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use strict;
package Jifty::Notification;
use base qw/Jifty::Object Class::Accessor::Fast/;
use Email::Send ();
use Email::MIME::CreateHTML;
qw/body html_body preface footer subject from _recipients _to_list to cc bcc/);
=head1 NAME
Jifty::Notification - Send emails from Jifty
=head1 USAGE
It is recommended that you subclass L<Jifty::Notification> and
override C<body>, C<html_body>, C<subject>, C<recipients>, and C<from>
for each message. (You may want a base class to provide C<from>,
C<preface> and C<footer> for example.) This lets you keep all of your
notifications in the same place.
However, if you really want to make a notification type in code
without subclassing, you can create a C<Jifty::Notification> and call
the C<set_body>, C<set_subject>, and so on methods on it.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new [KEY1 => VAL1, ...]
Creates a new L<Jifty::Notification>. Any keyword args given are used
to call set accessors of the same name.
Then it calls C<setup>.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
my %args = @_;
# initialize message bits to avoid 'undef' warnings
#for (qw(body preface footer subject)) { $self->$_(''); }
$self->_recipients( [] );
while ( my ( $arg, $value ) = each %args ) {
if ( $self->can($arg) ) {
} else {
( ref $self ) . " called with invalid argument $arg" );
return $self;
=head2 setup
Your subclass should override this to set the various field values.
sub setup { }
=head2 send_one_message
Delivers the notification, using the L<Email::Send> mailer defined in
the C<Mailer> and C<MailerArgs> configuration arguments. Returns true
if mail was actually sent. Note errors are not the only cause of mail
not being sent -- for example, the recipients list could be empty.
If you wish to send HTML mail, set C<html_body>. If this is not set
(for backwards compatibility) a plain-text email is sent. If
C<html_body> and C<body> are both set, a multipart mail is sent. See
L<Email::MIME::CreateHTML> for how this is done.
Be aware that if you haven't set C<recipients>, this will fail
silently and return without doing anything useful.
sub send_one_message {
my $self = shift;
my @recipients = $self->recipients;
my $to = join( ', ',
map { ( ref $_ && $_->can('email') ? $_->email : $_ ) } grep {$_} @recipients );
$self->log->debug("Sending a ".ref($self)." to $to");
return unless ($to);
my $message = "";
my $appname = Jifty->config->framework('ApplicationName');
my %attrs = ( charset => 'UTF-8' );
my $from = Encode::encode(
$self->from || _('%1 <%2>' , $appname, Jifty->config->framework('AdminEmail'))
my $subj = Encode::encode(
$self->subject || _("A notification from %1!",$appname )
my $cc = Encode::encode('MIME-Header', $self->cc || '');
my $bcc = Encode::encode('MIME-Header', $self->bcc || '');
if ( defined $self->html_body ) {
# Email::MIME takes _bytes_, not characters, for the "body"
# argument, so we need to encode the full_body into UTF8.
# Modern Email::MIME->create takes a "body_str" argument which
# does the encoding for us, but Email::MIME::CreateHTML
# doesn't grok it. See also L</parts> for the other location
# which does the encode.
$message = Email::MIME->create_html(
header => [
From => $from,
To => $to,
Cc => $cc,
Bcc => $bcc,
Subject => $subj,
attributes => \%attrs,
text_body_attributes => \%attrs,
body_attributes => \%attrs,
text_body => Encode::encode_utf8( $self->full_body ),
body => Encode::encode_utf8( $self->full_html ),
embed => 0,
inline_css => 0,
# Since the containing messsage will still be us-ascii otherwise
$message->charset_set( $attrs{'charset'} );
} else {
$message = Email::MIME->create(
header => [
From => $from,
To => $to,
Cc => $cc,
Bcc => $bcc,
Subject => $subj,
attributes => \%attrs,
parts => $self->parts,
if ( scalar $message->parts == 1 );
my $method = Jifty->config->framework('Mailer');
my $args_ref = Jifty->config->framework('MailerArgs');
$args_ref = [] unless defined $args_ref;
my $sender
= Email::Send->new( { mailer => $method, mailer_args => $args_ref } );
my $ret = $sender->send($message);
unless ($ret) {
$self->log->error("Error sending mail: $ret");
=head2 set_headers MESSAGE
Takes a L<Email::MIME> object C<MESSAGE>, and modifies it as
necessary before sending it out. As the method name implies, this is
usually used to add or modify headers. By default, does nothing; this
method is meant to be overridden.
sub set_headers {}
=head2 body [BODY]
Gets or sets the body of the notification, as a string.
