/usr/share/perl5/LaTeXML/Post/LaTeXImages.pm is in latexml 0.7.0-1.
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# | LaTeXML::Post::LaTeXImages | #
# | Abstract Postprocessor to create images from LaTeX code | #
# |=====================================================================| #
# | Part of LaTeXML: | #
# | Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the | #
# | United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US. | #
# |---------------------------------------------------------------------| #
# | Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov> #_# | #
# | http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/ (o o) | #
# \=========================================================ooo==U==ooo=/ #
package LaTeXML::Post::LaTeXImages;
use strict;
use DB_File;
use Image::Magick;
use LaTeXML::Util::Pathname;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use File::Path;
use base qw(LaTeXML::Post);
# Other silly constants that might want changing?
##our $TMP = '/tmp';
our $LATEXCMD='latex'; #(or elatex)
# Usefull DVIPS options:
# -q : run quietly
# -x# : magnification * 1000
# -S1 -i : make a separate file for each `section' consisting of a single page.
# QUESTION: dvips' naming scheme allows for 999 pages... what happens at 1000?
# -E : crop each page close to the `ink'.
# -j0 : don't subset fonts; silly really, but some font tests are making problems!
our $DVIPSCMD='dvips -q -S1 -i -E -j0';
# Options:
# source : (dir)
# magnification : typically something like 1.5 or 1.75
# maxwidth : maximum page width, in pixels (whenever line breaking is possible)
# dpi : assumed DPI for the target medium (default 90)
# background : color of background (for anti-aliasing, since it is made transparent)
# imagetype : typically 'png' or 'gif'.
sub new {
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%options);
$$self{magnification} = $options{magnification} || 1.75;
$$self{maxwidth} = $options{maxwidth} || 800;
$$self{dpi} = $options{dpi} || 90;
$$self{background} = $options{background} || "#FFFFFF";
$$self{imagetype} = $options{imagetype} || 'png';
$self; }
# Methods that must be defined;
# $self->findTeXNodes($doc) => @nodes;
sub findTeXNodes { (); }
# $self->extractTeX($doc,$node)=>$texstring;
sub extractTeX { ""; }
# $self->format_tex($texstring)
sub format_tex { ""; }
# $self->setTeXImage($doc,$node,$imagepath,$width,$height);
# This is the default
sub setTeXImage {
$node->setAttribute('imageheight',$height); }
# Generating & Processing the LaTeX source.
# Need the destination directory AND (optionally?) a subdir for the images.
# both are only used here.
# Alternatively, a dest for doc & dest for images ?
# What we really need to know is:
# (1) where to write the images.
# (2) relative path from doc to images.
sub process {
my $jobname = "ltxmlimg";
my %table=();
# === Get the desired nodes, extract the set of unique tex strings,
# noting which need processing.
# Note that if desiredResourcePathname is implemented, we might get
# several desired names for the same chunk of tex!!!
foreach my $node ($self->findTeXNodes($doc)){
my $tex = $self->extractTeX($doc,$node);
next if !(defined $tex) or ($tex =~/^\s*$/);
my $reldest = $self->desiredResourcePathname($doc,$node,undef,$$self{imagetype});
my $key = (ref $self).":".$tex . ($reldest ? ":$reldest" : '');
my $entry = $table{$key};
$entry = $table{$key} = {tex=>$tex, key=>$key, nodes=>[], reldest=>$reldest}; }
push(@{$$entry{nodes}},$node); }
return $doc unless $nuniq; # No strings to process!
# === Check which objects still need processing.
my $destdir = $doc->getDestinationDirectory;
my @pending=();
foreach my $entry (values %table){
my $store = $doc->cacheLookup($$entry{key});
if($store && ($store =~ /^(.*);(\d+);(\d+)$/)){
next if -f pathname_concat($destdir,$1); }
push(@pending,$entry); }
$self->Progress($doc,"Found $nuniq unique tex strings (of $ntotal); "
.scalar(@pending)." to generate");
if(@pending){ # if any images need processing
## my $workdir=pathname_concat($TMP,"LaTeXML$$");
## pathname_mkdir($workdir) or
## return $self->Error($doc,"Couldn't create LaTeXImages working dir $workdir: $!");
my $workdir=tempdir("LaTeXMLXXXXXX", CLEANUP=>0);
my $preserve_tmpdir = 0;
# === Generate the LaTeX file.
my $texfile = pathname_make(dir=>$workdir,name=>$jobname,type=>'tex');
open(TEX,">$texfile") or return $self->Error($doc,"Cant write to $texfile: $!");
print TEX $self->pre_preamble($doc);
print TEX "\\makeatletter\n";
print TEX $self->preamble($doc)."\n";
print TEX "\\makeatother\n";
print TEX "\\begin{document}\n";
foreach my $entry (@pending){
## print TEX "\\fbox{$$entry{tex}}\\clearpage\n"; }
print TEX "$$entry{tex}\\clearpage\n"; }
print TEX "\\end{document}\n";
