/usr/share/pyshared/soaplib/soap.py is in python-soaplib 0.8.1-2build1.
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from soaplib.xml import NamespaceLookup, ElementTree
from soaplib.serializers.primitive import Fault
from soaplib.serializers.binary import Attachment
#python 2.5
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
from email.encoders import encode_7or8bit
#python 2.4
from email.MIMENonMultipart import MIMENonMultipart
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.Encoders import encode_7or8bit
from email import message_from_string
from base64 import b64encode
from StringIO import StringIO
class Message(object):
def __init__(self,name,params,ns=None,typ=None):
self.name = name
self.params = params
if typ == None:
typ = name
self.typ = typ
self.ns = ns
def to_xml(self,*data):
if len(self.params):
if len(data) != len(self.params):
raise Exception("Parameter number mismatch expected [%s] got [%s]"%(len(self.params),len(data)))
nsmap = NamespaceLookup(self.ns)
element = create_xml_element(self.name, nsmap, self.ns)
for i in range(0,len(self.params)):
name, serializer = self.params[i]
d = data[i]
e = serializer.to_xml(d, name, nsmap)
if type(e) in (list,tuple):
elist = e
for e in elist:
elif e == None:
return element
def from_xml(self,element):
results = []
children = element.getchildren()
return []
def findall(name):
# inner method for finding child node
nodes = []
for c in children:
if c.tag.split('}')[-1] == name:
return nodes
for name, serializer in self.params:
childnodes = findall(name)
if len(childnodes) == 0:
return results
def add_to_schema(self,schemaDict, nsmap):
complexType = create_xml_element(nsmap.get('xs') + 'complexType', nsmap)
sequence = create_xml_subelement(complexType, nsmap.get('xs') + 'sequence')
if self.params:
for name,serializer in self.params:
e = create_xml_subelement(sequence, nsmap.get('xs') + 'element')
"%s:%s" % (serializer.get_namespace_id(), serializer.get_datatype()))
element = create_xml_element(nsmap.get('xs') + 'element', nsmap)
element.set('type','%s:%s' % ('tns',self.typ))
schemaDict[self.typ] = complexType
schemaDict[self.typ+'Element'] = element
class MethodDescriptor:
This class represents the method signature of a soap method, and is returned
by the soapdocument, or soapmethod decorators.
def __init__(self, name, soapAction, inMessage, outMessage, doc, isCallback=False, isAsync=False, mtom=False):
self.inMessage = inMessage
self.outMessage = outMessage
self.soapAction = soapAction
self.name = name
self.isCallback = isCallback
self.isAsync = isAsync
self.doc = doc
self.mtom = mtom
def from_soap(xml_string):
Parses the xml string into the header and payload
root, xmlids = ElementTree.XMLID(xml_string)
if xmlids:
body = None
header = None
# find the body and header elements
for e in root.getchildren():
name = e.tag.split('}')[-1].lower()
if name == 'body':
body = e
elif name == 'header':
header = e
payload = None
if len(body.getchildren()):
payload = body.getchildren()[0]
return payload, header
def resolve_hrefs(element,xmlids):
for e in element:
if e.get('id'):
continue # don't need to resolve this element
elif e.get('href'):
resolved_element = xmlids[e.get('href').replace('#','')]
if resolved_element is None: continue
[e.set(k,v) for k,v in resolved_element.items()] # copies the attributes
[e.append(child) for child in resolved_element.getchildren()] # copies the children
return element
def make_soap_envelope(message, tns='', header_elements=None):
This method takes the results from a soap method call, and wraps them
in the appropriate soap envelope with any specified headers
@param the message of the soap envelope, either an element or list of elements
@param any header elements to be included in the soap response
@returns the envelope element
nsmap = NamespaceLookup(tns)
envelope = create_xml_element(nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + 'Envelope', nsmap, tns)
if header_elements:
headerElement = create_xml_subelement(envelope, nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + 'Header')
for h in header_elements:
body = create_xml_subelement(envelope, nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + 'Body')
if type(message) == list:
for m in message:
elif message != None:
return envelope
def join_attachment(id, envelope, payload, prefix=True):
Helper function for swa_to_soap.
Places the data from an attachment back into a SOAP message, replacing
its xop:Include element or href.
@param id content-id or content-location of attachment
@param prefix Set this to true if id is content-id or false if
it is content-location. It prefixes a "cid:" to
the href value.
@param envelope soap envelope string to be operated on
@param payload attachment data
@return tuple of length 2 with the new message and the
number of replacements made
# grab the XML element of the message in the SOAP body
soapmsg = StringIO(envelope)
soaptree = ElementTree.parse(soapmsg)
soapns = soaptree.getroot().tag.split('}')[0].strip('{')
soapbody = soaptree.getroot().find("{%s}Body" % soapns)
message = None
for child in list(soapbody):
if child.tag != "%sFault" % (soapns,):
message = child
numreplaces = 0
idprefix = ''
if prefix == True: idprefix = "cid:"
id = "%s%s" % (idprefix, id, )
# Make replacement.
for param in message:
# Look for Include subelement.
for sub in param:
if sub.tag.split('}')[-1] == 'Include' and \
sub.attrib.get('href') == id:
param.text = payload
numreplaces += 1
if numreplaces < 1 and param.attrib.get('href') == id:
param.text = payload
numreplaces += 1
soapmsg = StringIO()
joinedmsg = soapmsg.getvalue()
return (joinedmsg, numreplaces)
def collapse_swa(content_type, envelope):
Translates an SwA multipart/related message into an application/soap+xml message.
