/usr/share/pyshared/sqlobject/sqlite/sqliteconnection.py is in python-sqlobject 0.12.4-2.
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import os
import thread
from sqlobject.dbconnection import DBAPI
from sqlobject import col, sqlbuilder
from sqlobject.dberrors import *
sqlite2_Binary = None
class ErrorMessage(str):
def __new__(cls, e):
obj = str.__new__(cls, e[0])
obj.code = None
obj.module = e.__module__
obj.exception = e.__class__.__name__
return obj
class SQLiteConnection(DBAPI):
supportTransactions = True
dbName = 'sqlite'
schemes = [dbName]
def __init__(self, filename, autoCommit=1, **kw):
backends = kw.pop('backend', None) or 'pysqlite2,sqlite3,sqlite'
for backend in backends.split(','):
backend = backend.strip()
if not backend:
if backend in ('sqlite2', 'pysqlite2'):
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
self.using_sqlite2 = True
elif backend == 'sqlite3':
import sqlite3 as sqlite
self.using_sqlite2 = True
elif backend in ('sqlite', 'sqlite1'):
import sqlite
self.using_sqlite2 = False
raise ValueError('Unknown SQLite backend "%s", expected pysqlite2, sqlite3 or sqlite' % backend)
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('Cannot find an SQLite backend, tried %s' % backends)
if self.using_sqlite2:
sqlite.encode = base64.encodestring
sqlite.decode = base64.decodestring
self.module = sqlite
self.filename = filename # full path to sqlite-db-file
self._memory = filename == ':memory:'
if self._memory and not self.using_sqlite2:
raise ValueError("You must use sqlite2 to use in-memory databases")
# connection options
opts = {}
if self.using_sqlite2:
if autoCommit:
opts["isolation_level"] = None
opts["detect_types"] = sqlite.PARSE_DECLTYPES
for col_type in "text", "char", "varchar", "date", "time", "datetime", "timestamp":
sqlite.register_converter(col_type, stop_pysqlite2_converting_strings)
sqlite.register_converter(col_type.upper(), stop_pysqlite2_converting_strings)
global sqlite2_Binary
if sqlite2_Binary is None:
sqlite2_Binary = sqlite.Binary
sqlite.Binary = lambda s: sqlite2_Binary(sqlite.encode(s))
if 'factory' in kw:
factory = kw.pop('factory')
if isinstance(factory, str):
factory = globals()[factory]
opts['factory'] = factory(sqlite)
opts['autocommit'] = bool(autoCommit)
if 'encoding' in kw:
opts['encoding'] = kw.pop('encoding')
if 'mode' in kw:
opts['mode'] = int(kw.pop('mode'), 0)
if 'timeout' in kw:
if self.using_sqlite2:
opts['timeout'] = float(kw.pop('timeout'))
opts['timeout'] = int(float(kw.pop('timeout')) * 1000)
if 'check_same_thread' in kw:
opts["check_same_thread"] = bool(kw.pop('check_same_thread'))
# use only one connection for sqlite - supports multiple)
# cursors per connection
self._connOptions = opts
self.use_table_info = kw.pop("use_table_info", False)
DBAPI.__init__(self, **kw)
self._threadPool = {}
self._threadOrigination = {}
if self._memory:
self._memoryConn = sqlite.connect(
self.filename, **self._connOptions)
def connectionFromURI(cls, uri):
user, password, host, port, path, args = cls._parseURI(uri)
assert host is None, (
"SQLite can only be used locally (with a URI like "
"sqlite:///file or sqlite:/file, not %r)" % uri)
assert user is None and password is None, (
"You may not provide usernames or passwords for SQLite "
if path == "/:memory:":
path = ":memory:"
return cls(filename=path, **args)
connectionFromURI = classmethod(connectionFromURI)
def uri(self):
path = self.filename
if path == ":memory:":
path = "/:memory:"
path = "//" + path
return 'sqlite:%s' % path
def getConnection(self):
