/usr/share/pyshared/trytond/ir/attachment.py is in tryton-server 2.2.1-1.
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#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
import os
import hashlib
except ImportError:
hashlib = None
import md5
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
from trytond.config import CONFIG
from trytond.backend import TableHandler
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.pyson import Eval
from trytond.pool import Pool
def firstline(description):
return (x for x in description.splitlines() if x.strip()).next()
except StopIteration:
return ''
class Attachment(ModelSQL, ModelView):
_name = 'ir.attachment'
_description = __doc__
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
type = fields.Selection([
('data', 'Data'),
('link', 'Link'),
], 'Type', required=True)
data = fields.Function(fields.Binary('Data', filename='name', states={
'invisible': Eval('type') != 'data',
}, depends=['type']), 'get_data', setter='set_data')
description = fields.Text('Description')
summary = fields.Function(fields.Char('Summary',
on_change_with=['description']), 'get_summary')
resource = fields.Reference('Resource', selection='models_get', select=1)
link = fields.Char('Link', states={
'invisible': Eval('type') != 'link',
}, depends=['type'])
digest = fields.Char('Digest', size=32)
collision = fields.Integer('Collision')
data_size = fields.Function(fields.Integer('Data size', states={
'invisible': Eval('type') != 'data',
}, depends=['type']), 'get_data')
last_modification = fields.Function(fields.DateTime('Last Modification'),
last_user = fields.Function(fields.Char('Last User'),
def __init__(self):
super(Attachment, self).__init__()
self._sql_constraints += [
('resource_name', 'UNIQUE(resource, name)',
'The names of attachments must be unique by resource!'),
def init(self, module_name):
cursor = Transaction().cursor
super(Attachment, self).init(module_name)
table = TableHandler(cursor, self, module_name)
# Migration from 1.4 res_model and res_id merged into resource
# Reference
if table.column_exist('res_model') and \
cursor.execute('UPDATE "%s" '
'SET "resource" = "res_model"||\',\'||"res_id"' % self._table)
def default_type(self):
return 'data'
def default_resource(self):
return Transaction().context.get('resource')
def default_collision(self):
return 0
def models_get(self):
pool = Pool()
model_obj = pool.get('ir.model')
model_ids = model_obj.search([])
res = []
for model in model_obj.browse(model_ids):
res.append([model.model, model.name])
return res
def get_data(self, ids, name):
res = {}
db_name = Transaction().cursor.dbname
format_ = Transaction().context.pop('%s.%s' % (self._name, name), '')
for attachment in self.browse(ids):
value = False
if name == 'data_size' or format_ == 'size':
value = 0
if attachment.digest:
filename = attachment.digest
if attachment.collision:
filename = filename + '-' + str(attachment.collision)
filename = os.path.join(CONFIG['data_path'], db_name,
filename[0:2], filename[2:4], filename)
if name == 'data_size' or format_ == 'size':
statinfo = os.stat(filename)
value = statinfo.st_size
except OSError:
with open(filename, 'rb') as file_p:
value = buffer(file_p.read())
except IOError:
res[attachment.id] = value
return res
def set_data(self, ids, name, value):
if value is False or value is None:
cursor = Transaction().cursor
db_name = cursor.dbname
directory = os.path.join(CONFIG['data_path'], db_name)
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
os.makedirs(directory, 0770)
if hashlib:
digest = hashlib.md5(value).hexdigest()
digest = md5.new(value).hexdigest()
directory = os.path.join(directory, digest[0:2], digest[2:4])
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
os.makedirs(directory, 0770)
filename = os.path.join(directory, digest)
collision = 0
if os.path.isfile(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as file_p:
data = file_p.read()
if value != data:
cursor.execute('SELECT DISTINCT(collision) FROM ir_attachment ' \
'WHERE digest = %s ' \
'AND collision != 0 ' \
'ORDER BY collision', (digest,))
collision2 = 0
for row in cursor.fetchall():
collision2 = row[0]
filename = os.path.join(directory,
digest + '-' + str(collision2))
if os.path.isfile(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as file_p:
data = file_p.read()
if value == data:
collision = collision2
if collision == 0:
collision = collision2 + 1
filename = os.path.join(directory,
digest + '-' + str(collision))
with open(filename, 'wb') as file_p:
with open(filename, 'wb') as file_p:
self.write(ids, {
'digest': digest,
'collision': collision,
def get_summary(self, ids, name):
return dict((x.id, firstline(x.description or ''))
for x in self.browse(ids))
def on_change_with_summary(self, values):
return firstline(values.get('description') or '')
def get_last_modification(self, ids, name):
return dict((x.id, (x.write_date if x.write_date else x.create_date
for x in self.browse(ids))
def get_last_user(self, ids, name):
with Transaction().set_user(0):
return dict( (x.id, x.write_uid.rec_name if x.write_uid
else x.create_uid.rec_name) for x in self.browse(ids))
def check_access(self, ids, mode='read'):
pool = Pool()
model_access_obj = pool.get('ir.model.access')
if Transaction().user == 0:
if not ids:
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
model_names = set()
with Transaction().set_user(0):
for attachment in self.browse(ids):
if attachment.resource:
for model_name in model_names:
model_access_obj.check(model_name, mode=mode)
def read(self, ids, fields_names=None):
self.check_access(ids, mode='read')
return super(Attachment, self).read(ids, fields_names=fields_names)
def delete(self, ids):
self.check_access(ids, mode='delete')
return super(Attachment, self).delete(ids)
def write(self, ids, vals):
self.check_access(ids, mode='write')
res = super(Attachment, self).write(ids, vals)
self.check_access(ids, mode='write')
return res
def create(self, vals):
res = super(Attachment, self).create(vals)
self.check_access(res, mode='create')
return res
def view_header_get(self, value, view_type='form'):
pool = Pool()
ir_model_obj = pool.get('ir.model')
value = super(Attachment, self).view_header_get(value,
resource = Transaction().context.get('resource')
if resource:
model_name, record_id = resource.split(',', 1)
ir_model_id, = ir_model_obj.search([('model', '=', model_name)])
ir_model = ir_model_obj.browse(ir_model_id)
model_obj = pool.get(model_name)
record = model_obj.browse(int(record_id))
value = '%s - %s - %s' % (ir_model.name, record.rec_name, value)
return value