SwA http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP-attachments
XOP http://www.w3.org/TR/xop10/
MTOM http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-mtom/
@param content_type value of the Content-Type header field
@param envelope body of the HTTP message, a soap envelope
@return appication/soap+xml version of the given HTTP body
# convert multipart messages back to pure SOAP
mime_type = content_type.lower().split(';')
if 'multipart/related' not in mime_type:
return envelope
# parse the body into an email.Message object
msgString = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" \
"Content-Type: %s\r\n" % (
content_type, )
msgString += "\r\n" + envelope
msg = message_from_string(msgString) # our message
soapmsg = None
root = msg.get_param('start')
# walk through sections, reconstructing pure SOAP
for part in msg.walk():
# skip the multipart container section
if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
# detect main soap section
if (part.get('Content-ID') and part.get('Content-ID') == root) or \
(root == None and part == msg.get_payload()[0]):
soapmsg = part.get_payload()
# binary packages
cte = part.get("Content-Transfer-Encoding")
payload = None
if cte != 'base64':
payload = b64encode(part.get_payload())
payload = part.get_payload()
cid = part.get("Content-ID").strip("<>")
cloc = part.get("Content-Location")
numreplaces = None
# Check for Content-ID and make replacement
if cid:
soapmsg, numreplaces = join_attachment(cid, soapmsg, payload)
# Check for Content-Location and make replacement
if cloc and not cid and not numreplaces:
soapmsg, numreplaces = join_attachment(cloc,soapmsg,payload,False)
return soapmsg
def apply_mtom(headers, envelope, params, paramvals):
Apply MTOM to a SOAP envelope, separating attachments into a
MIME multipart message.
XOP http://www.w3.org/TR/xop10/
MTOM http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-mtom/
@param headers Headers dictionary of the SOAP message that would
originally be sent.
@param envelope SOAP envelope string that would have originally been sent.
@param params params attribute from the Message object used for the SOAP
@param paramvals values of the params, passed to Message.to_xml
@return tuple of length 2 with dictionary of headers and
string of body that can be sent with HTTPConnection
# grab the XML element of the message in the SOAP body
soapmsg = StringIO(envelope)
soaptree = ElementTree.parse(soapmsg)
soapns = soaptree.getroot().tag.split('}')[0].strip('{')
soapbody = soaptree.getroot().find("{%s}Body" % soapns)
message = None
for child in list(soapbody):
if child.tag != "%sFault" % (soapns,):
message = child
# Get additional parameters from original Content-Type
ctarray = []
for n, v in headers.items():
if n.lower() == 'content-type':
ctarray = v.split(';')
roottype = ctarray[0].strip()
rootparams = {}
for ctparam in ctarray[1:]:
n, v = ctparam.strip().split('=')
rootparams[n] = v.strip("\"'")
# Set up initial MIME parts
mtompkg = MIMEMultipart('related',boundary='?//<><>soaplib_MIME_boundary<>')
rootpkg = None
rootpkg = MIMEApplication(envelope,'xop+xml', encode_7or8bit)
except NameError:
rootpkg = MIMENonMultipart("application", "xop+xml")
# Set up multipart headers.
if headers.has_key('SOAPAction'):
mtompkg.add_header('SOAPAction', headers.get('SOAPAction'))
# Set up root SOAP part headers
for n, v in rootparams.items():
# Extract attachments from SOAP envelope.
for i in range(len(params)):
name, typ = params[i]
if typ == Attachment:
id = "soaplibAttachment_%s" % (len(mtompkg.get_payload()),)
param = message[i]
param.text = ""
incl = create_xml_subelement(
incl.attrib["href"] = "cid:%s" % id
if paramvals[i].fileName and not paramvals[i].data:
data = paramvals[i].data
attachment = None
attachment = MIMEApplication(data, _encoder=encode_7or8bit)
except NameError:
attachment = MIMENonMultipart("application", "octet-stream")
# Update SOAP envelope.
soapmsg = StringIO()
# extract body string from MIMEMultipart message
bound = '--%s' % (mtompkg.get_boundary(),)
marray = mtompkg.as_string().split(bound)
mtombody = bound
mtombody += bound.join(marray[1:])
# set Content-Length
mtompkg.add_header("Content-Length", str(len(mtombody)))
# extract dictionary of headers from MIMEMultipart message
mtomheaders = {}
for name, value in mtompkg.items():
mtomheaders[name] = value
if len(mtompkg.get_payload()) <= 1:
return (headers, envelope)
return (mtomheaders, mtombody)
def make_soap_fault(faultString, faultCode = 'Server', detail = None,
header_elements = None):
This method populates a soap fault message with the provided
fault string and details.
@param faultString the short description of the error
@param detail the details of the exception, such as a stack trace
@param faultCode defaults to 'Server', but can be overridden
@param header_elements A list of XML elements to add to the fault header.
@returns the element corresponding to the fault message
nsmap = NamespaceLookup()
envelope = create_xml_element(nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + 'Envelope', nsmap)
if header_elements:
header = create_xml_subelement(
envelope, nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + 'Header')
for element in header_elements:
body = create_xml_subelement(envelope, nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + 'Body')
f = Fault(faultCode,faultString,detail)
body.append(Fault.to_xml(f, nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + "Fault", nsmap))
return envelope