# === Run LaTeX on the file.
my $texinputs = ".:".join(':',$doc->getSearchPaths) .":".($ENV{TEXINPUTS} ||'');
my $command = "cd $workdir ; TEXINPUTS=$texinputs $LATEXCMD $jobname > $jobname.output";
my $err = system($command);
# Sometimes latex returns non-zero code, even though it apparently succeeded.
if($err != 0){
$preserve_tmpdir = 1;
$self->Warn($doc,"latex ($command) returned code $err (!= 0) for image generation: $@\n See $workdir/$jobname.log"); }
if(! -f "$workdir/$jobname.dvi"){
$preserve_tmpdir = 1;
return $self->Error($doc,"LaTeX ($command) somehow failed: See $workdir/$jobname.log"); }
# === Run dvips to extract individual postscript files.
my $mag = int($$self{magnification}*1000);
system("cd $workdir ; TEXINPUTS=$texinputs $DVIPSCMD -x$mag -o imgx $jobname.dvi") == 0
or return $self->Error($doc,"Couldn't execute dvips (see $workdir for clues): $!");
# === Convert each image to appropriate type and put in place.
my ($index,$ndigits)= (0,1+int(log( $doc->cacheLookup((ref $self).':_max_image_')||1)/log(10)));
foreach my $entry (@pending){
my $src = "$workdir/imgx".sprintf("%03d",++$index);
if(-f $src){
my $reldest = $$entry{reldest}
|| $self->generateResourcePathname($doc,$$entry{nodes}[0],undef,$$self{imagetype});
my $dest = $doc->checkDestination($reldest);
my($w,$h) = $self->convert_image($doc,$src,$dest);
$doc->cacheStore($$entry{key},"$reldest;$w;$h"); }
else {
$self->Warn($doc,"Missing image $src; See $workdir/$jobname.log"); }}
# Cleanup
## (system("rm -rf $workdir")==0) or
## warn "Couldn't cleanup LaTeXImages workingdirectory $workdir: $!";
rmtree($workdir) unless $preserve_tmpdir;
# Finally, modify the original document to record the associated images.
foreach my $entry (values %table){
next unless $doc->cacheLookup($$entry{key}) =~ /^(.*);(\d+);(\d+)$/;
foreach my $node (@{$$entry{nodes}}){
$self->setTeXImage($doc,$node,$image,$width,$height); }}
$doc->closeCache; # If opened.
# Get a list blah, blah...
sub find_documentclass_and_packages {
my ($class,$classoptions,$oldstyle,@packages);
foreach my $pi ($doc->findnodes(".//processing-instruction('latexml')")){
my $data = $pi->textContent;
my $entry={};
while($data=~ s/\s*([\w\-\_]*)=([\"\'])(.*?)\2//){
$$entry{$1}=$3; }
$oldstyle=$$entry{oldstyle}; }
push(@packages,[$$entry{package},$$entry{options}||'']); }
$self->Warn($doc,"No document class found; using article");
$class = 'article'; }
([$class,$classoptions,$oldstyle],@packages); }
# Generating & Processing the LaTeX source.
sub pre_preamble {
my @classdata = $self->find_documentclass_and_packages($doc);
my ($class,$options,$oldstyle) = @{shift(@classdata)};
$options = "[$options]" if $options && ($options !~ /^\[.*\]$/);
$options = '' unless defined $options;
my $documentcommand = ($oldstyle ? "\\documentstyle" : "\\documentclass");
my $packages='';
my $dest = $doc->getDestination;
my $description = ($dest ? "% Destination $dest" : "");
foreach my $pkgdata (@classdata){
$options = "[$options]" if $options && ($options !~ /^\[.*\]$/);
$packages .= "\\usepackage$options\{$package\}\n"; }
my $w = int(($$self{maxwidth}/$$self{dpi})*72/$$self{magnification}); # Page Width in points.
return <<EOPreamble;
% Extra definitions for LaTeXML generated TeX
\\def\\\@DUAL[#1]#2#3{#3}% Use presentation form!!!
# Converting the postscript images to gif.
sub convert_image {
my $image = Image::Magick->new(antialias=>'True', background=>$$self{background});
my $ncolors=16;
my $err = $image->Read($src);
warn "Image conversion failed to read $src: $err"; return; }
# Quantizing PNG's messes up transparency!
# And it doesn't really seem to reduce the image size much anyway.
# $image->Quantize(colors=>$ncolors); # Don't really need much for straight BW text (even aa'd)
my ($w,$h) = $image->Get('width','height');
$self->ProgressDetailed($doc,"Converting $src => $dest ($w x $h)");
($w,$h); }