (self.action_group, 0)
self.ui_id = uim.add_ui_from_string(context_ui)
def deactivate (self, shell):
self.shell = None
self.disconnect_signals ()
self.player_cb_ids = None
self.tab_cb_ids = None
self.sp = None
self.db = None
self.plugin = None
self.tab = None
self.ds = None
self.view = None
if self.visible:
shell.remove_widget (self.vbox, RB.ShellUILocation.RIGHT_SIDEBAR)
self.visible = False
self.vbox = None
self.label = None
self.webview = None
self.websettings = None
self.buttons = None
self.top_five_list = None
uim = shell.props.ui_manager
uim.remove_ui (self.ui_id)
uim.remove_action_group (self.action_group)
def connect_signals(self):
self.player_cb_ids = ( self.sp.connect ('playing-changed', self.playing_changed_cb),
self.sp.connect ('playing-song-changed', self.playing_changed_cb))
self.ds_cb_id = self.ds['artist'].connect ('artist-top-tracks-ready', self.load_top_five)
self.tab_cb_ids = []
# Listen for switch-tab signal from each tab
for key, value in self.tab.items():
self.tab_cb_ids.append((key, self.tab[key].connect ('switch-tab', self.change_tab)))
def disconnect_signals (self):
for id in self.player_cb_ids:
self.sp.disconnect (id)
self.ds['artist'].disconnect (self.ds_cb_id)
for key, id in self.tab_cb_ids:
self.tab[key].disconnect (id)
def toggle_visibility (self, action):
if not self.visible:
self.shell.add_widget (self.vbox, RB.ShellUILocation.RIGHT_SIDEBAR, True, True)
self.visible = True
self.shell.remove_widget (self.vbox, RB.ShellUILocation.RIGHT_SIDEBAR)
self.visible = False
def change_tab (self, tab, newtab):
print "swapping tab from %s to %s" % (self.current, newtab)
if (self.current != newtab):
self.current = newtab
def init_tabs (self):
self.tab = {}
self.ds = {}
self.view = {}
self.ds['artist'] = at.ArtistDataSource (self.info_cache, self.ranking_cache)
self.view['artist'] = at.ArtistView (self.shell, self.plugin, self.webview, self.ds['artist'])
self.tab['artist'] = at.ArtistTab (self.shell, self.buttons, self.ds['artist'], self.view['artist'])
self.ds['album'] = abt.AlbumDataSource(self.info_cache, self.ranking_cache)
self.view['album'] = abt.AlbumView(self.shell, self.plugin, self.webview, self.ds['album'])
self.tab['album'] = abt.AlbumTab(self.shell, self.buttons, self.ds['album'], self.view['album'])
self.ds['lyrics'] = lt.LyricsDataSource (self.db)
self.view['lyrics'] = lt.LyricsView (self.shell, self.plugin, self.webview, self.ds['lyrics'])
self.tab['lyrics'] = lt.LyricsTab (self.shell, self.buttons, self.ds['lyrics'], self.view['lyrics'])
self.ds['links'] = lit.LinksDataSource (self.db)
self.view['links'] = lit.LinksView (self.shell, self.plugin, self.webview)
self.tab['links'] = lit.LinksTab (self.shell, self.buttons, self.ds['links'], self.view['links'])
def load_top_five (self, ds):
top_tracks = ds.get_top_tracks ()
## populate liststore
if top_tracks is None:
for i in range (0, 5):
self.top_five_list.append(["%d. " % (i+1), ""])
num_tracks = len(top_tracks)
## empty liststore
for i in range (0, 5):
if i >= num_tracks : track = ""
else : track = top_tracks[i]
self.top_five_list.append(["%d. " % (i+1), str(track)])
def playing_changed_cb (self, playing, user_data):
# this sometimes happens on a streaming thread, so we need to
# move it to the main thread
GObject.idle_add (self.playing_changed_idle_cb)
def playing_changed_idle_cb (self):
if self.sp is None:
playing_entry = self.sp.get_playing_entry ()
if playing_entry is None:
playing_artist = playing_entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.ARTIST)
if self.current_artist != playing_artist:
self.current_artist = playing_artist.replace ('&', '&')
# Translators: 'top' here means 'most popular'. %s is replaced by the artist name.
self.label.set_markup(_("Top songs by %s") % ('<i>' + self.current_artist + '</i>'))
self.ds['artist'].fetch_top_tracks (self.current_artist)
def navigation_request_cb(self, view, frame, request):
# open HTTP URIs externally. this isn't a web browser.
if request.get_uri().startswith('http'):
print "opening uri %s" % request.get_uri()
Gtk.show_uri(self.shell.props.window.get_screen(), request.get_uri(), Gdk.CURRENT_TIME)
def style_set_cb(self, widget, prev_style):
def apply_font_settings(self):
# FIXME apply font style
# style = self.webview.style
font_size = style.font_desc.get_size()
if style.font_desc.get_size_is_absolute() is False:
font_size /= Pango.SCALE
self.websettings.props.default_font_size = font_size
self.websettings.props.default_font_family = style.font_desc.get_family()
print "web view font settings: %s, %d" % (style.font_desc.get_family(), font_size)
def init_gui(self):
self.vbox = Gtk.VBox()
frame = Gtk.Frame()
self.label = Gtk.Label(_("Nothing Playing"))
#----- set up top 5 tree view -----#
self.top_five_list = Gtk.ListStore (GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING)
top_five_view = Gtk.TreeView.new_with_model(self.top_five_list)
top_five_tvc1 = Gtk.TreeViewColumn()
top_five_tvc2 = Gtk.TreeViewColumn()
crt = Gtk.CellRendererText()
top_five_tvc1.pack_start(crt, True)
top_five_tvc2.pack_start(crt, True)
top_five_tvc1.add_attribute(crt, 'text', 0)
top_five_tvc2.add_attribute(crt, 'text', 1)
top_five_view.set_headers_visible( False )
frame.add (top_five_view)
#---- set up webkit pane -----#
self.webview = WebKit.WebView()
self.webview.connect("navigation-requested", self.navigation_request_cb)
scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
scroll.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)
scroll.add (self.webview)
# set up webkit settings to match gtk font settings
self.websettings = WebKit.WebSettings()
self.webview.connect("style-set", self.style_set_cb)
#----- set up button group -----#
vbox2 = Gtk.VBox()
self.buttons = Gtk.HBox()
#---- pack everything into side pane ----#
self.vbox.pack_start (frame, False, True, 0)
vbox2.pack_start (self.buttons, False, True, 0)
vbox2.pack_start (scroll, True, True, 0)
self.vbox.pack_start (vbox2, True, True, 0)
self.vbox.set_size_request(200, -1)
self.shell.add_widget (self.vbox, RB.ShellUILocation.RIGHT_SIDEBAR, True, True)