/usr/share/pyshared/mic/ec2convert/ec2config.py is in mic2 0.24.12-1.
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# ec2config.py: Convert a virtual appliance image in an EC2 AMI
# Copyright 2008, Red Hat Inc.
# Joseph Boggs <jboggs@redhat.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import os
import sys
import logging
import random
import shutil
import mic.ec2convert.rpmcheck as rpmcheck
import mic.ec2convert.fs as fs
class EC2Config:
def makedev(self,tmpdir):
os.popen("/sbin/MAKEDEV -d %s/dev -x console" % tmpdir)
os.popen("/sbin/MAKEDEV -d %s/dev -x null" % tmpdir)
os.popen("/sbin/MAKEDEV -d %s/dev -x zero" % tmpdir)
return True
def fstab(self,tmpdir):
logging.info("* - Updating /etc/fstab")
fstab_path = tmpdir + "/etc/fstab"
os.system("touch " + fstab_path)
fstab = open(fstab_path, "w")
ec2_fstab = "/dev/sda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1\n"
ec2_fstab += "/dev/sda2 /mnt ext3 defaults 1 2\n"
ec2_fstab += "/dev/sda3 swap swap defaults 0 0\n"
ec2_fstab += "none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0\n"
ec2_fstab += "none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0\n"
ec2_fstab += "none /proc proc defaults 0 0\n"
ec2_fstab += "none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0\n"
return True
def rclocal_config(self,tmpdir):
rclocal_path = tmpdir + "/etc/rc.local"
rclocal = open(rclocal_path, "w")
logging.info("* - Creating rc.local configuration\n")
ec2_rclocal = "if [ ! -d /root/.ssh ] ; then\n"
ec2_rclocal += "mkdir -p /root/.ssh\n"
ec2_rclocal += "chmod 700 /root/.ssh\n"
ec2_rclocal += "fi\n\n"
ec2_rclocal += " # Fetch public key using HTTP\n"
ec2_rclocal += "curl -f > /tmp/my-key\n"
ec2_rclocal += "if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then\n"
ec2_rclocal += "cat /tmp/my-key >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys\n"
ec2_rclocal += "chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys\n"
ec2_rclocal += "rm /tmp/my-key\n"
ec2_rclocal += "fi\n\n"
ec2_rclocal += "# or fetch public key using the file in the ephemeral store:\n"
ec2_rclocal += "if [ -e /mnt/openssh_id.pub ] ; then\n"
ec2_rclocal += "cat /mnt/openssh_id.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys\n"
ec2_rclocal += "chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys\n"
ec2_rclocal += "fi\n\n"
ec2_rclocal += "# Update the EC2 AMI creation tools\n"
ec2_rclocal += "echo Updating ec2-ami-tools\n"
ec2_rclocal += "curl -o /tmp/ec2-ami-tools.noarch.rpm http://s3.amazonaws.com/ec2-downloads/ec2-ami-tools.noarch.rpm && \n"
ec2_rclocal += "rpm -Uvh /tmp/ec2-ami-tools.noarch.rpm && \n"
ec2_rclocal += "echo \" + Updated ec2-ami-tools\"\n"
return True
def ssh_config(self,tmpdir):
sshdconfig_path = tmpdir + "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
sshdconfig = open(sshdconfig_path,"w")
except IOError, (errno, strerror):
logging.error( "%s, %s" % (strerror,sshdconfig_path))
logging.error( "The openssh_server package must be installed to convert and function properly on EC2" )
return False
logging.info("* - Creating ssh configuration")
ec2_sshdconfig = "UseDNS no\n"
ec2_sshdconfig +="PermitRootLogin without-password\n"
return True
def eth0_config(self,tmpdir):
logging.info("* - Creating eth0 configuration")
eth0_path = tmpdir + "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0"
os.system("touch %s" % eth0_path)
eth0 = open(eth0_path, "w")
except IOError, (errno, strerror):
logging.info( "%s, %s" % (strerror,eth0_path) )
return False
ec2_eth0 = "ONBOOT=yes\n"
ec2_eth0 += "DEVICE=eth0\n"
ec2_eth0 += "BOOTPROTO=dhcp\n"
os.system("chroot %s /sbin/chkconfig network on" % tmpdir)
logging.info("* - Prevent nosegneg errors")
os.system("echo \"hwcap 0 nosegneg\" > %s/etc/ld.so.conf.d/nosegneg.conf" % tmpdir)
return True
def ami_tools(self,tmpdir):
logging.info("Adding EC2 Tools")
if os.path.isdir(tmpdir + "/home/ec2"):
os.mkdir(tmpdir + "/home/ec2")
ec2td = os.system("curl -o /tmp/ec2-api-tools-1.2-9739.zip http://s3.amazonaws.com/ec2-downloads/ec2-api-tools-1.2-9739.zip")
if ec2td == 0:
os.system("unzip -qo /tmp/ec2-api-tools-1.2-9739.zip -d /home/ec2")
logging.error( "EC2 tools download error!")
return False
return True
def kernel_modules(self,tmpdir):
logging.info("Configure image for accepting the EC2 kernel")
kd = os.system("curl -o /tmp/kernel-xen- http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/packages/kernel-xen-2.6/")
if kd == 0:
os.system("rpm -ivh --nodeps /tmp/kernel-xen- --root=%s" % tmpdir)
logging.error("Kernel download error!")
return False
return True
def convert(imagefile, inputtype, tmpdirectory, checkrpms, sshconfig, newimagepath):
tmpdir = tmpdirectory + "/ec2-convert-" + (''.join(random.sample('123567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 8)))
tmpimage = tmpdir + "-tmpimage"
newimage = tmpimage + "/ec2-diskimage.img"
if inputtype == "loopbackfs":
fsutil = fs.LoopbackFSImage()
elif inputtype == "diskimage":
fsutil = fs.LoopBackDiskImage()
elif options.inputtype == "directory":
fsutil = fs.DirectoryImage()
logging.error("No input type was provided")
return False
if inputtype =="diskimage" or inputtype == "loopbackfs":
logging.info("Copying %s to %s" % (imagefile,tmpimage))
if checkrpms:
if not rpmcheck.checkpkgs(tmpdir):
return False
config = EC2Config()
# Each method returns TRUE if successful, or false if it failed
# We catch false and return False if we failed.
if not config.makedev(tmpdir):
return False
if not config.fstab(tmpdir):
return False
if not config.rclocal_config(tmpdir):
return False
if not sshconfig:
if config.ssh_config(tmpdir):
return False
if not config.eth0_config(tmpdir):
return False
if not config.ami_tools(tmpdir):
return False
if not config.kernel_modules(tmpdir):
return False
return True