/usr/include/openturns/swig/Interval.i is in libopenturns-dev 0.15-2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | // SWIG file Interval.i
// Author : $LastChangedBy: schueller $
// Date : $LastChangedDate: 2011-07-06 12:03:57 +0200 (Wed, 06 Jul 2011) $
// Id : $Id: Interval.i 1991 2011-07-06 10:03:57Z schueller $
#include "PythonWrappingFunctions.hxx"
#include "Interval.hxx"
// class UnsignedLongCollection is defined in wrapper_module.i (module wrapper)
%pythoncode %{
class BoolCollection(wrapper.UnsignedLongCollection): pass
%rename(__eq__) OpenTURNS::Base::Type::Interval::operator==(const Interval & rhs) const;
%include Interval.hxx
namespace OpenTURNS { namespace Base { namespace Type {
%extend Interval {
// Interval(PyObject * pyObj1, PyObject * pyObj2)
// {
// OpenTURNS::check<OpenTURNS::_PySequence_>( pyObj1 );
// OpenTURNS::check<OpenTURNS::_PySequence_>( pyObj2 );
// return new OpenTURNS::Base::Type::Interval( OpenTURNS::convert<OpenTURNS::_PySequence_,OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPoint>( pyObj1 ),
// OpenTURNS::convert<OpenTURNS::_PySequence_,OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPoint>( pyObj2 ) );
// }
Interval(PyObject * pyObj1, PyObject * pyObj2, PyObject * pyObj3, PyObject * pyObj4)
OpenTURNS::check<OpenTURNS::_PySequence_>( pyObj1 );
OpenTURNS::check<OpenTURNS::_PySequence_>( pyObj2 );
OpenTURNS::check<OpenTURNS::_PySequence_>( pyObj3 );
OpenTURNS::check<OpenTURNS::_PySequence_>( pyObj4 );
OpenTURNS::Pointer<OpenTURNS::Base::Type::Collection<OpenTURNS::UnsignedLong> > ptr3 = OpenTURNS::buildCollectionFromPySequence<OpenTURNS::UnsignedLong>( pyObj3 );
OpenTURNS::Pointer<OpenTURNS::Base::Type::Collection<OpenTURNS::UnsignedLong> > ptr4 = OpenTURNS::buildCollectionFromPySequence<OpenTURNS::UnsignedLong>( pyObj4 );
return new OpenTURNS::Base::Type::Interval( OpenTURNS::convert<OpenTURNS::_PySequence_,OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPoint>( pyObj1 ),
OpenTURNS::convert<OpenTURNS::_PySequence_,OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPoint>( pyObj2 ),
*ptr4 );
namespace OpenTURNS { namespace Base { namespace Type { %extend Interval { Interval(const Interval & other) { return new OpenTURNS::Base::Type::Interval(other); } } }}}