/usr/share/pyshared/cogent/maths/period.py is in python-cogent 1.5.1-2.
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multiply, float64, polyval
__author__ = "Hua Ying, Julien Epps and Gavin Huttley"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2007-2011, The Cogent Project"
__credits__ = ["Julien Epps", "Hua Ying", "Gavin Huttley", "Peter Maxwell"]
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "1.5.1"
__maintainer__ = "Gavin Huttley"
__email__ = "Gavin.Huttley@anu.edu.au"
__status__ = "Production"
def _goertzel_inner(x, N, period):
coeff = 2.0 * cos(2 * pi / period)
s_prev = 0.0
s_prev2 = 0.0
for n in range(N):
s = x[n] + coeff * s_prev - s_prev2
s_prev2 = s_prev
s_prev = s
pwr = sqrt(s_prev2**2 + s_prev**2 - coeff * s_prev2 * s_prev)
return pwr
def _ipdft_inner(x, X, W, ulim, N): # naive python
for p in range(ulim):
w = 1
for n in range(N):
if n != 0:
w *= W[p]
X[p] = X[p] + x[n] * w
return X
def _ipdft_inner2(x, X, W, ulim, N): # fastest python
p = x[::-1] # reversed
X = polyval(p, W)
return X
def _autocorr_inner2(x, xc, N): # fastest python
products = multiply.outer(x, x)
v = [products.trace(offset=m) for m in range(-len(x)+1, len(x))]
xc.put(xrange(xc.shape[0]), v)
def _autocorr_inner(x, xc, N): # naive python
for m in range(-N+1, N):
for n in range(N):
if 0 <= n-m < N:
xc[m+N-1] += (x[n]*x[n-m])
# try using pyrexed versions
from _period import ipdft_inner, autocorr_inner, goertzel_inner
# raise ImportError # for profiling
except ImportError:
# fastest python versions
ipdft_inner = _ipdft_inner2
autocorr_inner = _autocorr_inner2
goertzel_inner = _goertzel_inner
def goertzel(x, period):
"""returns the array(power), array(period) from series x for period
result objects are arrays for consistency with that other period
estimation functions"""
calc = Goertzel(len(x), period=period)
return calc(x)
class _PeriodEstimator(object):
"""parent class for period estimation"""
def __init__(self, length, llim=None, ulim=None, period=None):
super(_PeriodEstimator, self).__init__()
self.length = length
self.llim = llim or 2
self.ulim = ulim or (length-1)
if self.ulim > length:
raise RuntimeError, 'Error: ulim > length'
self.period = period
def getNumStats(self):
"""returns the number of statistics computed by this calculator"""
return 1
class AutoCorrelation(_PeriodEstimator):
def __init__(self, length, llim=None, ulim=None, period=None):
"""class for repetitive calculation of autocorrelation for series of
fixed length
e.g. if x = [1,1,1,1], xc = [1,2,3,4,3,2,1]
The middle element of xc corresponds to a lag (period) of 0
xc is always symmetric for real x
N is the length of x"""
super(AutoCorrelation, self).__init__(length, llim, ulim, period)
periods = range(-length+1, length)
self.min_idx = periods.index(self.llim)
self.max_idx = periods.index(self.ulim)
self.periods = array(periods[self.min_idx: self.max_idx + 1])
self.xc = zeros(2*self.length-1)
def evaluate(self, x):
x = array(x, float64)
autocorr_inner(x, self.xc, self.length)
xc = self.xc[self.min_idx: self.max_idx + 1]
if self.period is not None:
return xc[self.period-self.llim]
return xc, self.periods
__call__ = evaluate
def auto_corr(x, llim=None, ulim=None):
"""returns the autocorrelation of x
e.g. if x = [1,1,1,1], xc = [1,2,3,4,3,2,1]
The middle element of xc corresponds to a lag (period) of 0
xc is always symmetric for real x
N is the length of x
_autocorr = AutoCorrelation(len(x), llim=llim, ulim=ulim)
return _autocorr(x)
class Ipdft(_PeriodEstimator):
def __init__(self, length, llim=None, ulim=None, period=None, abs_ft_sig=True):
"""factory function for computing the integer period discrete Fourier
transform for repeated application to signals of the same length.