# SQLite can't share connections between threads, and so can't
# pool connections. Since we are isolating threads here, we
# don't have to worry about locking as much.
if self._memory:
conn = self.makeConnection()
self._connectionNumbers[id(conn)] = self._connectionCount
self._connectionCount += 1
return conn
threadid = thread.get_ident()
if (self._pool is not None
and self._threadPool.has_key(threadid)):
conn = self._threadPool[threadid]
del self._threadPool[threadid]
if conn in self._pool:
conn = self.makeConnection()
if self._pool is not None:
self._threadOrigination[id(conn)] = threadid
self._connectionNumbers[id(conn)] = self._connectionCount
self._connectionCount += 1
if self.debug:
if self._pool is not None:
s += ' pool=[%s]' % ', '.join([str(self._connectionNumbers[id(v)]) for v in self._pool])
self.printDebug(conn, s, 'Pool')
return conn
def releaseConnection(self, conn, explicit=False):
if self._memory:
threadid = self._threadOrigination.get(id(conn))
DBAPI.releaseConnection(self, conn, explicit=explicit)
if (self._pool is not None and threadid
and not self._threadPool.has_key(threadid)):
self._threadPool[threadid] = conn
if self._pool and conn in self._pool:
def _setAutoCommit(self, conn, auto):
if self.using_sqlite2:
if auto:
conn.isolation_level = None
conn.isolation_level = ""
conn.autocommit = auto
def _setIsolationLevel(self, conn, level):
if not self.using_sqlite2:
conn.isolation_level = level
def makeConnection(self):
if self._memory:
return self._memoryConn
return self.module.connect(self.filename, **self._connOptions)
def _executeRetry(self, conn, cursor, query):
if self.debug:
self.printDebug(conn, query, 'QueryR')
return cursor.execute(query)
except self.module.OperationalError, e:
raise OperationalError(ErrorMessage(e))
except self.module.IntegrityError, e:
msg = ErrorMessage(e)
if msg.startswith('column') and msg.endswith('not unique'):
raise DuplicateEntryError(msg)
raise IntegrityError(msg)
except self.module.InternalError, e:
raise InternalError(ErrorMessage(e))
except self.module.ProgrammingError, e:
raise ProgrammingError(ErrorMessage(e))
except self.module.DataError, e:
raise DataError(ErrorMessage(e))
except self.module.NotSupportedError, e:
raise NotSupportedError(ErrorMessage(e))
except self.module.DatabaseError, e:
raise DatabaseError(ErrorMessage(e))
except self.module.InterfaceError, e:
raise InterfaceError(ErrorMessage(e))
except self.module.Warning, e:
raise Warning(ErrorMessage(e))
except self.module.Error, e:
raise Error(ErrorMessage(e))
def _queryInsertID(self, conn, soInstance, id, names, values):
table = soInstance.sqlmeta.table
idName = soInstance.sqlmeta.idName
c = conn.cursor()
if id is not None:
names = [idName] + names
values = [id] + values
q = self._insertSQL(table, names, values)
if self.debug:
self.printDebug(conn, q, 'QueryIns')
self._executeRetry(conn, c, q)
# lastrowid is a DB-API extension from "PEP 0249":
if id is None:
id = int(c.lastrowid)
if self.debugOutput:
self.printDebug(conn, id, 'QueryIns', 'result')
return id
def _insertSQL(self, table, names, values):
if not names:
assert not values
# INSERT INTO table () VALUES () isn't allowed in
# SQLite (though it is in other databases)
return ("INSERT INTO %s VALUES (NULL)" % table)
return DBAPI._insertSQL(self, table, names, values)
def _queryAddLimitOffset(cls, query, start, end):
if not start:
return "%s LIMIT %i" % (query, end)
if not end:
return "%s LIMIT 0 OFFSET %i" % (query, start)
return "%s LIMIT %i OFFSET %i" % (query, end-start, start)
_queryAddLimitOffset = classmethod(_queryAddLimitOffset)
def createColumn(self, soClass, col):
return col.sqliteCreateSQL()
def createReferenceConstraint(self, soClass, col):
return None
def createIDColumn(self, soClass):
return self._createIDColumn(soClass.sqlmeta)
def _createIDColumn(self, sqlmeta):
key_type = {int: "INTEGER", str: "TEXT"}[sqlmeta.idType]
