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<div class="title">Simulation of a Multicode CDMA system on an AWGN channel </div> </div>
<div class="contents">
<div class="textblock"><p>In this example we will introduce the multi-code spreading class <code>Multicode_Spread_2d</code>. This is the most general spreading class availiable in it++. Different spreading codes may be assigned to the I and Q branches. The number of multiple spreading codes and the spreading factor is determined by the number of rows and collumns respectively that is used when calling the member function set_codes. In this example we will use four Hadamard sequenced of length four, and the same spreading sequences will be used for the I and Q brances.</p>
<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment"><span class="preprocessor">#include <<a class="code" href="itcomm_8h.html" title="Include file for the IT++ communications module.">itpp/itcomm.h</a>></span>
<span class="keyword">using namespace </span>itpp;
<span class="comment">//These lines are needed for use of cout and endl</span>
<span class="keyword">using</span> std::cout;
<span class="keyword">using</span> std::endl;
<span class="keywordtype">int</span> main()
<span class="comment">//Scalars:</span>
<span class="keywordtype">int</span> SF, Ncode, sc, i, j, NumOfBits, MaxIterations, MaxNrOfErrors, MinNrOfErrors;
<span class="keywordtype">double</span> Eb;
<span class="comment">//Vectors and matrixes:</span>
vec EbN0dB, EbN0, N0, ber;
smat all_codes, spread_codesI, spread_codesQ;
bvec transmited_bits, received_bits;
cvec transmited_symbols, received_symbols, transmited_chips, received_chips;
<span class="comment">//Classes:</span>
<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1Multicode__Spread__2d.html" title="Multicode spreading of complex symbols to complex output.">Multicode_Spread_2d</a> mc_spread;
<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1AWGN__Channel.html" title="Ordinary AWGN Channel for cvec or vec inputs and outputs.">AWGN_Channel</a> channel;
<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1QPSK.html" title="QPSK modulator.">QPSK</a> qpsk;
<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1BERC.html" title="Bit Error Rate Counter (BERC) Class.">BERC</a> berc;
<span class="comment">//Initialize the spreading:</span>
SF = 4; <span class="comment">//The spreading factor is 4</span>
Ncode = 4; <span class="comment">//Use all four codes in the multi-code spreader</span>
all_codes = <a class="code" href="group__convertfunc.html#gaf713af60052f77c79cdb145311341e99" title="Converts a Mat<T> to smat.">to_smat</a>(<a class="code" href="group__specmat.html#ga10afe3456dd34b57639dee69e8f7d06f" title="Hadamard matrix.">hadamard</a>(SF)); <span class="comment">//Calculate the spreading codes</span>
<span class="comment">//Set the spreading codes:</span>
spread_codesI.set_size(Ncode, SF, <span class="keyword">false</span>);
spread_codesQ.set_size(Ncode, SF, <span class="keyword">false</span>);
<span class="keywordflow">for</span> (sc = 0; sc < Ncode; sc++) {
spread_codesI.set_row(sc, all_codes.get_row(sc));
spread_codesQ.set_row(sc, all_codes.get_row(sc));
mc_spread.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1Multicode__Spread__2d.html#aa77a0c16beadaa6e31824140a15bebce" title="Set the spreading codes.">set_codes</a>(<a class="code" href="group__convertfunc.html#ga7d8813d98735a505d262763fa149dd2d" title="Converts a Mat<T> to mat.">to_mat</a>(spread_codesI), <a class="code" href="group__convertfunc.html#ga7d8813d98735a505d262763fa149dd2d" title="Converts a Mat<T> to mat.">to_mat</a>(spread_codesQ));
<span class="comment">//Specify simulation specific variables:</span>
EbN0dB = <a class="code" href="group__specmat.html#gae5632baa525e231b015f3d45f3503cac" title="Linspace (works in the same way as the matlab version)">linspace</a>(-2, 14, 17);
EbN0 = <a class="code" href="group__logexpfunc.html#ga0c42d158b1f623f9b72c1ccde7e2fd09" title="Calculates x to the power of y (x^y)">pow</a>(10, EbN0dB / 10);
Eb = 1.0;
N0 = Eb * <a class="code" href="group__logexpfunc.html#ga0c42d158b1f623f9b72c1ccde7e2fd09" title="Calculates x to the power of y (x^y)">pow</a>(EbN0, -1.0);
NumOfBits = 50000;
MaxIterations = 10;
MaxNrOfErrors = 200;
MinNrOfErrors = 5;
ber.set_size(EbN0dB.size(), <span class="keyword">false</span>);
