/usr/include/Inventor/elements/SoTextureImageElement.h is in libcoin60-dev 3.1.3-2.
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* This file is part of the Coin 3D visualization library.
* Copyright (C) by Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* ("GPL") version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* See the file LICENSE.GPL at the root directory of this source
* distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
* For using Coin with software that can not be combined with the GNU
* GPL, and for taking advantage of the additional benefits of our
* support services, please contact Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies
* about acquiring a Coin Professional Edition License.
* See http://www.coin3d.org/ for more information.
* Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies, Bygdoy Alle 5, 0257 Oslo, NORWAY.
* http://www.sim.no/ sales@sim.no coin-support@coin3d.org
#include <Inventor/elements/SoReplacedElement.h>
#include <Inventor/SbVec2s.h>
#include <Inventor/SbVec3s.h>
#include <Inventor/SbColor.h>
class SoState;
class COIN_DLL_API SoTextureImageElement : public SoReplacedElement {
typedef SoReplacedElement inherited;
static void initClass(void);
virtual ~SoTextureImageElement();
enum Model {
// These should match GL_BLEND, GL_MODULATE and GL_DECAL for SGI
// Inventor compatibility (these are also used by SoTexture2 and
// SoTexture3).
BLEND = 0x0be2,
MODULATE = 0x2100,
DECAL = 0x2101,
REPLACE = 0x1E01 // must match GL_REPLACE
enum Wrap {
// These should match GL_CLAMP and GL_REPEAT for SGI Inventor
// compatibility (these are also used by SoTexture2 and
// SoTexture3).
CLAMP = 0x2900,
REPEAT = 0x2901,
virtual void init(SoState * state);
static void setDefault(SoState * const state, SoNode * const node);
static void set(SoState * const state, SoNode * const node,
const SbVec2s & size, const int numComponents,
const unsigned char * bytes,
const int wrapS, const int wrapT,
const int model, const SbColor & blendColor);
static void set(SoState * const state, SoNode * const node,
const SbVec3s & size, const int numComponents,
const unsigned char * bytes,
const int wrapS, const int wrapT, const int wrapR,
const int model, const SbColor & blendColor);
static void set(SoState * const state, SoNode * const node,
const SbVec2s & size, const int numComponents,
const unsigned char * bytes,
const Wrap wrapS, const Wrap wrapT,
const Model model, const SbColor & blendColor);
static void set(SoState * const state, SoNode * const node,
const SbVec3s & size, const int numComponents,
const unsigned char * bytes,
const Wrap wrapS, const Wrap wrapT, const Wrap wrapR,
const Model model, const SbColor & blendColor);
static const unsigned char *get(SoState * const state,
SbVec2s & size,
int & numComponents,
Wrap & wrapS,
Wrap & wrapT,
Model & model,
SbColor & blendColor);
static const unsigned char *get(SoState * const state,
SbVec3s & size,
int & numComponents,
Wrap & wrapS,
Wrap & wrapT,
Wrap & wrapR,
Model & model,
SbColor & blendColor);
static const unsigned char *get(SoState * const state,
SbVec2s & size,
int & numComponents,
int & wrapS,
int & wrapT,
int & model,
SbColor & blendColor);
static const unsigned char *get(SoState * const state,
SbVec3s & size,
int & numComponents,
int & wrapS,
int & wrapT,
int & wrapR,
int & model,
SbColor & blendColor);
static const SbColor &getBlendColor(SoState * const state);
static const unsigned char *getImage(SoState * const state,
SbVec2s &size,
int &numComponents);
static const unsigned char *getImage(SoState * const state,
SbVec3s &size,
int &numComponents);
static Model getModel(SoState * const state);
static Wrap getWrapS(SoState * const state);
static Wrap getWrapT(SoState * const state);
static Wrap getWrapR(SoState * const state);
static SbBool containsTransparency(SoState * const state);
static const unsigned char *getDefault(SbVec2s & size, int & numComponents);
static const unsigned char *getDefault(SbVec3s & size, int & numComponents);
virtual void setElt(const SbVec2s & size, const int numComponents,
const unsigned char * bytes,
const Wrap wrapS, const Wrap wrapT,
const Model model, const SbColor & blendColor);
virtual void setElt(const SbVec3s & size, const int numComponents,
const unsigned char * bytes,
const Wrap wrapS, const Wrap wrapT, const Wrap wrapR,
const Model model, const SbColor & blendColor);
virtual SbBool hasTransparency(void) const;
SbVec3s size;
int numComponents;
const unsigned char *bytes;
Wrap wrapS, wrapT, wrapR;
Model model;
SbColor blendColor;
void setDefaultValues(void);