/usr/share/games/gearhead/GameData/phrases.txt is in gearhead-data 1.100-2ubuntu1.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 | %%% phrases for random conversation generator - %N = Noun, %A = Adjective %%% Is this color the vice of the bland fashion?
Is this %n the %n of the %a %n?
Anyone %a can be %a.
Anything %a must be %a.
Goodbye %n, you were %a.
You are so %a, I'll bet that you're never %a.
The %n has been %a lately, don't you think?
There's been a lot of talk about %n but I don't think it's as %a as they say.
What do you think about %n?
I'd like to try something %a tonight.
Do you prefer your %n %a or %a?
Have you ever seen a %a %n? All the ones I've seen are %a.
Sometimes I feel very %a.
What kind of %n do you like?
I want to learn all I can about %n, it'll be very %a in the future.
Are you as %a as you look?
I think this %n is %a.
I think every %n is %a.
Do you think I'm %a?
Have you heard about %a %n?
I sometimes wish every %n could be %a.
Most of the time, %n is %a.
Hear any %a news lately?
Don't be %a. Let's be %a!
There was an article about %n in the paper this morning.
Did you see the %a %n on TV this morning?
All your %n are %a to us.
Not every %n is %a; some are %a.
That's the difference between %n and %n... one is %a while the other is %a.
That's the similarity between %n and %n... they're both %a.
You know, %n is like %n.
I'm a real %a fan of %n.
I'm a big fan of %a %n.
A %a %n is like %n... you know, it's %a.
All the %a %n are %a.
Any %a person can see that %n is %a.
I was much more %a when I was %a.
A %a %n is no substitute for a %a %n.
A %a %n is as %a as a %a %n, as long as it's %a.
The %a %n is %a if you're %a.
Looking for %n? Try the %a %n.
My %n is %a.
No %n has ever been more %a than %n.
You don't have to be %a to get %a.
Try to be %a when you're %a.
We'll be %a when the %n is %a.
You wouldn't know a %a %n if it slapped you in the face.
All things can be %a.
Every %n can be %a.
Your %n has %a, %a, and it had %n with that %n.
I'm a %a %n with nothing but %n!
I'm very %a! I won't forget the %n.
You are %a of course, but their %n is worse than that.
There's %n in my %n for every %n.
Is that a %n in your %n or are you just %a today?
There's no %n for the %a %n.
Do you think we can find %a %n in the %n?
I think %n's looking out for %n.
The %n is a %n.
It's like a %n out there.
But if %n can be built according to your %n, that would be %a.
Just leave this %n to me!
It's good to know your %n is a %n.
What did you say? You can't be %a!
But what about the %a %n? Oh, never mind.
It must be %a to have your own %n.
The %n used to be more %a than it is now.
Everyone says that the %n is famous for being %a.
If ever you are %a, put a %n in your %n.
Tell me about the %a %n.
Do you know much about the %n? I thought it was %a.
There are two kinds of %n in this world- the %a ones and the %a ones.
What's your %a %n like?
Sometimes you aren't %a enough.
At times you're too %a, in my opinion.
I wish I could be more %a.
I think I'm too %a.
When I was %a I used to think about %a %n all the time.
For every %a %n there must be a %a %n.
Before the %n can be %a, first the %n must be %a.
Is there any %n in the %n?
Is the %a %n part of the %n?
In my opinion, %a %n isn't %a.
I believe in the %n.
Do you have a %n?
What %n is the %n in your %n?
I believe the %n is very %a.
The %a %n is going to be %n.
That %a %a %n is far too %a to be %a. Seriously.
If your %n was meant to be %a, it would've been a %n instead.
There's a %n in my %n.
Behind every %a %n is a %a %n.
Is it getting %a in here?
Your %n is %a.
That's a %a %n that you have there.
I know what you think about %n, but in my opinion it's %a.
Really? I have a %a %n too!
It's easy to tell that my %n is %a.
It's obvious that your %n is %a.
What did you expect? You already knew that the %n was %a.
Could you possibly be any more %a?
I should let you know that the %n is %a.
There's no such thing as a %a %n.
That's a %a %n if ever I saw one.
In my opinion, this %n is slightly %a.
In my %a opinion, the %n is %a.
In my %a %n there would be no %n.
What good is a %a %n to a %a %a %n?
If the %n is both %a and %a, why have a %n?
I heard that when the %n was %a a lot of the %n became %a.
Someone said that you were a real %a %n.
There's a rumor going around that his %n is %a.
Wait a minute! How did I become the %a %n?
Hold your %n there, what are you talking about?
Do you love %n too? At least, in a %a way.
A %n by any other %n would still smell as %a.
Take your %n off my %n.
Please move your %a %n to my %n.
Is your %n more %a than my %n?
Every %a %n needs a %n to make it %a.
The %n is my %n.
What was that again? About your %a %n?
Could you repeat what you just said about my %n?
Alright, what I meant to say was that your %n is %a.
Do you need to know my %a %a %n?
You can't be serious! That %n is very %a.
Put that %n in your %n... It's far too %a for my %n.
Where's a %a %n when you need one?
You know what they say. All the %a ones are either %a or %a.
I should let you know that this %n is extremely %a.
If it's %a, it could very well be the %n.
Touch the %a %n.
Don't be afraid of the %a %n.