<span class="comment">//Randomize the random number generators:</span>
<a class="code" href="group__randgen.html#gadf5dd6e879881b651896c213e6efd3ba" title="Set a random seed for the Global Random Number Generator.">RNG_randomize</a>();
<span class="keywordflow">for</span> (i = 0; i < EbN0dB.length(); i++) {
cout << endl << <span class="stringliteral">"Simulating point nr "</span> << i + 1 << endl;
berc.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1BERC.html#a3b575cfbe8dd194c2cd51a6aa52651e5" title="Clears the bit error counter.">clear</a>();
channel.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1AWGN__Channel.html#aedf43a1a192a6c474ef915c297e9fcbb" title="Set noise variance (for complex-valued channels the sum of real and imaginary parts)">set_noise</a>(N0(i) / 2.0);
<span class="keywordflow">for</span> (j = 0; j < MaxIterations; j++) {
transmited_bits = <a class="code" href="group__randgen.html#ga5aa06887cf1fd3301b040987924068f0" title="Generates a random bit (equally likely 0s and 1s)">randb</a>(NumOfBits);
transmited_symbols = qpsk.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1Modulator.html#a53826bf7e0ec83b99592235b0c2f6235" title="Modulation of bits.">modulate_bits</a>(transmited_bits);
<span class="comment">//This is where we do the multi-code spreading:</span>
transmited_chips = mc_spread.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1Multicode__Spread__2d.html#a17bb74ea4c88fe0ffd565b9020dede28" title="Spreading of signal.">spread</a>(transmited_symbols);
received_chips = channel(transmited_chips);
<span class="comment">//The multi-code despreading:</span>
<span class="comment">//The second argument tells the despreader that the offset is zero chips.</span>
<span class="comment">//This offset is usefull on channels with delay.</span>
received_symbols = mc_spread.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1Multicode__Spread__2d.html#ad191b52b55d0306fd7e591a299b4d94d" title="Despreading of signal. timing is the start position of the first symbol, given in number of samples...">despread</a>(received_chips, 0);
received_bits = qpsk.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1PSK.html#aa3b14b2e7174454ddd1270915161bb4e" title="Hard demodulation of bits.">demodulate_bits</a>(received_symbols);
berc.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1BERC.html#a539b0c989badff3027d97e4693fc9cd7" title="Cumulative error counter.">count</a>(transmited_bits, received_bits);
ber(i) = berc.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1BERC.html#af17d5f534ba34558d3632a98f29f0519" title="Returns the estimated bit error rate.">get_errorrate</a>();
cout << <span class="stringliteral">" Itteration "</span> << j + 1 << <span class="stringliteral">": ber = "</span> << berc.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1BERC.html#af17d5f534ba34558d3632a98f29f0519" title="Returns the estimated bit error rate.">get_errorrate</a>() << endl;
<span class="keywordflow">if</span> (berc.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1BERC.html#a02e757f28e87003404ad0d4aec1e44a6" title="Returns the counted number of bit errors.">get_errors</a>() > MaxNrOfErrors) {
cout << <span class="stringliteral">"Breaking on point "</span> << i + 1 << <span class="stringliteral">" with "</span> << berc.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1BERC.html#a02e757f28e87003404ad0d4aec1e44a6" title="Returns the counted number of bit errors.">get_errors</a>() << <span class="stringliteral">" errors."</span> << endl;
<span class="keywordflow">break</span>;
<span class="keywordflow">if</span> (berc.<a class="code" href="classitpp_1_1BERC.html#a02e757f28e87003404ad0d4aec1e44a6" title="Returns the counted number of bit errors.">get_errors</a>() < MinNrOfErrors) {
cout << <span class="stringliteral">"Exiting Simulation on point "</span> << i + 1 << endl;
<span class="keywordflow">break</span>;
<span class="comment">//Print results:</span>
cout << endl;
cout << <span class="stringliteral">"EbN0dB = "</span> << EbN0dB << endl;
cout << <span class="stringliteral">"ber = "</span> << ber << endl;
<span class="comment">//Exit program:</span>
<span class="keywordflow">return</span> 0;
</pre></div><p>A typical run of this program will look like this:</p>
<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">
Simulating point nr 1
Itteration 1: ber = 0.13016
Breaking on point 1 with 6508 errors.
