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<a name="HTML-Customization-Variables-1"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">22.5.3 HTML Customization Variables</h4>
<p>This table gives the customization variables which apply to HTML
output only. A few other customization variable apply to both HTML
and other output formats; those are given in the next section.
<dl compact="compact">
<a name="index-AVOID_005fMENU_005fREDUNDANCY"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, and the menu entry and menu description are the
same, then do not print the menu description; default false.
<a name="index-AFTER_005fBODY_005fOPEN"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, the corresponding text will appear at the
beginning of each HTML file; default unset.
<a name="index-AFTER_005fABOUT"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML, when an About-element is output. If set, the corresponding
text will appear at the end of the About element; default unset.
<a name="index-AFTER_005fOVERVIEW"></a>
<a name="index-AFTER_005fTOC_005fLINES"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, the corresponding text is output after the short
table of contents for <code>AFTER_OVERVIEW</code> and after the table of
contents for <code>AFTER_TOC_LINES</code>; otherwise, a default string is
used. At the time of writing, a <code></div></code> element is closed.
<p>In general, you should set <code>BEFORE_OVERVIEW</code> if
<code>AFTER_OVERVIEW</code> is set, and you should set
<code>BEFORE_TOC_LINES</code> if <code>AFTER_TOC_LINES</code> is set.
<a name="index-BASEFILENAME_005fLENGTH"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. The maximum length of the base filenames; default 245.
Changing this would make cross-manual references to such long node
names invalid (see <a href="HTML-Xref-Link-Basics.html#HTML-Xref-Link-Basics">HTML Xref Link Basics</a>).
<a name="index-BEFORE_005fOVERVIEW"></a>
<a name="index-BEFORE_005fTOC_005fLINES"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, the corresponding text is output before the short
table of contents for <code>BEFORE_OVERVIEW</code> and before the table of
contents for <code>BEFORE_TOC_LINES</code>, otherwise a default string is
used. At the time of writing, a <code><div ...></code> element is opened.
<p>In general you should set <code>AFTER_OVERVIEW</code> if
<code>BEFORE_OVERVIEW</code> is set, and you should set
<code>AFTER_TOC_LINES</code> if <code>BEFORE_TOC_LINES</code> is set.
<a name="index-BIG_005fRULE"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Rule used after and before the top element and before
special elements, but not for footers and headers; default
<a name="index-BODYTEXT"></a>
<dd><a name="index-_003cbody_003e-text_002c-customizing"></a>
<p>For HTML, the text appearing in <code><body></code>. By default, set
automatically, taking into account the document language
(see <a href="_0040documentlanguage.html#g_t_0040documentlanguage"><tt>@documentlanguage</tt></a>).
<a name="index-CASE_005fINSENSITIVE_005fFILENAMES"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Construct output file names as if the filesystem were case
insensitive (see <a href="HTML-Splitting.html#HTML-Splitting">HTML Splitting</a>); default false.
<a name="index-CHAPTER_005fHEADER_005fLEVEL"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Header formatting level used for chapter level sectioning
commands; default ‘<samp>2</samp>’.
<a name="index-CHECK_005fHTMLXREF"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Check that manuals which are the target of external
cross references (see <a href="Four-and-Five-Arguments.html#Four-and-Five-Arguments">Four and Five Arguments</a>) are present in
<samp>htmlxref.cnf</samp> (see <a href="HTML-Xref-Configuration.html#HTML-Xref-Configuration">HTML Xref Configuration</a>); default false.
<a name="index-COMPLEX_005fFORMAT_005fIN_005fTABLE"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, use tables for indentation of complex formats; default
<a name="index-CSS_005fLINES"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. CSS output, automatically determined by default (see <a href="HTML-CSS.html#HTML-CSS">HTML CSS</a>).
<a name="index-DATE_005fIN_005fHEADER"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Put the document generation date in the header; off by default.
<a name="index-DEF_005fTABLE"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, a <code><table></code> construction for <code>@deffn</code>
and similar @-commands is used (looking more like the TeX output),
instead of definition lists; default false.
<a name="index-DEFAULT_005fRULE"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Rule used between element, except before and after the
top element, and before special elements, and for footers and headers;
default <code><hr></code>.
<a name="index-DO_005fABOUT"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set to 0 never do an About special element;
if set to 1 always do an About special element;
default 0.
<a name="index-EXTERNAL_005fDIR"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Base directory for external manuals; default none. It is
better to use the general external cross reference mechanism
(see <a href="HTML-Xref-Configuration.html#HTML-Xref-Configuration">HTML Xref Configuration</a>) than this variable.
<a name="index-EXTRA_005fHEAD"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Additional text appearing within <code><head></code>; default unset.
<a name="index-FOOTNOTE_005fEND_005fHEADER_005fLEVEL"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Header formatting level used for the footnotes header with
the ‘end’ footnotestyle; default ‘<samp>4</samp>’. See <a href="Footnote-Styles.html#Footnote-Styles">Footnote Styles</a>.
<a name="index-FOOTNOTE_005fSEPARATE_005fHEADER_005fLEVEL"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Header formatting level used for the footnotes header with
the ‘separate’ footnotestyle; default ‘<samp>4</samp>’. See <a href="Footnote-Styles.html#Footnote-Styles">Footnote Styles</a>.
<a name="index-FRAMES"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, a file describing the frame layout is generated,
together with a file with the short table of contents; default false.
<a name="index-FRAMESET_005fDOCTYPE"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Same as DOCTYPE, but for the file containing the frame
<a name="index-HEADER_005fIN_005fTABLE"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Use tables for header formatting rather than a simple
<code><div></code> element; default false.
