/usr/include/openturns/expression.h is in libopenturns-dev 0.15-2.
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* Author: Leo Liberti *
* Name: expression.h *
* Source: GNU C++ *
* Purpose: symbolic expression (base classes and functionality) *
* History: 010517 0.0 work started *
* License: (C) Leo Liberti, all rights reserved. Code published under the
Common Public License.
#ifndef __EV3EXPRESSIONH__
#define __EV3EXPRESSIONH__
#define RCS5 "$Id: expression.h,v 1.25 2006/07/30 05:36:41 liberti Exp liberti $"
#ifdef SUNWIN
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "common.h"
#include "tree.cxx"
#include "exceptions.h"
namespace Ev3
// algebraic expression operand
class Operand
// one of the OperatorTypes above
int oplabel_;
// 0 if no dependency, 1 if constant, 2 if coefficient, 3 if exponent
int dependency_;
// if oplabel == CONST, the value of the constant
double constant_;
// dependency for constants (added for MORON - see ../PROGNOTES)
double* depconstant_;
// if oplabel == VAR, the index of the variable - should start from 1
Int varindex_;
// if oplabel == VAR, the name of the variable
std::string varname_;
// we allow multiplication for a constant coefficient in each Operand
double coefficient_;
// dependency for coefficients (added for MORON - see ../PROGNOTES)
double* depcoefficient_;
// we allow a real constant exponent in each Operand
double exponent_;
// dependency for exponents (added for MORON - see ../PROGNOTES)
double* depexponent_;
// constructors
Operand(const double t);
Operand(const Int t);
Operand(const Int t,
const bool isvar);
// create a variable leaf and set coefficient
Operand(const double c,
const Int t,
const std::string & vn);
// Operand class methods:
// prints to a string
std::string ToString(void) const;
// get operator type
int GetOpType(void) const;
// get constant value - in CONSTs it multiplies by coefficient and
// raises to exponent
double GetValue(void) const;
// just get the value, in all cases
double GetSimpleValue(void) const;
// get variable index
Int GetVarIndex(void) const;
// get variable name
std::string GetVarName(void) const;
// get the coefficient
double GetCoeff(void) const;
// get the exponent
double GetExponent(void) const;
// set operator type
void SetOpType(const int t);
// set constant value
void SetValue(const double t);
// set variable index (start from 1 and add by steps of 1 when creating new
// variables)
void SetVarIndex(const Int t);
// set variable name
void SetVarName(const std::string & vn);
// set the exponent
void SetExponent(const double expon);
// set the coefficient
void SetCoeff(const double coeff);
// set constant dependencies (added for MORON - see ../PROGNOTES)
void SetDependencyOnOperand(const int whichconstant,
double** depvalue);
// is operand a constant?
bool IsConstant(void) const;
// is operand a variable?
bool IsVariable(void) const;
// is operand a leaf node?
bool IsLeaf(void) const;
// is operand a zero constant?
bool IsZero(void) const;
// is operand a constant == v?
bool HasValue(double v) const;
// is operand a constant <= v?
bool IsLessThan(double v) const;
// is operand constant >= v?
bool IsGreaterThan(double v) const;
// set value = coefficient * value ^ exponent
void ConsolidateValue(void);
// enforce constant dependencies (added for MORON - see ../PROGNOTES)
void EnforceDependencyOnOperand(void);
// is operand this == operand t?
bool operator == (const Operand & t);
// substitute a variable with a constant
void SubstituteVariableWithConstant(const int varindex,
const double c);
class BasicExpression;
typedef Pointer<BasicExpression> Expression;
class BasicExpression : public Operand, public Tree<BasicExpression>
// constructors
// create empty
// create a constant leaf
BasicExpression(const double t);
// create a constant (integer-valued) leaf
BasicExpression(const Int t);
// create an (empty) operator or a variable leaf
BasicExpression(const Int t,
const bool isvar);
// create a variable leaf and set coefficient
BasicExpression(const double c,
const Int t,
const std::string & vn);
// user-defined copy constructor with two options (to make a copy)
BasicExpression(const Expression & t,
const bool iscopy);
// copy constructor
BasicExpression(const BasicExpression & t);
// destructor
// BasicExpression class methods:
void Debug (void) const;
// prints to a string
std::string ToString(void) const;
// output is a tree
std::string PrintTree(const int blanks,
const int tabs) const;
// sets an expression to zero (deleting all existing subnodes)
void Zero(void);
// sets an expression to one (deleting all existing subnodes)
void One(void);
// is expression this == expression t?