Simulating point nr 2
Itteration 1: ber = 0.103
Breaking on point 2 with 5150 errors.
Simulating point nr 3
Itteration 1: ber = 0.07886
Breaking on point 3 with 3943 errors.
Simulating point nr 4
Itteration 1: ber = 0.05534
Breaking on point 4 with 2767 errors.
Simulating point nr 5
Itteration 1: ber = 0.03822
Breaking on point 5 with 1911 errors.
Simulating point nr 6
Itteration 1: ber = 0.02388
Breaking on point 6 with 1194 errors.
Simulating point nr 7
Itteration 1: ber = 0.01316
Breaking on point 7 with 658 errors.
Simulating point nr 8
Itteration 1: ber = 0.00586
Breaking on point 8 with 293 errors.
Simulating point nr 9
Itteration 1: ber = 0.0027
Itteration 2: ber = 0.00247
Breaking on point 9 with 247 errors.
Simulating point nr 10
Itteration 1: ber = 0.00094
Itteration 2: ber = 0.00086
Itteration 3: ber = 0.00076
Itteration 4: ber = 0.00077
Itteration 5: ber = 0.0008
Itteration 6: ber = 0.000796667
Breaking on point 10 with 239 errors.
Simulating point nr 11
Itteration 1: ber = 0.00016
Itteration 2: ber = 0.00016
Itteration 3: ber = 0.000186667
Itteration 4: ber = 0.000175
Itteration 5: ber = 0.000172
Itteration 6: ber = 0.000173333
Itteration 7: ber = 0.000162857
Itteration 8: ber = 0.00017
Itteration 9: ber = 0.000166667
Itteration 10: ber = 0.000172
Simulating point nr 12
Itteration 1: ber = 4e-05
Itteration 2: ber = 2e-05
Itteration 3: ber = 2.66667e-05
Itteration 4: ber = 2.5e-05
Itteration 5: ber = 2e-05
Itteration 6: ber = 2e-05
Itteration 7: ber = 3.14286e-05
Itteration 8: ber = 2.75e-05
Itteration 9: ber = 2.44444e-05
Itteration 10: ber = 2.6e-05
Simulating point nr 13
Itteration 1: ber = 0
Itteration 2: ber = 0
Itteration 3: ber = 0
Itteration 4: ber = 0
Itteration 5: ber = 0
Itteration 6: ber = 0
Itteration 7: ber = 0
Itteration 8: ber = 2.5e-06
Itteration 9: ber = 2.22222e-06
Itteration 10: ber = 2e-06
Exiting Simulation on point 13
EbN0dB = [-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14]
ber = [0.13016 0.103 0.07886 0.05534 0.03822 0.02388 0.01316 0.00586 0.00247 0.000796667 0.000172 2.6e-05 2e-06 0 0 0 0]
</pre></div><p>Use copy-and-paste to insert the variables <code>EbN0dB</code> and <code>ber</code> into Matlab and plot the result. </p>
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