/usr/include/openturns/swig/NumericalPointWithDescription.i is in libopenturns-dev 0.15-2.
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// Author : $LastChangedBy: souchaud $
// Date : $LastChangedDate: 2011-04-05 17:50:07 +0200 (Tue, 05 Apr 2011) $
// Id : $Id: NumericalPointWithDescription.i 1855 2011-04-05 15:50:07Z souchaud $
#include "NumericalPointWithDescription.hxx"
namespace OpenTURNS {
template <>
struct traitsPythonType<OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPointWithDescription>
typedef _PySequence_ Type;
template <>
convert<_PySequence_,OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPointWithDescription>(PyObject * pyObj)
check<_PySequence_>( pyObj );
PyObject * newPyObj = PySequence_Fast( pyObj, "" );
const OpenTURNS::UnsignedLong size = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE( newPyObj );
OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPointWithDescription * p_np = new OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPointWithDescription( size );
OpenTURNS::Base::Type::Description desc = OpenTURNS::Base::Type::Description( size );
for(OpenTURNS::UnsignedLong i=0; i<size; ++i) {
PyObject * elt = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM( newPyObj, i );
check<_PySequence_>( elt );
if (PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE( elt ) == 2) {
PyObject * item_0 = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM( elt, 0 );
check<_PyString_>( item_0 );
desc[i] = convert<_PyString_,OpenTURNS::String>( item_0 );
PyObject * item_1 = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM( elt, 1 );
check<_PyFloat_>( item_1 );
(*p_np)[i] = convert<_PyFloat_,OpenTURNS::NumericalScalar>( item_1 );
} else throw OpenTURNS::Base::Common::InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Sequence item " << i << " passed as argument is not a pair (String, NumericalScalar)";
Py_XDECREF( newPyObj );
p_np->setDescription( desc );
return *p_np;
} /* namespace OpenTURNS */
%rename(NumericalPointWithDescription_operator___eq__) OpenTURNS::Base::Type::operator ==(const NumericalPointWithDescription & lhs, const NumericalPointWithDescription & rhs);
%include NumericalPointWithDescription.hxx
namespace OpenTURNS{ namespace Base { namespace Type {
%extend NumericalPointWithDescription {
NumericalPointWithDescription(const NumericalPointWithDescription & other)
return new OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPointWithDescription(other);
NumericalPointWithDescription(PyObject * pyObj)
return new OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPointWithDescription( OpenTURNS::convert<OpenTURNS::_PySequence_,OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPointWithDescription>(pyObj) );
%template(NumericalPointWithDescriptionCollection) OpenTURNS::Base::Type::Collection<OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPointWithDescription>;
%template(NumericalPointWithDescriptionPersistentCollection) OpenTURNS::Base::Type::PersistentCollection<OpenTURNS::Base::Type::NumericalPointWithDescription>;