// (note that this half-replicates Tree::operator==,
// but I couldn't think of any other convenient way to fit in
// the operand data in == and still use the Tree's ==)
bool IsEqualTo(const Expression & t) const;
bool operator == (const BasicExpression & t) const;
// other comparison operators
bool IsEqualTo(const double t) const;
// this returns true if args are equal up to top node coefficient
bool IsEqualToNoCoeff(const Expression & t) const;
// this returns true if args have equal operator structures and
// maintain variable/constant assignment to leaf nodes
// (a schema is an expression modulo leaves)
bool IsEqualBySchema(const Expression & t) const;
// this returns true if args have equal operator label
bool IsEqualByOperator(const int theoplabel) const;
// this returns the number of variables in the expression
int NumberOfVariables(void) const;
int NumberOfVariables(int & maxvi) const;
// whether expression depends on variable
bool DependsOnVariable(const Int vi) const;
// whether expression depends on variable linearly
// (0=depends nonlinearly, 1=depends linearly, 2=doesn't depend at all)
int DependsLinearlyOnVariable(const Int vi) const;
// in a product, multiply all coeffs. of the operands, set result
// as coeff of whole product, reset all operand coffs at 1; if
// resulting global coeff is zero, delete all nodes and set
// this to zero constant.
// don't do anything on other operators
void ConsolidateProductCoeffs(void);
// in a sum or product, if coeff of sum operand is not 1, distribute it
// to the operands and set whole coeff to 1
void DistributeCoeffOverSum(void);
void DistributeCoeffOverProduct(void);
// enforce constant dependencies (added for MORON - see ../PROGNOTES)
// this only acts on the proper leaf nodes
void EnforceDependency(void);
// substitute a variable with a constant
void VariableToConstant(const int varindex,
const double c);
// replace variable indexed v1 with variable indexed v2 (with varname vn)
void ReplaceVariable(const int v1,
const int v2,
const std::string & vn);
void ReplaceVariable(const int v1,
const int v2,
const std::string & vn,
const double c2);
// replace with a variable the deepest node conforming to schema and
// return replaced term or zero expression if no replacement occurs
Expression ReplaceBySchema(const int vi,
const std::string & vn,
const Expression & schema);
// works on subnodes not on current node
Expression ReplaceBySchemaRecursive(const int vi,
const std::string & vn,
const Expression & schema);
// replace with a variable the deepest node with given operator label
// return replaced term or zero expression if no replacement occurs
Expression ReplaceByOperator(const int vi,
const std::string & vn,
const int oplabel);
// works on subnodes not on current node
Expression ReplaceByOperatorRecursive(const int vi,
const std::string & vn,
const int oplabel);
// replace all occurrences of subexpression needle with replace
// return number of replacements
int ReplaceSubexpression(const Expression & needle,
const Expression & replace);
// replace this with given expression (SIGSEGV risk, see implementation)
void ReplaceWithExpression(const Expression & replace);
// reset all names of variables having IDs between lid, uid to vn
void ResetVarNames(const std::string & vn,
int lid,
int uid);
// distribute products over sums - returns true if changed
// (re-call until false)
bool DistributeProductsOverSums(void);
// find variable indices in an expression
void GetVarIndices(std::vector<int> & vidx);
// return list of varIDs involved in a certain schema
// e.g. f(x1*x2+x1*x3+x4*log(x5), x*y) = {1,2,3}
void GetVarIndicesInSchema(std::vector<int> & vidx,
const Expression & schema);
// find the variable name corresponding to variable index vi
std::string FindVariableName(int vi);
// is this expression linear?
bool IsLinear(void) const;
// is this expression a quadratic product of variables?
// If yes, return the product type: PRODUCT, POWER or VAR
bool IsQuadratic(int & prodtype) const;
bool IsQuadratic(void) const;
// return info about the linear part (assumes Simplify() has already been
// called on this) - return false if expression has no linear part
// by "linear part" we mean lin(x) in expr(x,y) = lin(x) + nonlin(y)
// lincoeff[i] is the i-th nonzero coeff, linvi[i] is the corresponding
// i-th varindex (starts from 1), c is the constant term to be added
bool GetLinearInfo(std::vector<double> & lincoeff,
std::vector<int> & linvi,
std::vector<std::string> & linvn,
double & c);
// return info about the pure linear part (assumes Simplify() has
// already been called on this) - much as above call but the "pure
// linear part" is e.g. x+y in x+y+y^2
bool GetPureLinearInfo(std::vector<double> & lincoeff,
std::vector<int>& linvi,
std::vector<std::string> & linvn,
double & c);
// get the linear part - x in x+y+y^2
Expression GetLinearPart(void);
// get the pure linar part - x+y in x+y+y^2
Expression GetPureLinearPart(void);
// get the nonlinear part - nonlin(y) in expr(x,y) = lin(x) + nonlin(y)
Expression GetNonlinearPart(void);
// get the purely nonlinear part - eg. y^2 in x+y+y^2
Expression GetPureNonlinearPart(void);
// return the additive constant of the expression
double GetConstantPart(void);
// return the additive constant of the expression and remove it from the
// expression itself
double RemoveAdditiveConstant(void);
// All these functions contain tricks to simplify the operands. This
// means that both the operands may be changed, and indeed that the
// return value is often one of the changed operands. To make sure
// you are not changing the operands, use the CopyOf function or the
// Copy() method in Pointer class; or use the equivalent operators below
// in order not to touch the argument expressions.