=head2 subject [SUBJECT]
Gets or sets the subject of the notification, as a string.
=head2 from [FROM]
Gets or sets the from address of the notification, as a string.
=head2 recipients [RECIPIENT, ...]
Gets or sets the addresses of the recipients of the notification, as a
list of strings (not a reference).
sub recipients {
my $self = shift;
$self->_recipients( [@_] ) if @_;
return @{ $self->_recipients };
=head2 email_from OBJECT
Returns the email address from the given object. This defaults to
calling an 'email' method on the object. This method will be called
by L</send> to get email addresses (for L</to>) out of the list of
sub email_from {
my $self = shift;
my ($obj) = @_;
if ( $obj->can('email') ) {
return $obj->email;
} else {
die "No 'email' method on " . ref($obj) . "; override 'email_from'";
=head2 to_list [OBJECT, OBJECT...]
Gets or sets the list of objects that the message will be sent to.
Each one is sent a separate copy of the email. If passed no
parameters, returns the objects that have been set. This also
suppresses duplicates.
sub to_list {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my %ids = ();
$ids{ $self->to->id } = undef if $self->to;
$ids{ $_->id } = $_ for @_;
$self->_to_list( [ grep defined, values %ids ] );
return @{ $self->_to_list || [] };
=head2 send
Sends an individual email to every user in L</to_list>; it does this by
setting L</to> and L</recipient> to the first user in L</to_list>
calling L<Jifty::Notification>'s C<send> method, and progressing down
the list.
Additionally, if L</to> was set elsewhere, sends an email to that
person, as well.
sub send {
my $self = shift;
my $currentuser_object_class = Jifty->app_class("CurrentUser");
for my $to ( grep {defined} ($self->to, $self->to_list) ) {
if ($to->can('id')) {
next if $currentuser_object_class->can("nobody")
and $currentuser_object_class->nobody->id
and $to->id == $currentuser_object_class->nobody->id;
next if $to->id == $currentuser_object_class->superuser->id;
=head2 to
Of the list of users that C<to> provided, returns the one which mail
is currently being sent to. This is set by the L</send> method, such
that it is available to all of the methods that
L<Jifty::Notification>'s C<send> method calls.
=head2 preface
Print a header for the message. You want to override this to print a message.
Returns the message as a scalar.
=head2 footer
Print a footer for the message. You want to override this to print a message.
Returns the message as a scalar.
=head2 full_body
The main, plain-text part of the message. This is the preface,
body, and footer joined by newlines.
sub full_body {
my $self = shift;
return join( "\n", grep { defined } $self->preface, $self->body, $self->footer );
=head2 full_html
Same as full_body, but with HTML.
sub full_html {
my $self = shift;
return join( "\n", grep { defined } $self->preface, $self->html_body, $self->footer );
=head2 parts
The parts of the message. You want to override this if you want to
send multi-part mail. By default, this method returns a single
part consisting of the result of calling C<< $self->full_body >>.
Returns the parts as an array reference.
sub parts {
my $self = shift;
# NOTICE: we should keep string in perl string (with utf8 flag)
# rather then encode it into octets. Email::MIME would call Encode::encode in
# its create function.
return [ Email::MIME->create(
attributes => { charset => 'UTF-8' },
body => Encode::encode_utf8( $self->full_body ),
) ];
=head2 magic_letme_token_for PATH
Returns a L<Jifty::LetMe> token which allows the current user to access a path on the
sub magic_letme_token_for {
my $self = shift;
my $path = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $letme = Jifty::LetMe->new();
$letme->email( $self->to->email );
$letme->args( \%args );
return ( $letme->as_url );