/usr/lib/Wt/examples/webgl/PaintWidget.C is in witty-examples 3.1.10-1ubuntu2.
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* Copyright (C) 2010 Emweb bvba, Heverlee, Belgium.
* See the LICENSE file for terms of use.
#include "PaintWidget.h"
#include <Wt/WGLWidget>
#include <Wt/WMatrix4x4>
using namespace Wt;
// To avoid copying large constant data around, the data points are stored
// in a global variable.
extern std::vector<double> data;
// Calculates the centerpoint of the data. This is where the camera looks at.
void centerpoint(double &x, double &y, double &z)
double minx, miny, minz;
double maxx, maxy, maxz;
minx = maxx = data[0];
miny = maxy = data[1];
minz = maxz = data[2];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size()/6; ++i) {
if (data[i*6] < minx) minx = data[i*6];
if (data[i*6] > maxx) maxx = data[i*6];
if (data[i*6 + 1] < miny) miny = data[i*6 + 1];
if (data[i*6 + 1] > maxy) maxy = data[i*6 + 1];
if (data[i*6 + 2] < minz) minz = data[i*6 + 2];
if (data[i*6 + 2] > maxz) maxz = data[i*6 + 2];
x = (minx + maxx)/2.;
y = (miny + maxy)/2.;
z = (minz + maxz)/2.;
PaintWidget::PaintWidget(WContainerWidget *root):
// The initializeGL() captures all JS commands that are to be executed
// before the scene is rendered for the first time. It is executed only
// once. It is re-executed when the WebGL context is restored after it
// was lost.
// In general, it should be used to set up shaders, create VBOs, initialize
// matrices, ...
void PaintWidget::initializeGL()
// In order to know where to look at, calculate the centerpoint of the
// scene
double cx, cy, cz;
centerpoint(cx, cy, cz);
// Transform the world so that we look at the centerpoint of the scene
WMatrix4x4 worldTransform;
cx, cy, cz + 10, // camera position
cx, cy, cz, // looking at
0, 1, 0); // 'up' vector
// We want to be able to change the camera position client-side. In
// order to do so, the world transformation matrix must be stored in
// a matrix that can be manipulated from JavaScript.
jsMatrix_ = createJavaScriptMatrix4();
setJavaScriptMatrix4(jsMatrix_, worldTransform);
// This installs a client-side mouse handler that modifies the
// world transformation matrix. Like WMatrix4x4::lookAt, this works
// by specifying a center point and an up direction; mouse movements
// will allow the camera to be moved around the center point.
setClientSideLookAtHandler(jsMatrix_, // the name of the JS matrix
cx, cy, cz, // the center point
0, 1, 0, // the up direction
0.005, 0.005); // 'speed' factors
// Alternative: this installs a client-side mouse handler that allows
// to 'walk' around: go forward, backward, turn left, turn right, ...
//setClientSideWalkHandler(jsMatrix_, 0.05, 0.005);
// First, load a simple shader
Shader fragmentShader = createShader(FRAGMENT_SHADER);
shaderSource(fragmentShader, fragmentShader_);
Shader vertexShader = createShader(VERTEX_SHADER);
shaderSource(vertexShader, vertexShader_);
shaderProgram_ = createProgram();
attachShader(shaderProgram_, vertexShader);
attachShader(shaderProgram_, fragmentShader);
// Extract the references to the attributes from the shader.
vertexNormalAttribute_ =
getAttribLocation(shaderProgram_, "aVertexNormal");
vertexPositionAttribute_ =
getAttribLocation(shaderProgram_, "aVertexPosition");
// Extract the references the uniforms from the shader
pMatrixUniform_ = getUniformLocation(shaderProgram_, "uPMatrix");
cMatrixUniform_ = getUniformLocation(shaderProgram_, "uCMatrix");
mvMatrixUniform_ = getUniformLocation(shaderProgram_, "uMVMatrix");
nMatrixUniform_ = getUniformLocation(shaderProgram_, "uNMatrix");
// Create a Vertex Buffer Object (VBO) and load all polygon's data
// (points, normals) into it. In this case we use one VBO that contains
// all data (6 per point: vx, vy, vz, nx, ny, nz); alternatively you
// can use multiple VBO's (e.g. one VBO for normals, one for points,
// one for texture coordinates).
// Note that if you use indexed buffers, you cannot have indexes
// larger than 65K, due to the limitations of WebGL.
objBuffer_ = createBuffer();
bindBuffer(ARRAY_BUFFER, objBuffer_);
bufferDatafv(ARRAY_BUFFER, data.begin(), data.end(), STATIC_DRAW);
// Set the clear color to a transparant background
clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Reset Z-buffer, enable Z-buffering
void PaintWidget::resizeGL(int width, int height)
// Set the viewport size.
viewport(0, 0, width, height);
// Set projection matrix to some fixed values
WMatrix4x4 proj;
proj.perspective(45, ((double)width)/height, 1, 40);
uniformMatrix4(pMatrixUniform_, proj);
// The paintGL function is executed every time the canvas is to be
// repainted. For example: when the camera location is modified,
// an animated object is changed, ...
void PaintWidget::paintGL()
// Clear color an depth buffers
// Configure the shader: set the uniforms
// Uniforms are 'configurable constants' in a shader: they are
// identical for every point that has to be drawn.
// Set the camera transformation to the value of a client-side JS matrix
uniformMatrix4(cMatrixUniform_, jsMatrix_);
// Often, a model matrix is used to move the model around. We're happy
// with the location of the model, so we leave it as the unit matrix
WMatrix4x4 modelMatrix;
uniformMatrix4(mvMatrixUniform_, modelMatrix);
// The next one is a bit complicated. In desktop OpenGL, a shader
// has the gl_NormalMatrix matrix available in the shader language,
// a matrix that is used to transform normals to e.g. implement proper
// Phong shading (google will help you to find a detailed explanation
// of why you need it). It is the transposed inverse of the model view
// matrix. Unfortunately, this matrix is not available in WebGL, so if
// you want to do phong shading, you must calculate it yourself.
// Wt provides methods to calculate the transposed inverse of a matrix,
// when client-side JS matrices are involved. Here, we inverse-transpose
// the product of the client-side camera matrix and the model matrix.
uniformMatrix4(nMatrixUniform_, (jsMatrix_ * modelMatrix).inverted().transposed());
// Configure the shaders: set the attributes.
// Attributes are 'variables' within a shader: they vary for every point
// that has to be drawn. All are stored in one VBO.
bindBuffer(ARRAY_BUFFER, objBuffer_);
// Configure the vertex attributes:
3, // size: Every vertex has an X, Y anc Z component
FLOAT, // type: They are floats
false, // normalized: Please, do NOT normalize the vertices
2*3*4, // stride: The first byte of the next vertex is located this
// amount of bytes further. The format of the VBO is
// vx, vy, vz, nx, ny, nz and every element is a
// Float32, hence 4 bytes large
0); // offset: The byte position of the first vertex in the buffer
// is 0.
2*3*4, // stride: see above. We jump from normal to normal now
3*4); // offset: the first normal is located after the first vertex
// position, consisting of three four-byte floats
// Now draw all the triangles.
drawArrays(TRIANGLES, 0, data.size()/6);
void PaintWidget::setShaders(const std::string &vertexShader,
const std::string &fragmentShader)
vertexShader_ = vertexShader;
fragmentShader_ = fragmentShader;