/usr/lib/R/site-library/Rmpi/INDEX is in r-cran-rmpi 0.5-9-2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 | MPI APIs:
mpi.abort Abort (quit) all tasks associated with a comm
mpi.allgather Gather data from each process to all process
mpi.allgatherv Gather diff size data from each process to all process
mpi.allreduce Reduce all process's vectors into one vector
mpi.barrier Block the caller until all group have called it
mpi.bcast Broadcast a vector (int,double,char) to every process
mpi.cancel Cancel a nonblocking send or recv
mpi.cart.coords Translate a rank to the Cartesian topology coordinate
mpi.cart.create Create a Cartesian structure of arbitrary dimension
mpi.cartdim.get Get dim information about a Cartesian topology
mpi.cart.get Provide the Cartesian topology associated with a comm
mpi.cart.rank Translate a Cartesian topology coordinate to the rank
mpi.cart.shift Shift Cartesian topology in displacement and direction
mpi.comm.disconnect Disconeect and free a comm
mpi.comm.dup Duplicate a comm to a new comm
mpi.comm.free Free a comm
mpi.comm.get.parent Get the parent intercomm
mpi.comm.rank Find the rank (process id) of master and slaves
mpi.comm.remote.size Find the size of a remote group from an intercomm
mpi.comm.size Find the size (total # of master and slaves)
mpi.comm.set.errhandler Set comm to error return (no crash)
mpi.comm.spawn Spawn slaves
mpi.comm.test.inter Test if a comm is an intercomm
mpi.dims.create Create a Cartesian dim used by mpi.cart.create
mpi.finalize Exit MPI environment (call MPI_Finalize())
mpi.gather Gather data from each process to a root process
mpi.gatherv Gather diff data from each process to a root process
mpi.get.count Get the length of a message for given status and type
mpi.get.processor.name Get the process (host) name
mpi.info.create Create an info object
mpi.info.free Free an info object
mpi.info.get Get the value from an info object and a key
mpi.info.set Set a key/value pair of an info object
mpi.intercomm.merge Merge a intercomm to a comm
mpi.iprobe Nonblocking use a source and a tag to set status
mpi.irecv Nonblocking receive a vector from a specific process
mpi.isend Nonblocking send a vector to a specific process
mpi.probe Use a source and a tag to set status
mpi.recv Receive a vector from a specific process
mpi.reduce Reduce all processes's vectors into one (one process)
mpi.scatter Opposite of mpi.gather
mpi.scatterv Opposite of mpi.gatherv (diff size data)
mpi.send Send a vector to a specific process
mpi.sendrecv Send & receive different vectors in one call
mpi.sendrecv.replace Send & replace a vector in one call
mpi.test Test if a nonblocking send/recv request is complete
mpi.testall Test if all nonblocking send/recv requests are complete
mpi.testany Test if any nonblocking send/recv requests are complete
mpi.testsome Test if some nonblocking send/recv requests are complete
mpi.test.cancelled Test if a communication is cancelled by mpi.cancel
mpi.universe.size Total number of CPUs available
mpi.wait Wait if a nonblocking send/recv request is complete
mpi.waitall Wait if all nonblocking send/recv requests are complete
mpi.waitany Wait if any nonblocking send/recv requests are complete
mpi.waitsome Wait if some nonblocking send/recv requests are complete
MPI Extensions in R Environment:
lamhosts Hosts id and machine host name mapping
mpi.allgather.Robj Gather any type of objects to every number
mpi.any.source A constant for receiving a message from any source
mpi.any.tag A constant for receiving a message from any tag
mpi.bcast.Robj Broadcast an R object to every process
mpi.comm.maxsize Find the length of comm array
mpi.exit Call MPI_Finalize and detach Rmpi library
mpi.gather.Robj Gather any type of object to a root process
mpi.get.sourcetag Get the source and tag for a given status
mpi.hostinfo Get the host information that the process is running
mpi.init.sprng MPI wrapper to initialize SPRNG in rsprng library
mpi.is.master TRUE if it is a master otherwise FALSE (slave)
mpi.isend.Robj Nonblocking send an R object to a specific process
mpi.proc.null Dummy source and destination
mpi.quit Call MPI_Finalize and quit R
mpi.recv.Robj Receive an R object from a process (by mpi.send.Robj)
mpi.realloc.comm Increase comm array to a new size
mpi.realloc.request Increase request array to a new size
mpi.realloc.status Increase status array to a new size
mpi.request.maxsize Find the length of request array
mpi.scatter.Robj Scatter an list to every number
mpi.send.Robj Send an R object to a specific process
mpi.spawn.Rslaves Spawn R slaves. The default R script is slavedaemon.R
mpi.status.maxsize Find the length of status array
mpichosts finds host names from master Windows registery database
MPI Extensions specifically to slavedaemon.R Script (interactive R slaves).
mpi.apply Scatter an array to slaves and then apply a fun
mpi.applyLB Load balancing version of mpi.apply
mpi.bcast.Robj2slave Master sends an Robj to all slaves
mpi.bcast.cmd Broadcast a commond to every process
mpi.close.Rslaves Close all slaves launched by mpi.spawn.Rslaves()
mpi.parApply (Load balancing) parallel apply
mpi.parCapply (Load balancing) parallel column apply
mpi.parLapply (Load balancing) parallel lapply
mpi.parRapply (Load balancing) parallel row apply
mpi.parReplicate A wrapper to mpi.parSapply for repeated eval of an expr
mpi.parSapply (Load balancing) parallel sapply
mpi.parSim (Load balancing) parallel Monte Carlo simulation
mpi.remote.exec Run a command remotely on slaves and return
results back to the master
mpi.setup.rngstream Setup RNDstream (package rlecuyer) on all slaves
mpi.setup.sprng Setup SPRNG (package rsprng) on all slaves
slave.hostinfo Show all slave rank, comm, host information
tailslave.log Tail (view) last lines of slave log files
Some Internal Functions used by Other MPI Functions
bin.nchar Find the length of a binary string
mpi.comm.is.null Test if a comm is NULL (no members)
string Create a string (empty space character) buffer
Deprecated functions
mpi.parallel.sim It is renamed to mpi.parSim. Still available.