/usr/share/pyshared/cogent/cluster/nmds.py is in python-cogent 1.5.1-2.
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"""nonmetric multidimensional scaling (nmds)
see, for example: Jan de Leeuw 2004 (monotone regression),
Rencher 2002: Methods of multivariate analysis, and the original work:
Kruskal 1964: Nonmetric multidimensional scaling
from __future__ import division
from numpy import array, multiply, sum, zeros, size, shape, diag, dot, mean,\
sqrt, transpose, trace, argsort, newaxis, finfo, all
from numpy.random import seed, normal as random_gauss
from numpy.linalg import norm, svd
from operator import itemgetter
import cogent.maths.scipy_optimize as optimize
from cogent.cluster.metric_scaling import principal_coordinates_analysis
__author__ = "Justin Kuczynski"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2007-2011, The Cogent Project"
__credits__ = ["Justin Kuczynski", "Peter Maxwell"]
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "1.5.1"
__maintainer__ = "Justin Kuczynski"
__email__ = "justinak@gmail.com"
__status__ = "Development"
class NMDS(object):
"""Generates points using nonmetric scaling
Takes as input an n by n distance/dissimilarity matrix (hereafter called a
dissimilarity matrix for clarity), and a desired dimension (k). Using the
order of these dissimilarities only (the value is considered only to the
extent that it determines the order), nonmetric_scaling constructs n
points in k-dimensional space which correspond to the input matrix.
The algorithm attempts to have the order of the pairwise distances between
points correspond as closely as possible to the order of the dissimilarity
matrix entries; if dissim[i,j] is the minimum dissimilarity, point i and
point j should be the two points closest together.
The algorithm is random in nature, and is not guaranteed to converge to
the best solution. Furthermore, in general a dissimilarity matrix cannot
be represented exactly by n points in k space, for k < n-1.
Currently the convergence test is pretty basic, it just tests for a
sufficiently small or negative relative improvement in stress,
or if a sufficiently tiny value of stress has been reached.
Alternatively, it will stop after max_iterations
The basic algorithm is:
- generate n points in k space
- compute pairwise distances between these points
- compare these distances with a set of pseudo-distances (dhats),
which are constrained to increase in the same order as the input data
- repeatedly adjust the points and dhats until the point distances
have nearly the same order as the input data
Note: increasing MIN_ABS_STRESS causes nans to return from stress fn
def __init__(self, dissimilarity_mtx, initial_pts="pcoa",
dimension=2, rand_seed=None, optimization_method=1, verbosity=1,
max_iterations=50, setup_only=False, min_rel_improvement = 1e-3,
min_abs_stress = 1e-5):
- dissimilarity_mtx: an n by n numpy float array representing the
pairwise dissimilarity of items. 0 on diagonals, symmetric under
(i,j) -> (j,i)
- initial_pts: "random" => random starting points, "pcoa" =>
pts from pcoa, or a numpy 2d array, ncols = dimension
- dimension: the desired dimension k of the constructed
- rand_seed: used for testing
- optimization_method: used when points are adjusted to minimize stress:
0 => justin k's ad hoc method of steepest descent
1 => cogent's scipy_optimize fmin_bfgs
self.min_rel_improvement = min_rel_improvement
self.min_abs_stress = min_abs_stress
if dimension >= len(dissimilarity_mtx) - 1:
raise RuntimeError("NMDS requires N-1 dimensions or fewer, "+\
"where N is the number of samples, or rows in the dissim matrix"+\
" got %s rows for a %s dimension NMDS" % \
(len(dissimilarity_mtx), dimension))
if rand_seed != None:
self.verbosity = verbosity
num_points = len(dissimilarity_mtx)
point_range = range(num_points)
self.dimension = dimension
self.optimization_method = optimization_method
self._calc_dissim_order(dissimilarity_mtx, point_range)
# sets self.order
# note that in the rest of the code, only the order matters, the values
# of the dissimilarity matrix aren't used
if initial_pts == "random":
self.points = self._get_initial_pts(dimension, point_range)
elif initial_pts == "pcoa":
pcoa_pts, pcoa_eigs = principal_coordinates_analysis(\
order = argsort(pcoa_eigs)[::-1] # pos to small/neg
pcoa_pts = pcoa_pts[order].T
self.points = pcoa_pts[:,:dimension]
self.points = initial_pts
self.points = self._center(self.points)
# dists relates to points, not to input data
# dhats are constrained to be monotonic
# self.stress is calculated from dists and dhats
self.stresses = [self.stress]
# stress is the metric of badness of fit used in this code
# index 0 is the initial stress, with a initial set of
# datapoints. index 1 corresponds to iteration 0 of the loop below
if setup_only:
for i in range(max_iterations):
if self.verbosity >= 1:
print("nonmetric broad iteration, stress: ", i,
if (self.stresses[-1] < self.min_abs_stress):
if self.verbosity >= 1:
print "stress below cutoff, done"
if (self.stresses[-2]-self.stresses[-1]) / self.stresses[-2] <\
if self.verbosity >= 1:
print "iteration improvement minimal. converged."
