/usr/share/pyshared/pymt/graphx/css.py is in python-pymt 0.5.1-0ubuntu3.
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CSS: Draw shapes with css attributes !
__all__ = ('drawCSSRectangle', )
import os
from pymt.graphx.draw import drawRectangleAlpha, drawRectangle, \
drawRoundedRectangle, drawRoundedRectangleAlpha
from pymt.graphx.colors import set_color
from pymt.cache import Cache
from pymt.graphx.statement import GlDisplayList, gx_color
from OpenGL.GL import GL_LINE_BIT, GL_LINE_LOOP, \
glPushAttrib, glPopAttrib, glLineWidth
if not 'PYMT_DOC' in os.environ:
Cache.register('pymt.cssrect', limit=100, timeout=60)
def drawCSSRectangle(pos=(0, 0), size=(100, 100), style=dict(), prefix=None, state=None):
'''Draw a rectangle with CSS
`state`: if a certain state string is passed, we will use styles with this postifx instead.
for example: style[bg-color] and style[bg-color-down] are both set.
if state == "down", we wil use bg-color-down instead of bg-color
* alpha-background (color)
* border-radius (float)
* border-radius-precision (float)
* border-width (float)
* draw-alpha-background (bool)
* draw-background (bool)
* draw-border (bool)
bg_image = style.get('bg-image-'+str(state))
if not bg_image:
bg_image = style.get('bg-image')
# Check if we have a cached version
cache_id = '%s:%s:%s:%s:%s' % (pos, size, style, prefix, state)
cache = Cache.get('pymt.cssrect', cache_id)
if cache:
if bg_image:
bg_image.size = size
bg_image.pos = pos
# lets use the ones for given state,
# and ignore the regular ones if the state ones are there
if state:
state = "-" + state
newstyle = {}
overwrites = []
for s in style:
if state in s:
overwrite = s.replace(state, '')
newstyle[overwrite] = style[s]
if s not in overwrites:
newstyle[s] = style[s]
style = newstyle
# hack to remove prefix in style
if prefix is not None:
prefix += '-'
newstyle = {}
for k in style:
newstyle[k] = style[k]
for k in style:
if prefix in k:
newstyle[k.replace(prefix, '')] = style[k]
style = newstyle
style.setdefault('border-width', 1.5)
style.setdefault('border-radius', 0)
style.setdefault('border-radius-precision', .1)
style.setdefault('draw-border', 0)
style.setdefault('draw-background', 1)
style.setdefault('draw-alpha-background', 0)
style.setdefault('alpha-background', (1, 1, .5, .5))
k = { 'pos': pos, 'size': size }
new_cache = GlDisplayList()
with new_cache:
if state:
set_color(*style['bg-color']) #hack becasue old widgets set this themselves
linewidth = style.get('border-width')
bordercolor = None
if 'border-color' in style:
bordercolor = style['border-color']
if style['border-radius'] > 0:
'radius': style['border-radius'],
'precision': style['border-radius-precision']
if style['draw-background']:
if style['draw-border']:
if linewidth:
if bordercolor:
with gx_color(*bordercolor):
drawRoundedRectangle(style=GL_LINE_LOOP, **k)
drawRoundedRectangle(style=GL_LINE_LOOP, **k)
if linewidth:
if style['draw-alpha-background']:
drawRoundedRectangleAlpha(alpha=style['alpha-background'], **k)
if style['draw-background']:
if style['draw-border']:
if linewidth:
if bordercolor:
with gx_color(*bordercolor):
drawRectangle(style=GL_LINE_LOOP, **k)
drawRectangle(style=GL_LINE_LOOP, **k)
if linewidth:
if style['draw-alpha-background']:
drawRectangleAlpha(alpha=style['alpha-background'], **k)
# if the drawCSSRectangle is already inside a display list
# compilation will not happen, but drawing yes.
# so, store only if a cache is created !
if new_cache.is_compiled():
Cache.append('pymt.cssrect', cache_id, new_cache)
if bg_image:
bg_image.size = size
bg_image.pos = pos