/usr/share/pymt-examples/apps/particles/particles.py is in python-pymt 0.5.1-0ubuntu3.
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from pymt import *
from OpenGL.GL import *
import random
import math
import os
# PYMT Plugin integration
PLUGIN_TITLE = 'Particles Sandbox'
PLUGIN_AUTHOR = 'Sharath Patali & Mathieu Virbel'
PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION = 'All stars are coming under touches!'
current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
class ParticleObject:
def __init__(self, settings):
self.x, self.y = 0, 0
self.opacity = 1.
self.visible = False
self.alpha_func = AnimationAlpha.linear
self.from_x = 0
self.from_y = 0
self.to_x = 0
self.to_y = 0
self.lifetime = 1
self.frame = 0
self.settings = settings
def random_color(self):
r_min, r_max = map(lambda x: x/255., self.settings.color_r)
g_min, g_max = map(lambda x: x/255., self.settings.color_g)
b_min, b_max = map(lambda x: x/255., self.settings.color_b)
self.color = [random.uniform(r_min, r_max),
random.uniform(g_min, g_max),
random.uniform(b_min, b_max),
def alpha(self, a, b):
alpha = self.alpha_func(self.frame / self.lifetime)
return a * (1-alpha) + b * alpha
def ramp(self, value_from, value_to, length, frame):
return (1.0 - frame / length) * value_from + frame / length * value_to
def animate(self, **kwargs):
pos = kwargs.get('pos')
rs = random.random() * self.settings.dispersion_start
re = random.random() * self.settings.dispersion_end
d = random.random() * math.pi * 2
self.x, self.y = pos
self.from_x = self.x + math.cos(d) * rs
self.from_y = self.y + math.sin(d) * rs
self.to_x = self.x + math.cos(d) * re
self.to_y = self.y + math.sin(d) * re
self.lifetime = self.settings.lifetime
self.alpha_func = self.settings.alpha
self.frame = 0
self.visible = True
def update(self, dt):
if self.frame > self.lifetime:
self.visible = False
return True
progress = self.frame / self.lifetime
self.frame += dt
self.x = self.alpha(self.from_x, self.to_x)
self.y = self.alpha(self.from_y, self.to_y)
alpha = self.settings.alpha_decrease / 100.
if progress < alpha:
self.opacity = 1
self.opacity = 1 - ((progress - alpha) * (1 / (1 - alpha)))
self.visible = True
self.color[3] = self.opacity
class ParticleEngine(MTWidget):
def __init__(self, max=5000, **kwargs):
super(ParticleEngine, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.max = max
self.particles = []
self.image = Image(os.path.join(current_dir, 'dot.png'))
# properties used by particles
self.alpha = AnimationAlpha.linear
self.dispersion_start = 10
self.dispersion_end = 200
self.alpha_decrease = 10
self.color_r = [0, 255]
self.color_g = [0, 255]
self.color_b = [0, 255]
self.lifetime = 1
self.number = 20
self.pointsize = 10
for i in range(self.max):
def create_ui(self):
xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MTBoxLayout id="'layout'" orientation="'vertical'" size_hint='(None,
None)' invert_y='True'>
<MTGridLayout cols="4" size_hint='(None,None)'>
<MTLabel label="'Lifetime'" size="(200, 30)" anchor_x="'center'" anchor_y="'middle'"/>
<MTSlider id="'sl_lifetime'" min="1" max="10" value="1"
orientation="'horizontal'" value_show="True" size="(200, 30)"/>
<MTLabel label="'Alpha decrease'" size="(200, 30)" anchor_x="'center'" anchor_y="'middle'"/>
<MTSlider id="'sl_alpha_decrease'" min="1" max="100" value="40"
orientation="'horizontal'" value_show="True" size="(200, 30)"/>
<MTLabel label="'Start dispertion'" size="(200, 30)" anchor_x="'center'" anchor_y="'middle'"/>
<MTSlider id="'sl_dispersion_start'" min="10" max="500" value="10"
orientation="'horizontal'" value_show="True" size="(200, 30)"/>
<MTLabel label="'End dispertion'" size="(200, 30)" anchor_x="'center'" anchor_y="'middle'"/>
<MTSlider id="'sl_dispersion_end'" min="10" max="500" value="200"
orientation="'horizontal'" value_show="True" size="(200, 30)"/>
