/usr/share/pyshared/pymt/cache.py is in python-pymt 0.5.1-0ubuntu3.
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Cache Manager: cache object and delete them automaticly
How to use the cache ::
# register a new Cache
Cache.register('mycache', limit=10, timeout=5)
# create an object + id
label = 'objectid'
instance = MTLabel(label=label)
Cache.append('mycache', label, instance)
# retreive the object later
instance = Cache.get('mycache', label)
If the instance is NULL, the cache may have trash it, because you've
not used the label since 5 seconds, and you've reach the limit.
__all__ = ('Cache', )
from pymt.logger import pymt_logger
from pymt.clock import getClock
class Cache(object):
'''Cache, a manager to cache object'''
_categories = {}
_objects = {}
def register(category, limit=None, timeout=None):
'''Register a new category in cache, with limit
`category` : str
Identifier of the category
`limit` : int (optionnal)
Maximum number of object in the cache.
If None, no limit is applied.
`timeout` : double (optionnal)
Time to delete the object when it's not used.
if None, no timeout is applied.
Cache._categories[category] = {
'limit': limit,
'timeout': timeout
Cache._objects[category] = {}
pymt_logger.debug('Cache: register <%s> with limit=%s, timeout=%ss' %
(category, str(limit), str(timeout)))
def append(category, key, obj, timeout=None):
'''Add a new object in the cache.
`category` : str
Identifier of the category
`key` : str
Uniq identifier of the object to store
`obj` : object
Object to store in cache
`timeout` : double (optionnal)
Custom time to delete the object if it's not used.
cat = Cache._categories[category]
except KeyError:
pymt_logger.warning('Cache: category <%s> not exist' % category)
timeout = timeout or cat['timeout']
# FIXME: activate purge when limit is hit
#limit = cat['limit']
#if limit is not None and len(Cache._objects[category]) >= limit:
# Cache._purge_oldest(category)
Cache._objects[category][key] = {
'object': obj,
'timeout': timeout,
'lastaccess': getClock().get_time(),
'timestamp': getClock().get_time()
def get(category, key, default=None):
'''Get a object in cache.
`category` : str
Identifier of the category
`key` : str
Uniq identifier of the object to store
`default` : anything, default to None
Default value to be returned if key is not found
Cache._objects[category][key]['lastaccess'] = getClock().get_time()
return Cache._objects[category][key]['object']
except Exception:
return default
def get_timestamp(category, key, default=None):
'''Get the object timestamp in cache.
`category` : str
Identifier of the category
`key` : str
Uniq identifier of the object to store
`default` : anything, default to None
Default value to be returned if key is not found
return Cache._objects[category][key]['timestamp']
except Exception:
return default
def get_lastaccess(category, key, default=None):
'''Get the object last access time in cache.
`category` : str
Identifier of the category
`key` : str
Uniq identifier of the object to store
`default` : anything, default to None
Default value to be returned if key is not found
return Cache._objects[category][key]['lastaccess']
except Exception:
return default
def remove(category, key=None):
'''Purge the cache
`category` : str (optionnal)
Identifier of the category
`key` : str (optionnal)
Uniq identifier of the object to store
if key is not None:
del Cache._objects[category][key]
Cache._objects[category] = {}
except Exception:
def _purge_oldest(category, maxpurge=1):
print 'PURGE', category
import heapq
heap_list = []
for key in Cache._objects[category]:
obj = Cache._objects[category][key]
if obj['lastaccess'] == obj['timestamp']:
heapq.heappush(heap_list, (obj['lastaccess'], key))
print '<<<', obj['lastaccess']
n = 0
while n < maxpurge:
lastaccess, key = heapq.heappop(heap_list)
print '=>', key, lastaccess, getClock().get_time()
except Exception:
del Cache._objects[category][key]
def _purge_by_timeout(dt):
curtime = getClock().get_time()
for category in Cache._objects:
timeout = Cache._categories[category]['timeout']
if timeout is not None and dt > timeout:
# XXX got a lag ! that may be because the frame take lot of
# time to draw. and the timeout is not adapted to the current
# framerate. So, increase the timeout by two.
# ie: if the timeout is 1 sec, and framerate go to 0.7, newly
# object added will be automaticly trashed.
timeout *= 2
Cache._categories[category]['timeout'] = timeout
for key in Cache._objects[category].keys()[:]:
lastaccess = Cache._objects[category][key]['lastaccess']
objtimeout = Cache._objects[category][key]['timeout']
# take the object timeout if available
if objtimeout is not None:
timeout = objtimeout
# no timeout, cancel
if timeout is None:
if curtime - lastaccess > timeout:
del Cache._objects[category][key]
def print_usage():
'''Print the cache usage on the console'''
print 'Cache usage :'
for category in Cache._categories:
print ' * %s : %d / %s, timeout=%s' % (
# install the schedule clock for purging
getClock().schedule_interval(Cache._purge_by_timeout, 1)