/usr/share/pyshared/pymt/utils.py is in python-pymt 0.5.1-0ubuntu3.
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Utils: generic toolbox
__all__ = ('intersection', 'difference', 'curry', 'strtotuple',
'get_color_from_hex', 'get_color_for_pyglet', 'get_random_color',
'is_color_transparent', 'boundary', 'connect',
'deprecated', 'SafeList',
'serialize_numpy', 'deserialize_numpy',
import inspect
import re
import functools
from pymt.logger import pymt_logger
def boundary(value, minvalue, maxvalue):
'''Limit a value between a minvalue and maxvalue'''
return min(max(value, minvalue), maxvalue)
def intersection(set1, set2):
'''Return intersection between 2 list'''
return filter(lambda s:s in set2, set1)
def difference(set1, set2):
'''Return difference between 2 list'''
return filter(lambda s:s not in set2, set1)
def curry(fn, *cargs, **ckwargs):
'''Change the function signature to pass new variable.'''
def call_fn(*fargs, **fkwargs):
d = ckwargs.copy()
return fn(*(cargs + fargs), **d)
return call_fn
def interpolate(value_from, value_to, step=10):
'''Interpolate a value to another. Can be useful to smooth some transition.
For example ::
# instead of setting directly
self.pos = pos
# use interpolate, and you'll have a nice transition
self.pos = interpolate(self.pos, new_pos)
.. warning::
This interpolation work only on list/tuple/double with the same
dimension. No test are done if the dimension is not the same.
if type(value_from) in (list, tuple):
out = []
for x, y in zip(value_from, value_to):
out.append(interpolate(x, y, step))
return out
return value_from + (value_to - value_from) / float(step)
def strtotuple(s):
'''Convert a tuple string into tuple,
with some security check. Designed to be used
with eval() function ::
a = (12, 54, 68)
b = str(a) # return '(12, 54, 68)'
c = strtotuple(b) # return (12, 54, 68)
# security
if not re.match('^[,.0-9 ()\[\]]*$', s):
raise Exception('Invalid characters in string for tuple conversion')
# fast syntax check
if s.count('(') != s.count(')'):
raise Exception('Invalid count of ( and )')
if s.count('[') != s.count(']'):
raise Exception('Invalid count of [ and ]')
r = eval(s)
if type(r) not in (list, tuple):
raise Exception('Conversion failed')
return r
def get_color_from_hex(s):
'''Transform from hex string color to pymt color'''
if s.startswith('#'):
return get_color_from_hex(s[1:])
value = [int(x, 16)/255. for x in re.split('([0-9a-f]{2})', s) if x != '']
if len(value) == 3:
return value
def get_random_color(alpha=1.0):
''' Returns a random color (4 tuple)
`alpha` : float, default to 1.0
if alpha == 'random' a random alpha value is generated
from random import random
if alpha == 'random':
return [random(), random(), random(), random()]
return [random(), random(), random(), alpha]
def get_color_for_pyglet(c):
'''Transform from pymt color to pyglet color'''
return map(lambda x: int(255 * x), c)
def is_color_transparent(c):
'''Return true if alpha channel is 0'''
if len(c) < 4:
return False
if float(c[3]) == 0.:
return True
return False
def connect(w1, p1, w2, p2, func=lambda x: x):
'''Connect events to a widget property'''
w1.connect(p1, w2, p2, func)
def deprecated(func):
'''This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions
as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted the first time
the function is used.'''
def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
file, line, caller = inspect.stack()[1][1:4]
caller_id = "%s:%s:%s" % (file, line, caller)
# We want to print deprecated warnings only once:
if caller_id not in DEPRECATED_CALLERS:
warning = (
'Call to deprecated function %s in %s line %d.'
'Called from %s line %d'
' by %s().') % (
func.func_code.co_firstlineno + 1,
file, line, caller)
if func.__doc__:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return new_func
class SafeList(list):
'''List with clear() method
.. warning::
Usage of iterate() function will decrease your performance.
def clear(self):
del self[:]
def iterate(self, reverse=False):
if reverse:
return reversed(iter(self))
return iter(self)
def serialize_numpy(obj):
import numpy
from StringIO import StringIO
from base64 import b64encode
io = StringIO()
numpy.save(io, obj)
return b64encode(io.read())
def deserialize_numpy(s):
import numpy
from StringIO import StringIO
from base64 import b64decode
io = StringIO(b64decode(s))
return numpy.load(io)