<MTLabel label="'Number'" size="(200, 30)" anchor_x="'center'" anchor_y="'middle'"/>
<MTSlider id="'sl_number'" min="5" max="100" value="20"
orientation="'horizontal'" value_show="True" size="(200, 30)"/>
<MTLabel label="'Size'" size="(200, 30)" anchor_x="'center'" anchor_y="'middle'"/>
<MTSlider id="'sl_pointsize'" min="1" max="50" value="10"
orientation="'horizontal'" value_show="True" size="(200, 30)"/>
<MTLabel label="'Color range'" size="(200, 30)" anchor_x="'center'" anchor_y="'middle'"/>
<MTBoundarySlider id="'sl_color_r'" min="0" max="255"
value_min="100" value_max="255"
orientation="'horizontal'" showtext="True" size="(200, 30)"/>
<MTBoundarySlider id="'sl_color_g'" min="0" max="255"
value_min="0" value_max="255"
orientation="'horizontal'" showtext="True" size="(200, 30)"/>
<MTBoundarySlider id="'sl_color_b'" min="0" max="255"
value_min="0" value_max="255"
orientation="'horizontal'" showtext="True" size="(200, 30)"/>
<MTGridLayout rows="1" size_hint='(None,None)'>
<MTLabel label="'Animation'" size="(120, 30)" anchor_x="'center'" anchor_y="'middle'"/>
<MTToggleButton group="'animation'" id="'btn_linear'" label="'linear'" size="(90, 30)"/>
<MTToggleButton group="'animation'" id="'btn_ease_in_bounce'" label="'in bounce'" size="(90, 30)"/>
<MTToggleButton group="'animation'" id="'btn_ease_out_bounce'" label="'out bounce'" size="(90, 30)"/>
<MTToggleButton group="'animation'" id="'btn_ease_in_cubic'" label="'in cubic'" size="(90, 30)"/>
<MTToggleButton group="'animation'" id="'btn_ease_out_cubic'" label="'out cubic'" size="(90, 30)"/>
<MTToggleButton group="'animation'" id="'btn_ease_in_elastic'" label="'in elastic'" size="(90, 30)"/>
<MTToggleButton group="'animation'" id="'btn_ease_out_elastic'" label="'out elastic'" size="(90, 30)"/>
w = XMLWidget()
layout = w.getById('layout')
corner = MTSidePanel(layout=layout)
w.getById('sl_number').connect('on_value_change', self, 'number')
'on_value_change', self, 'dispersion_start')
'on_value_change', self, 'dispersion_end')
w.getById('sl_lifetime').connect('on_value_change', self, 'lifetime')
w.getById('sl_pointsize').connect('on_value_change', self, 'pointsize')
'on_value_change', self, 'alpha_decrease')
w.getById('sl_color_r').connect('on_value_change', self, 'color_r')
w.getById('sl_color_g').connect('on_value_change', self, 'color_g')
w.getById('sl_color_b').connect('on_value_change', self, 'color_b')
for x in ('linear', 'ease_in_bounce', 'ease_out_bounce',
'ease_in_cubic', 'ease_out_cubic',
'ease_in_elastic', 'ease_out_elastic'):
w.getById('btn_%s' % x).connect('on_press',
curry(self._btn_alpha_change, x))
def _btn_alpha_change(self, funcname, *largs):
self.alpha = getattr(AnimationAlpha, funcname)
return True
def draw(self):
dt = getFrameDt()
blend = GlBlending(sfactor=GL_SRC_ALPHA, dfactor=GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
with DO(blend,
for p in self.particles:
if p.update(dt):
glVertex2f(p.x, p.y)
count = len([x for x in self.particles if x.visible])
statusline = 'Particles: %4d/%4d' % (count, self.max)
w = getWindow()
drawLabel(statusline, pos=(10, w.height - 20), anchor_x='left')
def generate(self, pos, count):
for i in range(self.max):
if self.particles[i].visible:
count = count - 1
if count <= 0:
def on_touch_down(self, touch):
if super(ParticleEngine, self).on_touch_down(touch):
return True
self.generate((touch.x, touch.y), self.number)
return True
def on_touch_move(self, touch):
if super(ParticleEngine, self).on_touch_move(touch):
return True
self.generate((touch.x, touch.y), self.number)
return True
def pymt_plugin_activate(w, ctx):
ctx.pe = ParticleEngine()
def pymt_plugin_deactivate(w, ctx):
#start the application (inits and shows all windows)
if __name__ == '__main__':
w = MTWindow(color=(0,0,0,1))
ctx = MTContext()
pymt_plugin_activate(w, ctx)
pymt_plugin_deactivate(w, ctx)