# center and rotate the points, since pos, rotation is arbitrary
# rotation is to align to principal axes of self.points
self.points = self._center(self.points)
u,s,vh = svd(self.points, full_matrices=False)
S = diag(s)
self.points = dot(u,S)
# normalize the scaling, which should not change the stress
def dhats(self):
"""The dhats in order."""
# Probably not required, but here in case needed for backward
# compatibility. self._dhats is the full 2D array
return [self._dhats[i,j] for (i,j) in self.order]
def dists(self):
"""The dists in order"""
# Probably not required, but here in case needed for backward
# compatibility. self._dists is the full 2D array
return [self._dists[i,j] for (i,j) in self.order]
def getPoints(self):
"""Returns (ordered in a list) the n points in k space
these are the algorithm's attempt at points corresponding to the input
order of dissimilarities. Returns a numpy 'd' mtx, points in rows
return self.points
def getStress(self):
"""Returns a measure of the badness of fit
not in percent, a typical number for 20 datapoints is .12"""
return self.stresses[-1]
def getDimension(self):
"""returns the dimensions in which the constructed points lie"""
return self.dimension
def _center(self, mtx):
"""translate all data (rows of the matrix) to center on the origin
returns a shifted version of the input data. The new matrix is such
that the center of mass of the row vectors is centered at the origin.
Returns a numpy float ('d') array
result = array(mtx, 'd')
result -= mean(result, 0)
# subtract each column's mean from each element in that column
return result
def _calc_dissim_order(self, dissim_mtx, point_range):
"""calculates the order of the dissim_mtx entries, puts in self.order
First creates a list of dissim elements with structure [i, j, value],
then sorts that by value and strips the value subelemnt.
i and j correspond to the row and column of the input dissim matrix
dissim_list = []
for i in point_range:
for j in point_range:
if j > i:
dissim_list.append([i, j, dissim_mtx[i,j]])
dissim_list.sort(key = itemgetter(2))
for elem in dissim_list:
self.order = dissim_list
def _get_initial_pts(self, dimension, pt_range):
"""Generates points randomly with a gaussian distribution (sigma = 1)
# nested list comprehension. Too dense for good readability?
points = [[random_gauss(0., 1) for axis in range(dimension)] \
for pt_idx in pt_range]
return array(points, 'd')
def _calc_distances(self):
"""Update distances between the points"""
diffv = self.points[newaxis, :, :] - self.points[:, newaxis, :]
squared_dists = (diffv**2).sum(axis=-1)
self._dists = sqrt(squared_dists)
self._squared_dist_sums = squared_dists.sum(axis=-1)
def _update_dhats(self):
"""Update dhats based on distances"""
new_dhats = self._dists.copy()
ordered_dhats = [new_dhats[i,j] for (i,j) in self.order]
ordered_dhats = self._do_monotone_regression(ordered_dhats)
for ((i,j),d) in zip(self.order, ordered_dhats):
new_dhats[i,j] = new_dhats[j, i] = d
self._dhats = new_dhats
def _do_monotone_regression(self, dhats):
"""Performs a monotone regression on dhats, returning the result
Assuming the input dhats are the values of the pairwise point
distances, this algorithm minimizes the stress while enforcing
monotonicity of the dhats.
Jan de Leeuw 2004 (monotone regression) has a rough outline of the
algorithm. Basically, as we proceed along the ordered list,
if an element is smaller than its preceeding one, the two are averaged
and grouped together in a block. The process is repeated until
the blocks are monotonic, that is block i <= block i+1.
blocklist = []
for top_dhat in dhats:
top_total = top_dhat
top_size = 1
while blocklist and top_dhat <= blocklist[-1][0]:
(dhat, total, size) = blocklist.pop()
top_total += total
top_size += size
top_dhat = top_total / top_size
blocklist.append((top_dhat, top_total, top_size))
result_dhats = []
for (val, total, size) in blocklist:
return result_dhats
def _calc_stress(self):
"""calculates the stress, or badness of fit between the distances and dhats
Caches some intermediate values for gradient calculations.
