/usr/share/perl5/Jifty/LetMe.pm is in libjifty-perl 1.10518+dfsg-1ubuntu2.
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use strict;
package Jifty::LetMe;
use Digest::MD5 ();
use Math::BigInt::Calc;
use String::Koremutake ();
use base qw/Jifty::Object Class::Accessor::Fast/;
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors ( qw/checksum_provided email path args until user/);
=head1 NAME
Jifty::LetMe - A way to expose single-link URLs to your applications
=head2 new
Create a new "LetMe" authentication object; it takes no parameters.
It calls L</_init> to do any initialization.
A LetMe is a way to provide a one-time-use URL for a particular purpose.
All LetMe objects give you a way to validate a user's identity and to
allow them a very small set of possible actions or page-access permissions.
For example, you can put a LetMe URL in an email to a new user,
so that when they click on the URL you know that their email address
is valid.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
=head2 _init @_
Called with whatever L</new> was called with. By default, does nothing.
sub _init { return shift }
=head2 user
Contains an app-specific "user" object.
=head2 validated_current_user
If the user has presented a valid token, returns an (app-specific
subclass of the) L<Jifty::CurrentUser> object for the user who has the
email address in $self->email. If no user has that email address,
returns undef.
sub validated_current_user {
my $self = shift;
return undef unless ( $self->validate );
my $currentuser = Jifty->app_class("CurrentUser");
return Jifty->app_class('CurrentUser')->new( email => $self->email );
=head2 _user_from_email ADDRESS
Returns an (app-specific subclass of the) L<Jifty::CurrentUser> object
for the user who has the email address I<ADDRESS>.
sub _user_from_email {
my $self = shift;
my $email = shift;
my $currentuser_object_class = Jifty->app_class("CurrentUser");
my $u = $currentuser_object_class->new( email => $email )->user_object;
# we want to be able to get at their auth token.
$u->current_user( $currentuser_object_class->superuser );
return $u;
sub _generate_digest {
my $self = shift;
# get user's generic secret
my $user;
return '' unless ( $user = $self->user || $self->_user_from_email($self->email) );
return '' unless ($user->auth_token);
# build an md5sum of the email token and until and our secret
my $digest = Digest::MD5->new();
$digest->add( $user->auth_token );
$digest->add( $self->path );
my %args = %{$self->args};
$digest->add( Encode::encode_utf8($_), Encode::encode_utf8($args{$_})) for sort keys %args;
$digest->add( $self->until ) if ($self->until);
return $digest->hexdigest();
=head2 generate_checksum
Returns an authentication checksum for the current combination of:
sub generate_checksum {
my $self = shift;
return substr( $self->_generate_digest, 0, 16 );
=head2 generate_koremutake_checksum
Generate a slightly more pronounceable version of the checksum using
L<String::Koremutake>. Due to hex -> integer limitations, this is
imprecise and may vary depending on the platform it is used on; as
such, it is deprecated.
sub generate_koremutake_checksum {
my $self = shift;
# Only take the first 16 characters. We're really just trying to
# get something reasonably short, memorable and unguessable. Also,
# don't use Math::BigInt->new directly for simple computation,
# because it insists exporting overload to us, which makes
# devel::cover and devel::dprof very sad. This is deprecated in
# favor of generate_checksum, which returns a straight hex digest.
my $integer_digest = Math::BigInt::Calc->_str(
substr( $self->_generate_digest, 0, 16 )
# koremutake it. This loses precision, since most perls can't
# deal with 64 bits with precision. Thus, $integer_digest ends up
# being rounded, possibly in unpredicatable ways.
my $k = String::Koremutake->new;
return( $k->integer_to_koremutake($integer_digest));
=head2 from_token PATH
Parse a string of the form
email => mylongusername@example.com,
path => 'update_task/23'
until => 20050101,
checksum_provided => bekidrikufryvagygefuba
sub from_token {
my $self = shift;
my $token = shift;
my @atoms = split('/',$token);
$self->email( Jifty::I18N->maybe_decode_utf8(URI::Escape::uri_unescape( shift @atoms )) );
$self->path( shift @atoms );
$self->checksum_provided( pop @atoms );
# If they don't even have the right number of items in the path, then we know that it's not valid
return undef unless (scalar @atoms % 2 == 0);
my %args = map { Jifty::I18N->maybe_decode_utf8(URI::Escape::uri_unescape($_)) } @atoms;
$self->until( delete $args{until} ) if $args{until};
=head2 as_token
Returns the "letme" token for this set of credentials. This should round
trip cleanly with from_token
sub as_token {
my $self = shift;
$self->_generate_token( email => $self->email );
=head2 as_encoded_token
A variant of as_token that encodes the user's email address suitably
for passing in a URL
sub as_encoded_token {
my $self = shift;
$self->_generate_token( email => URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8($self->email) );
sub _generate_token {
my $self = shift;
my %args = (email => undef, @_);
return join ('/',
(map {URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8($_)} %{$self->args}),
(defined $self->until ? ( 'until', $self->until ) : () ), #?
=head2 as_url
Returns the fully qualified URL for this LetMe. It's composed of
Jifty->web->url, L</base_path> and L</as_encoded_token>
sub as_url {
my $self = shift;
return Jifty->web->url(path => $self->base_path . $self->as_encoded_token);
=head2 base_path
By default, all "LetMe" actions live at URLs under '/let' inside your
application. Override this subroutine to change that.
By default, it returns '/let/'
sub base_path {
return '/let/';
=head2 validate
Returns true if the credentials the user presented validate OK.
Returns false otherwise.
sub validate {
my $self = shift;
# email must exist
unless ($self->_user_from_email($self->email)) {
$self->log->debug("Token validation failed - Invalid user");
return undef;
unless ($self->path) {
$self->log->debug("Token validation failed - Invalid path");
return undef;
unless ($self->checksum_provided) {
$self->log->debug("Token validation failed - Checksum not provided");
return undef;
unless ($self->_correct_checksum_provided) {
$self->log->debug("Token validation failed - Checksum not correct");
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 _correct_checksum_provided
Returns true if the checksum the user provided is correct. Doesn't
actually do much input checking. You want to call "validate"
sub _correct_checksum_provided {
my $self = shift;
$self->log->debug("LetMe checksum: ".$self->checksum_provided . " vs ". $self->generate_checksum );
return undef
unless ( $self->checksum_provided eq $self->generate_checksum )
( $self->checksum_provided eq $self->generate_koremutake_checksum );
return 1;