- length: the signal length
- llim: lower limit
- ulim: upper limit
- period: a specific period to return the IPDFT power for
- abs_ft_sig: if True, returns absolute value of signal
if period is not None:
llim = period
ulim = period
super(Ipdft, self).__init__(length, llim, ulim, period)
self.periods = array(range(self.llim, self.ulim+1))
self.W = exp(-1j * 2 * pi / arange(1, self.ulim+1))
self.X = array([0+0j] * self.length)
self.abs_ft_sig = abs_ft_sig
def evaluate(self, x):
x = array(x, float64)
self.X = ipdft_inner(x, self.X, self.W, self.ulim, self.length)
pwr = self.X[self.llim-1:self.ulim]
if self.abs_ft_sig:
pwr = abs(pwr)
if self.period is not None:
return pwr[self.period-self.llim]
return array(pwr), self.periods
__call__ = evaluate
class Goertzel(_PeriodEstimator):
"""Computes the power of a signal for a specific period"""
def __init__(self, length=None, llim=None, ulim=None, period=None, abs_ft_sig=True):
assert period is not None, "Goertzel requires a period"
super(Goertzel, self).__init__(length=length, period=period)
def evaluate(self, x):
x = array(x, float64)
return _goertzel_inner(x, self.length, self.period)
__call__ = evaluate
class Hybrid(_PeriodEstimator):
"""hybrid statistic and corresponding periods for signal x
See Epps. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, 2009"""
def __init__(self, length, llim=None, ulim=None, period=None, abs_ft_sig=True, return_all=False):
- length: the length of signals to be encountered
- period: specified period at which to return the signal
- llim, ulim: the smallest, largest periods to evaluate
- return_all: whether to return the hybrid, ipdft, autocorr
statistics as a numpy array, or just the hybrid statistic
super(Hybrid, self).__init__(length, llim, ulim, period)
self.ipdft = Ipdft(length, llim, ulim, period, abs_ft_sig)
self.auto = AutoCorrelation(length, llim, ulim, period)
self._return_all = return_all
def getNumStats(self):
"""the number of stats computed by this calculator"""
num = [1, 3][self._return_all]
return num
def evaluate(self, x):
if self.period is None:
auto_sig, auto_periods = self.auto(x)
ft_sig, ft_periods = self.ipdft(x)
hybrid = auto_sig * ft_sig
if self._return_all:
result = array([hybrid, ft_sig, auto_sig]), ft_periods
result = hybrid, ft_periods
auto_sig = self.auto(x)
# ft_sig = goertzel(x, period) # performance slower than ipdft!
ft_sig = self.ipdft(x)
hybrid = auto_sig * ft_sig
if self._return_all:
result = array([abs(hybrid), ft_sig, auto_sig])
result = abs(hybrid)
return result
__call__ = evaluate
def ipdft(x, llim=None, ulim=None, period=None):
"""returns the integer period discrete Fourier transform of the signal x
- x: series of symbols
- llim: lower limit
- ulim: upper limit
x = array(x, float64)
ipdft_calc = Ipdft(len(x), llim, ulim, period)
return ipdft_calc(x)
def hybrid(x, llim=None, ulim=None, period=None, return_all=False):
Return hybrid statistic and corresponding periods for signal x
- return_all: whether to return the hybrid, ipdft, autocorr
statistics as a numpy array, or just the hybrid statistic
See Epps. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, 2009, 9
hybrid_calc = Hybrid(len(x), llim, ulim, period, return_all=return_all)
x = array(x, float)
return hybrid_calc(x)
def dft(x, **kwargs):
Return discrete fft and corresponding periods for signal x
n = len(x) / 2 * 2
x = array(x[:n])
pwr = fft.rfft(x, n)[1:]
freq = (arange(n/2+1)/(float(n)))[1:]
pwr = list(pwr)
periods = [1/f for f in freq]
return array(pwr), array(periods)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from numpy import sin
x = sin(2*pi/5*arange(1,9))
print x
print goertzel(x, 4)
print goertzel(x, 8)