// add a link of b to a, return link to created expression
Expression SumLink(Expression a,
Expression b);
// add a link of b to a with coeff -1, return link of a
Expression DifferenceLink(Expression a,
Expression b);
// multiply a by a link of b, return link of a
Expression ProductLink(Expression a,
Expression b);
// divide a by a link of b, return link of a
Expression FractionLink(Expression a,
Expression b) throw(ErrDivideByZero);
// raise a to power b, return link of a
Expression PowerLink(Expression a,
Expression b);
// change sign to coeff of a, return link of a
Expression MinusLink(Expression a);
// other unary functions (of a):
Expression SinLink(Expression a);
Expression CosLink(Expression a);
Expression TanLink(Expression a);
Expression AsinLink(Expression a);
Expression AcosLink(Expression a);
Expression AtanLink(Expression a);
Expression SinhLink(Expression a);
Expression CoshLink(Expression a);
Expression TanhLink(Expression a);
Expression AsinhLink(Expression a);
Expression AcoshLink(Expression a);
Expression AtanhLink(Expression a);
Expression Log2Link(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
Expression Log10Link(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
Expression LogLink(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
Expression LnLink(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
Expression LngammaLink(Expression a);
Expression GammaLink(Expression a);
Expression ExpLink(Expression a);
Expression ErfLink(Expression a);
Expression ErfcLink(Expression a);
Expression SqrtLink(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
Expression CbrtLink(Expression a);
Expression BesselJ0Link(Expression a);
Expression BesselJ1Link(Expression a);
Expression BesselY0Link(Expression a);
Expression BesselY1Link(Expression a);
Expression SignLink(Expression a);
Expression RintLink(Expression a);
Expression AbsLink(Expression a);
Expression CotLink(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
Expression CothLink(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
// these are equivalent to the above but they don't change the arguments
Expression operator + (Expression a,
Expression b);
Expression operator - (Expression a,
Expression b);
Expression operator * (Expression a,
Expression b);
Expression operator / (Expression a,
Expression b) throw(ErrDivideByZero);
Expression operator ^ (Expression a,
Expression b);
Expression operator - (Expression a);
Expression Sin(Expression a);
Expression Cos(Expression a);
Expression Tan(Expression a);
Expression Asin(Expression a);
Expression Acos(Expression a);
Expression Atan(Expression a);
Expression Sinh(Expression a);
Expression Cosh(Expression a);
Expression Tanh(Expression a);
Expression Asinh(Expression a);
Expression Acosh(Expression a);
Expression Atanh(Expression a);
Expression Log2(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
Expression Log10(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
Expression Log(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
Expression Ln(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
Expression Lngamma(Expression a);
Expression Gamma(Expression a);
Expression Exp(Expression a);
Expression Erf(Expression a);
Expression Erfc(Expression a);
Expression Sqrt(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
Expression Cbrt(Expression a);
Expression BesselJ0(Expression a);
Expression BesselJ1(Expression a);
Expression BesselY0(Expression a);
Expression BesselY1(Expression a);
Expression Sign(Expression a);
Expression Rint(Expression a);
Expression Abs(Expression a);
Expression Cot(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
Expression Coth(Expression a) throw(ErrNotPermitted);
// symbolic differentiation of a w.r.t. variable with index vi,
// return the created expression (a is not changed)
Expression Diff(const Expression & a,
Int vi);
Expression DiffNoSimplify(const Expression & ac,
Int vi);
// SIMPLIFICATIONS - all simplifications return true if they were
// effective or false if they weren't
// sin^2+cos^2 = 1 simplification
bool TrigSimp(Expression a);
// generic simplification with modification of the expression
bool Simplify(Expression* a);
bool SimplifyRecursive(Expression* a);
bool SimplifyConstant(Expression* a);
bool DifferenceToSum(Expression* a);
bool CompactLinearPart(Expression* a);
bool CompactLinearPartRecursive(Expression* a);
bool CompactProducts(Expression* a);
bool ReorderNodes(Expression* a);
// destroys the whole tree and all nodes, be careful
void RecursiveDestroy(Expression* a);
// generic simplification on a copy of the expression
Expression SimplifyCopy(Expression* a, bool& ischanged);
} /* namespace Ev3 */
#endif /* __EV3EXPRESSIONH__ */