/usr/share/pyshared/cogent/util/parallel.py is in python-cogent 1.5.1-2.
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from __future__ import with_statement
import os, sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
import warnings
import threading
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.pool
__author__ = "Peter Maxwell"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2007-2011, The Cogent Project"
__credits__ = ["Andrew Butterfield", "Peter Maxwell", "Gavin Huttley",
"Matthew Wakefield", "Edward Lang"]
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "1.5.1"
__maintainer__ = "Gavin Huttley"
__email__ = "Gavin Huttley"
__status__ = "Production"
# A flag to control if excess CPUs are worth a warning.
inefficiency_forgiven = False
class _FakeCommunicator(object):
"""Looks like a 1-cpu MPI communicator, but isn't"""
def Get_rank(self):
return 0
def Get_size(self):
return 1
def Split(self, colour, key=0):
return (self, self)
def allreduce(self, value, op=None):
return value
def allgather(self, value):
return [value]
def bcast(self, obj, source):
return obj
def Bcast(self, array, source):
def Barrier(self):
FAKE_MPI_COMM = _FakeCommunicator()
class _FakeMPI(object):
# required MPI module constants
SUM = MAX = DOUBLE = 'fake'
if os.environ.get('DONT_USE_MPI', 0):
print >>sys.stderr, 'Not using MPI'
MPI = None
from mpi4py import MPI
except ImportError:
warnings.warn('Not using MPI as mpi4py not found', stacklevel=2)
MPI = None
size = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
if size == 1:
MPI = None
if MPI is None:
MPI = _FakeMPI()
class ParallelContext(object):
"""A parallel context encapsulates the number of CPUs available and the
mechanism by which they communicate. All contexts offer the lowest-common-
denominator of parallel mechanisms - parallel imap."""
class NonParallelContext(ParallelContext):
"""This dummy parallel context is used when there is only one CPU available
size = 1
def getCommunicator(self):
def split(self, jobs):
return (self, self)
def imap(self, f, s, chunksize=None):
for element in s:
yield f(element)
NONE = NonParallelContext()
class UnFlattened(list):
class MPIParallelContext(ParallelContext):
"""This parallel context divides the available CPUs into groups of equal
size. Inner levels of potential parallelism can then further subdivide
those groups. It helps to have a CPU count which is divisible by the
task count."""
def __init__(self, comm=None):
if comm is None:
self.comm = comm
self.size = comm.Get_size()
def getCommunicator(self):
return self.comm
def split(self, jobs):
assert jobs > 0
size = self.size
group_count = min(jobs, size)
while size % group_count:
group_count += 1
if group_count == 1:
(next, sub) = (NONE, self)
elif group_count == size:
(next, sub) = (self, NONE)
rank = self.comm.Get_rank()
klass = type(self)
next = klass(self.comm.Split(rank // group_count, rank))
sub = klass(self.comm.Split(rank % group_count, rank))
return (next, sub)
def imap(self, f, s, chunksize=1):
comm = self.comm
(size, rank) = (comm.Get_size(), comm.Get_rank())
ordinals = range(0, len(s), size*chunksize)
# ensure same number of allgather calls in every process
for start in ordinals:
start += rank
local_results = UnFlattened([f(x) for x in s[start:start+chunksize]])
for results in comm.allgather(local_results):
# mpi4py allgather has a nasty inconsistancy about flattening
# lists of simple values
if isinstance(results, UnFlattened):
for result in results:
yield result
yield results
# Helping MultiprocessingParallelContext map unpicklable functions
class PicklableAndCallable(object):
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
self.func = None
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
if self.func is None:
self.func = _FUNCTIONS[self.key]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError
return self.func(*args, **kw)
class MultiprocessingParallelContext(ParallelContext):
"""At the outermost opportunity, this parallel context delegates all
work to a multiprocessing.Pool.
Subprocesses may also make pools if the outer pool is more than half idle.
Ideally the pool would be reused for later tasks, but cogent code mostly
uses map() with functions defined in local scopes, which are unpicklable,
so that is hacked around and pools are only ever used for one map() call"""
def __init__(self, size=None):
if size is None:
size = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
self.size = size
def getCommunicator(self):
def _subContext(self, size):
if size == 1:
return NONE
elif size == self.size:
return self
return type(self)(size)
def split(self, jobs):
assert jobs > 0
group_count = min(self.size, jobs)
remaining = self.size // group_count
next = self._subContext(group_count)
sub = self._subContext(remaining)
return (next, sub)
def _initWorkerProcess(self):
from cogent.util import progress_display
progress_display.CURRENT.context = progress_display.NULL_CONTEXT
def imap(self, f, s, chunksize=1):
key = id(f)
_FUNCTIONS[key] = f
f = PicklableAndCallable(id(f))
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(self.size, self._initWorkerProcess)
for result in pool.imap(f, s, chunksize=chunksize):
yield result
del _FUNCTIONS[key]
class ContextStack(threading.local):
"""This singleton object holds the current and enclosing parallel contexts."""
def __init__(self):
# Because this is a thread.local, any secondary threads will see this
# default and so not attempt to use MPI/multiprocessing:
self.stack = []
self.top = NONE
def setInitial(self, context):
"""The real initialiser. Should be called once from the main thread."""
assert self.stack == [] and self.top is NONE
self.top = context
def pushed(self, context):
"""Temporarily enter a pre-existing parallel context"""
self.top = context
self.top = self.stack.pop()
def split(self, jobs=None):
"""Divide the available CPUs up into groups to handle 'jobs' independent
tasks. If jobs << CPUs so that there are multiple CPUS per job, leave
that reduced number of CPUs available to any nested parallelism
opportunities within each job"""
if jobs is None:
jobs = self.top.size
(next, sub) = self.top.split(jobs)
with self.pushed(sub):
yield next
def imap(self, f, s, chunksize=1):
"""Like itertools.imap(f,s) only parallel."""
chunks = (len(s)-1) // chunksize + 1
with self.split(chunks) as next:
for element in next.imap(f, s, chunksize=chunksize):
yield element
def map(self, f, s):
return list(self.imap(f, s))
def getCommunicator(self):
"""For code needing an MPI communicator interface. If not
using MPI this will be a dummy communicator of 1 CPU."""
return self.top.getCommunicator()
def getContext(self):
return self.top
CONTEXT = ContextStack()
if os.environ.get('COGENT_CPUS', False):
cpus = int(os.environ['COGENT_CPUS'])
except ValueError:
cpus = None
assert cpus > 0
cpus = 1
elif cpus > 1:
getContext = CONTEXT.getContext
getCommunicator = CONTEXT.getCommunicator
parallel_context = CONTEXT.pushed
split = CONTEXT.split
imap = CONTEXT.imap
map = CONTEXT.map
def use_multiprocessing(cpus=None):
def sync_random(r):
# Only matters with MPI
comm = getCommunicator()
state = comm.bcast(r.getstate(), 0)