Seize the %n.
Be as %a as you want. It's no %n to me.
Everyone says to grab the %n, but I think that's %a.
What %n have you seen lately?
What %n has been %a lately?
It's getting %a %a around here. Must be the %n.
My %n is getting %a.
The %n is becoming %a.
You need a %n for your %n.
The %a %n really should have a %n.
Why be %a? That's just %a.
Want to be %a? It looks %a!
This %a %n is %a, my %n is %a with the %n.
If it looks like a %n, it's probably a %n.
If the %n is %a, wear it.
If the %n is %a, shake it until it's %a.
Touch my %n.
This town is famous for its %a %n.
Are you looking for some %a %n?
I want a bit of %a %n.
I'm going to put your %n in a %a %n.
It's kind of %a, but mostly just %a.
Every %n in the %n is %a.
In summary, it's %a, %a, and %a.
Is my %n too %a?
Do you think your %n is too %a?
Is your %a %n too %a?
It's a %a state of %n when the %n gets %a from the %n.
That's the way it is. The %a get %a and the %a get %a.
In the %n of this %n, any %n can be %a.
Does your %n look %a?
It's a %n of some kind.
Make the %n %a or there'll be a %n in the %n.
It's a %a sort of %n, I think.
I said, put that %a %n in the %n.
You're %a if you think that the %n is a %n.
It's as %a as a %n.
That's my %n, just as %a as a %a %n.
Is that %a enough? Try the %n instead.
It's a %a %n that doesn't have a %n.
Are you %a with the %a %n?
Do I look %a with this %a %n?
Does it seem %a when the %n is %a?
I always feel %a on %a days.
The %a %n is %a every %a day.
This %n goes by in a %a %n.
Oh, %n. It looks too %a to be %a.
How much %n would it take to become %a?
My %n is full of %a %n.
I told him, "if you touch my %n one more time, I'm going to %t!"
It's a %a %n with some %n out there.
That %n has extra %a on the %n.
If you say my %n is %a I might have to %t.
She's a %a %n with extra %a.
When the %n gets %a, it really goes %a.
Do you want your %a %n to be extra %a?
Play it %a on the %n.
I'll %t if your %n is %a.
Get your %a %n out of my %n or I'll %t.
How %a is your %n?
Her %n is %a, but mine is more %a.
His %n is more %a than my %n.
My doctor said I need more %a %n in my %n.
According to the %n, it's %a to be %a.
I need a seven letter word for a %a %n.
It's a thin line between %a and %a.
There's a %a %n between %a and %a.
That %a %n is really %a.
Forget the %n; that's %a. Now is the time for %a %n!
This %a %a %n makes me %a.
It's no %n being %a when all the %n are %a %a.
Use your %n on the %n and %n should be %a.
I know the %n is %a, but is it %a?
I could %t or %t if I were a %a %n.
Over the %n is the %n for being %a.
The %a %a %n jumped over the %a %n.
Is your %n at one hundred percent?
It's %a that you think so, considering the %a %n.
It's %a in the %n but %a in the %a %n.
Run through the %n with a %a %n.
On a %a %n I want to see the %n.
Give the %a %n a try.
Give the %a %n some %n.
When in %n act %a.
Remember, it's not %a unless it's a %a %n.
You may have heard that the %n is the most %a %n around here.
If it's %a it might as well be a %a %n too.
I heard there's a %a %n in the %n.
It sounds %a! I want to see the %n.
I should tell you that the %n is %a.
Her %n of %n was really %a.
If you're %a and you know it bang your %n.
I'm reading a book about %n. It's a little %a but mostly %a.
You can buy anything on internet these days. I want to get a %a %n.
How much %n would a %a %n chuck?
He'll never get a %n if he stays %a like that.
She's trying to act %a, but we all know that she's actually %a.
He got a %a %n last year and now he thinks he's %a.
I'm %a! That %n is %a!
Her boyfriend left the %a %n for the %n. Now they're both %a.
It's a %a %a %n out there.
It's not very %a. It could be more %a if the %n were here.
His uncle died and left them a %a %n. Does that make any sense?
He said that you were %a, but you aren't.
She said you were %a, but I told her you weren't.
No, I'm not really a %a %n. I just like being %a.
To be %a is to be one with the %n.
There was a contest once to find the most %a %n.
The %n will be %a if they try that again.
Someone has set us up the %n!
Yes, it's a real %n. Why, does it look %a?
His %a %n is %a.
Her %a %a %n is a %a %n.
Our %n should be %a and %a.
Their %n will be %a and %a.
Open the %n and make %n for the %a %n.
This %n could use a bit of %a %n.
It's not %a enough. Give me a %n instead.
I used to study %n, but now I play %a %n.
I think the %n is very %a.
My %a friend told me that the %n is %a.
Be %a if you must.
Word around here is that the %n is %a.
I often hear that his %n is %a.
I sometimes hear that her %a %n used to be %a.
I usually hear that it's %a.
It's already %a. I tried the %n to be %a.
That depends on whether you're a %a %n or a %a %a %n.
That depends on the %n.
It's a %a question as to which %n to choose.
People say he has a %a %n.
People say she's a %a %n.
How much %n can they fit in the %a %n?
It's %a when you're %a.
I don't believe in %a %n.
Everyone on TV has a %a %n but I just want a %n.