/usr/lib/ada/adalib/gnatprj/osint-c.ali is in libgnatprj4.6-dev 4.6.3-1ubuntu3.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o444.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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A -nostdinc
A -O2
A -g
A -gnatn
A -mtune=generic
A -march=x86-64
R nnnvnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnvnnnnnnnnnvnnvnnnnnnnnnnnnnvnnvnvvnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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X 7 hostparm.ads
38K9*Hostparm 90e13 14|26w6 136r10
47b4*OpenVMS{boolean} 14|136r19
X 9 namet.ads
127a4*Name_Buffer{string} 14|137m10 139m10 143m7 150r50 153m19 156m19 167m7
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133i4*Name_Len{natural} 14|137r23 139r23 142m7 142r19 143r20 143r36 144m7
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. 210r38 223m7 296r20 298r29 320r69 322m16 325r29 381m7 440m10 441r28 444r20
. 446r29 464m7
177U14*Get_Name_String 14|134s7 290s7 432s7
183V13*Get_Name_String{string} 14|68s15 85s15 102s15 119s15 420s15
271V13*Name_Find{149I9} 14|166s17 224s41 278s15
340U14*Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer 14|323s16
345U14*Add_Nat_To_Name_Buffer 14|324s16
349U14*Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer 14|326s16
417I9*File_Name_Type<149I9> 13|44r37 62r38 62r61 138r18 14|42r16 43r31 128r16
. 129r31 131r16 176r38 176r61 186r11 219r17 264r37 273r18
X 11 opt.ads
50K9*Opt 1907e8 14|27w6 27r20 500r4 501r4 502r4 504r4 505r4 506r4
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859p4*Close_Repinfo_File_Access{854P9} 14|502m8
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146U14*Fail 14|66s10 83s10 100s10 117s10 373s16 401s10 418s10
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550b7 Fatal_Err{boolean} 14|279r40
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682i4 Current_Main{9|417I9} 14|190r38 290r24 432r24
688a4 Target_Object_Suffix{string} 14|389r33
691i4 Output_FD{19|168I9} 14|63r14 80r14 97r14 114r14 168m30 196m33 211m30
. 415r14 465m30 467r30
694i4 Output_File_Name{9|417I9} 14|68r32 85r32 102r32 119r32 420r32
720U14 Create_File_And_Check 14|168s7 196s10 211s7 465s7
729n26 Compiler{729E9} 14|508r17
731U14 Set_Program 14|508s4
736V13 More_Files{boolean} 14|258r54
739V13 Next_Main_File{9|417I9} 14|264r60
748U14 Write_Info 14|474r55 480r57 495r57
752U14 Write_With_Check 14|488s7
X 13 osint-c.ads
29K15*C 12|44k9 13|174l11 174e12 14|30b20 509l11 509t12
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31s43 Name{string} 14|388b43 390r33 398r12 398r28 398r42 399r23 399r38 399r52
. 404r46
35V13*Get_Output_Object_File_Name{string} 14|247b13 252l8 252t35
39V13*More_Source_Files{boolean} 14|258b13
44V13*Next_Main_Source{9|417I9} 14|264b13
62V13*Create_Debug_File{9|417I9} 62>32 14|176b13 179l8 179t25
62i32 Src{9|417I9} 14|176b32 178r37
66U14*Write_Debug_Info 66>32 14|474b14
66s32 Info{string} 14|474b32
71U14*Close_Debug_File 14|59b14 70l8 70t24
75V13*Debug_File_Eol_Length{32|62I12} 14|232b13 241l8 241t29
97U14*Create_Repinfo_File 97>35 14|218b14 226l8 226t27 500r38
97s35 Src{string} 14|218b35 222r25 222r40 223r19
102U14*Write_Repinfo_Line 102>34 14|495b14 501r38
102s34 Info{string} 14|495b34
107U14*Close_Repinfo_File 14|110b14 121l8 121t26 502r38
119U14*Create_Output_Library_Info 14|204b14 212l8 212t34
124U14*Write_Library_Info 124>34 14|480b14
124s34 Info{string} 14|480b34
133U14*Close_Output_Library_Info 14|93b14 104l8 104t33
137U14*Read_Library_Info 138<7 139<7 14|272b14 280l8 280t25
138i7 Name{9|417I9} 14|273b7 278m7 279r34
139p7 Text{32|154P9} 14|274b7 279m7
150U14*Create_List_File 150>32 14|185b14 198l8 198t24 504r35
150s32 S{string} 14|185b32 189r10 189r13 190r52 190r55 190r70 193r28 193r41
. 194r22
156U14*Write_List_Info 156>31 14|486b14 489l8 489t23 505r35
156s31 S{string} 14|486b31 488r25 488r36
159U14*Close_List_File 14|76b14 87l8 87t23 506r35
166U14*Tree_Create 14|428b14 468l8 468t19
171U14*Tree_Close 14|411b14 422l8 422t18
X 14 osint-c.adb
32p4 Output_Object_File_Name{32|117P9} 146r10 147r31 148r16 152r39 154r21
. 155r24 249r22 251r14 308r10 337r31 338r15 345r34 348r30 404m7 439r10 440r22
. 441r41
36U14 Adjust_OS_Resource_Limits 37b<c,__gnat_adjust_os_resource_limits>22
. 498s4
41V13 Create_Auxiliary_File{9|417I9} 42>7 43>7 127b13 170l8 170t29 178s14
. 190s15 224s18
42i7 Src{9|417I9} 128b7 134r24
43s7 Suffix{string} 129b7 143r47 143r65 144r30
49U14 Set_Library_Info_Name 209s7 277s7 286b14 382l8 382t29
60b7 Status{boolean} 63m25 65r14
77b7 Status{boolean} 80m25 82r14
94b7 Status{boolean} 97m25 99r14
111b7 Status{boolean} 114m25 116r14
131i7 Result{9|417I9} 166m7 169r14
147i14 Index{integer} 148r41 152r31 155r57
150a19 File_Name{string} 156r59 157r21 158r42
186i7 F{9|417I9} 187r29 190m10
205b7 Dummy{boolean} 206r28 210m49
219i7 Discard{9|417I9} 220r29 224m7
287i7 Dot_Index{natural} 296m7 300m13 313r23 320r56 322r28 325m16 333r50
. 347m13 350m19 358r28 362r22 372r46 378r20 379r20 379r37 380r20 381r19
298i11 J{integer} 299r26 300r26
320a16 Exten{string} 326r40
333a13 Name{string} 343m39 372r16
334i13 First{positive} 362m13 363r19 364r37 365r37 367m16 367r25 372r37
348i17 J{integer} 349r32 350r32
389a7 Ext{string} 391r33 398r56
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391i7 EL{natural} 396r16 398r23
412b7 Status{boolean} 415m25 417r14
429i7 Dot_Index{natural} 444m7 448m13 455r22 459r20 460r20 461r20 462r20
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446i11 J{integer} 447r26 448r26
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179n18*Binary{179E9} 14|465r41
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