return '%s %s PRIMARY KEY' % (sqlmeta.idName, key_type)
def joinSQLType(self, join):
return 'INT NOT NULL'
def tableExists(self, tableName):
result = self.queryOne("SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND tbl_name = '%s'" % tableName)
# turn it into a boolean:
return not not result
def createIndexSQL(self, soClass, index):
return index.sqliteCreateIndexSQL(soClass)
def addColumn(self, tableName, column):
self.query('ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s' %
self.query('VACUUM %s' % tableName)
def delColumn(self, sqlmeta, column):
self.recreateTableWithoutColumn(sqlmeta, column)
def recreateTableWithoutColumn(self, sqlmeta, column):
new_name = sqlmeta.table + '_ORIGINAL'
self.query('ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s' % (sqlmeta.table, new_name))
cols = [self._createIDColumn(sqlmeta)] \
+ [self.createColumn(None, col)
for col in sqlmeta.columnList if col.name != column.name]
cols = ",\n".join([" %s" % c for c in cols])
self.query('CREATE TABLE %s (\n%s\n)' % (sqlmeta.table, cols))
all_columns = ', '.join([sqlmeta.idName] + [col.dbName for col in sqlmeta.columnList])
self.query('INSERT INTO %s (%s) SELECT %s FROM %s' % (
sqlmeta.table, all_columns, all_columns, new_name))
self.query('DROP TABLE %s' % new_name)
def columnsFromSchema(self, tableName, soClass):
if self.use_table_info:
return self._columnsFromSchemaTableInfo(tableName, soClass)
return self._columnsFromSchemaParse(tableName, soClass)
def _columnsFromSchemaTableInfo(self, tableName, soClass):
colData = self.queryAll("PRAGMA table_info(%s)" % tableName)
results = []
for index, field, t, nullAllowed, default, key in colData:
if field == soClass.sqlmeta.idName:
colClass, kw = self.guessClass(t)
if default == 'NULL':
nullAllowed = True
default = None
kw['name'] = soClass.sqlmeta.style.dbColumnToPythonAttr(field)
kw['dbName'] = field
kw['notNone'] = not nullAllowed
kw['default'] = default
# @@ skip key...
# @@ skip extra...
return results
def _columnsFromSchemaParse(self, tableName, soClass):
colData = self.queryOne("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='%s'"
% tableName)
if not colData:
raise ValueError('The table %s was not found in the database. Load failed.' % tableName)
colData = colData[0].split('(', 1)[1].strip()[:-2]
while True:
start = colData.find('(')
if start == -1: break
end = colData.find(')', start)
if end == -1: break
colData = colData[:start] + colData[end+1:]
results = []
for colDesc in colData.split(','):
parts = colDesc.strip().split(' ', 2)
field = parts[0].strip()
# skip comments
if field.startswith('--'):
# get rid of enclosing quotes
if field[0] == field[-1] == '"':
field = field[1:-1]
if field == getattr(soClass.sqlmeta, 'idName', 'id'):
colClass, kw = self.guessClass(parts[1].strip())
if len(parts) == 2:
index_info = ''
index_info = parts[2].strip().upper()
kw['name'] = soClass.sqlmeta.style.dbColumnToPythonAttr(field)
kw['dbName'] = field
import re
nullble = re.search(r'(\b\S*)\sNULL', index_info)
default = re.search(r"DEFAULT\s((?:\d[\dA-FX.]*)|(?:'[^']*')|(?:#[^#]*#))", index_info)
kw['notNone'] = nullble and nullble.group(1) == 'NOT'
kw['default'] = default and default.group(1)
# @@ skip key...
# @@ skip extra...
return results
def guessClass(self, t):
t = t.upper()
if t.find('INT') >= 0:
return col.IntCol, {}
elif t.find('TEXT') >= 0 or t.find('CHAR') >= 0 or t.find('CLOB') >= 0:
return col.StringCol, {'length': 2**32-1}
elif t.find('BLOB') >= 0:
return col.BLOBCol, {"length": 2**32-1}
elif t.find('REAL') >= 0 or t.find('FLOAT') >= 0:
return col.FloatCol, {}
elif t.find('DECIMAL') >= 0:
return col.DecimalCol, {'size': None, 'precision': None}
elif t.find('BOOL') >= 0:
return col.BoolCol, {}
return col.Col, {}
def createEmptyDatabase(self):
if self._memory:
open(self.filename, 'w').close()
def dropDatabase(self):
if self._memory:
def stop_pysqlite2_converting_strings(s):
return s