diffs = (self._dists - self._dhats)
diffs **= 2
self._squared_diff_sums = diffs.sum(axis=-1)
self._total_squared_diff = self._squared_diff_sums.sum() / 2
self._total_squared_dist = self._squared_dist_sums.sum() / 2
self.stress = sqrt(self._total_squared_diff/self._total_squared_dist)
def _nudged_stress(self, v, d, epsilon):
"""Calculates the stress with point v moved epsilon in the dth dimension
delta_epsilon = zeros([self.dimension], float)
delta_epsilon[d] = epsilon
moved_point = self.points[v] + delta_epsilon
squared_dists = ((moved_point - self.points)**2).sum(axis=-1)
squared_dists[v] = 0.0
delta_squared_dist = squared_dists.sum() - self._squared_dist_sums[v]
diffs = sqrt(squared_dists) - self._dhats[v]
diffs **= 2
delta_squared_diff = diffs.sum() - self._squared_diff_sums[v]
return sqrt(
(self._total_squared_diff + delta_squared_diff) /
(self._total_squared_dist + delta_squared_dist))
def _rescale(self):
""" assumes centered, rescales to mean ot-origin dist of 1
factor = array([norm(vec) for vec in self.points]).mean()
self.points = self.points/factor
def _move_points(self):
""" this attempts to move our points in such a manner as to minimize
the stress metric, keeping dhats fixed. If the dists could be chosen
without constraints, by assigning each dist[i,j] = dhat[i,j],
stress would be zero.
However, since the distances are computed from points, it is generally
impossible to change the dists independantly of each other.
a basic algorithm is:
- move points
- recompute dists
- recompute stress
- if stress decreased, continue in the same manner, otherwise
move points in a different manner
self.points often serves as a starting point for optimizaion algorithms
optimization algorithm 0 is justin's hack (steepest descent method)
if self.optimization_method == 0:
elif self.optimization_method == 1:
numrows, numcols = shape(self.points)
pts = self.points.ravel().copy()
# odd behavior of scipy_optimize, possibly a bug there
maxiter = 100
while True:
if maxiter <= 1:
raise RuntimeError("could not run scipy optimizer")
optpts = optimize.fmin_bfgs(
self._recalc_stress_from_pts, pts,
disp=self.verbosity, maxiter=maxiter, gtol=1e-3)
except FloatingPointError:
# floor
maxiter = int(maxiter/2)
self.points = optpts.reshape((numrows, numcols))
raise ValueError
def _steep_descent_move(self,
rel_step_size=1./100, precision=.00001, max_iters=100):
"""moves self.points. goal: minimize the stress.
Uses steepest descent method.
This is currently an ad-hoc minimization routine, using the method
of steepest descent. The default parameters are only shown to work on
a few simple cases, and aren't optimized.
The gradient is calculated discretely, not via formula. Each variable
(there are n points * k dimensions of variables), is adjusted,
the stress measured, and the variable returned to its prior value.
If a local minimum is larger than step_size, the algorithm cannot
num_rows, num_cols = shape(self.points)
avg_point_dist = sum([norm(point) for point in self.points])/num_rows
step_size = avg_point_dist*rel_step_size
for iter in range(max_iters):
# initial values
prestep_stress = self.stress.copy()
gradient = zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
# get gradient
for i in range(num_rows):
for j in range(num_cols):
self.points[i,j] += step_size
delta_stress = self.stress - prestep_stress
gradient[i,j] = delta_stress/step_size
self.points[i,j] -= step_size
grad_mag = norm(gradient)
# step in the direction of the negative gradient
for i in range(num_rows):
for j in range(num_cols):
self.points[i,j] -= step_size*gradient[i,j]/grad_mag
newstress = self.stress.copy()
# choose whether to iterate again
if abs((newstress - prestep_stress)/prestep_stress) < precision:
if self.verbosity >= 1:
print("move pts converged after iteration: ", iter)
if iter == (max_iters - 1):
if self.verbosity >= 1:
print("move pts didn't converge in ", max_iters)
def _recalc_stress_from_pts(self, pts):
"""returns an updated value for stress based on input pts
a special function for use with external optimization routines.
pts here is a 1D numpy array"""
pts = pts.reshape(self.points.shape)
changed = not all(pts == self.points)
self.points = pts
if changed:
return self.stress
def _calc_stress_gradients(self, pts):
"""Approx first derivatives of stress at pts, for optimisers"""
epsilon = sqrt(finfo(float).eps)
f0 = self._recalc_stress_from_pts(pts)
grad = zeros(pts.shape, float)
for k in range(len(pts)):
(point, dim) = divmod(k, self.dimension)
f1 = self._nudged_stress(point, dim, epsilon)
grad[k] = (f1 - f0)/epsilon
return grad
def metaNMDS(iters, *args, **kwargs):
""" runs NMDS, first with pcoa init, then iters times with random init
returns NMDS object with lowest stress
args, kwargs is passed to NMDS(), but must not have initial_pts
must supply distance matrix
results = []
kwargs['initial_pts'] = "pcoa"
res1 = NMDS(*args,**kwargs)
kwargs['initial_pts'] = "random"
for i in range(iters):
results.append(NMDS(*args, **kwargs))
stresses = [nmds.getStress() for nmds in results]
bestidx = stresses.index(min(stresses))
return results[bestidx]