<a name="index-ICONS"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Use icons for the navigation panel; default false.
<a name="index-IMAGE_005fLINK_005fPREFIX"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, the associated value is prepended to the image file
links; default unset.
<a name="index-INLINE_005fCONTENTS"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, output the contents where the <code>@contents</code> and
similar @-commands are located; default true. This is ignored if
<code>@set*contentsaftertitlepage</code> is set (see <a href="Contents.html#Contents">Contents</a>).
<a name="index-INLINE_005fCSS_005fSTYLE"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Put CSS directly in HTML elements rather than at the
beginning of the output; default false.
<a name="index-KEEP_005fTOP_005fEXTERNAL_005fREF"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, do not ignore ‘<samp>Top</samp>’ as the first
argument for an external ref to a manual, as is done by default.
See <a href="Top-Node-Naming.html#Top-Node-Naming">Top Node Naming</a>.
<a name="index-L2H"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, <code>latex2html</code> is used to convert <code>@math</code>
and <code>@tex</code> sections; default false. Best used with <samp>--iftex</samp>.
<a name="index-L2H_005fCLEAN"></a>
<dd><p>(Relevant only if <code>L2H</code> is set.) If set, the intermediate files
generated in relation with <code>latex2html</code> are removed; default
<a name="index-L2H_005fFILE"></a>
<dd><p>(Relevant only if <code>L2H</code> is set.) If set, the given file is used
as <code>latex2html</code>’s init file; default unset.
<a name="index-L2H_005fHTML_005fVERSION"></a>
<dd><p>(Relevant only if <code>L2H</code> is set.) The HTML version used in the
<code>latex2html</code> call; default unset.
<a name="index-L2H_005fL2H"></a>
<dd><p>(Relevant only if <code>L2H</code> is set.) The program invoked as
<code>latex2html</code>; default is <code>latex2html</code>.
<a name="index-L2H_005fSKIP"></a>
<dd><p>(Relevant only if <code>L2H</code> is set.) If set to a true value, the
actual call to <code>latex2html</code> is skipped; previously generated
content is reused instead. If set to 0, the cache is not used at all.
If set to ‘<samp>undef</samp>’, the cache is used for as many TeX fragments as
possible and for any remaining the command is run. The default is
<a name="index-L2H_005fTMP"></a>
<dd><p>(Relevant only if <code>L2H</code> is set.) Set the directory used for
temporary files. None of the file name components in this directory
name may start with ‘<samp>.</samp>’; otherwise, <code>latex2html</code> will
fail (because of <code>dvips</code>). The default is the empty string,
which means the current directory.
<a name="index-MAX_005fHEADER_005fLEVEL"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Maximum header formatting level used (higher header
formatting level numbers correspond to lower sectioning levels);
default ‘<samp>4</samp>’.
<a name="index-MENU_005fSYMBOL"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Symbol used in front of menu entries when node names are used
for menu entries formatting; default ‘<samp>&bull;</samp>’.
<a name="index-MONOLITHIC"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Output only one file including the table of contents. Set
by default, but only relevant when the output is not split.
<a name="index-NO_005fCSS"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Do not use CSS; default false. See <a href="HTML-CSS.html#HTML-CSS">HTML CSS</a>.
<a name="index-NODE_005fFILE_005fEXTENSION"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Extension for node files if <code>NODE_FILENAMES</code> is set;
default ‘<samp>html</samp>’.
<a name="index-PRE_005fABOUT"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML, when an About element is output. If set to a text string,
this text will appear at the beginning of the About element. If set
to a reference on a subroutine, the result of the subroutine call will
appear at the beginning of the About element. If not set (the
default), default text is used.
<a name="index-PRE_005fBODY_005fCLOSE"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, the given text will appear at the footer of each
HTML file; default unset.
<a name="index-PROGRAM_005fNAME_005fIN_005fFOOTER"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, output the program name and miscellaneous related
information in the page footers; default false.
<a name="index-SHORTEXTN"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, use ‘<samp>.htm</samp>’ as extension; default false.
<a name="index-SHOW_005fTITLE"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, output the title at the beginning of the document;
default true.
<a name="index-SIMPLE_005fMENU"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, use a simple preformatted style for the menu,
instead of breaking down the different parts of the menu; default false.
See <a href="Menu-Parts.html#Menu-Parts">Menu Parts</a>.
<a name="index-TOC_005fLINKS"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, links from headings to toc entries are created;
default false.
<a name="index-TOP_005fFILE"></a>
<dd><p>This file name may be used for the top-level file. The extension is
set appropriately, if necessary. This is used to override the default,
and is, in general, only taken into account when output is split, and
for HTML.
<a name="index-TOP_005fNODE_005fFILE"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. File name used for the Top node, if <code>NODE_FILENAMES</code>
is set; default is <code>index</code>.
<a name="index-TOP_005fNODE_005fFILE_005fTARGET"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. File name used for the Top node in cross references;
default is <code>index</code>.
<a name="index-TOP_005fNODE_005fUP_005fURL"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. The url used for the Up pointer of the Top node; default
<code>undef</code>, meaning no link is generated.
<a name="index-USE_005fACCESSKEY"></a>
<dd><a name="index-accesskey_002c-customization-variable-for"></a>
<p>For HTML. Use <code>accesskey</code> in cross references; default true.
<a name="index-USE_005fISO"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Use entities for doubled single-quote characters
(see <a href="Inserting-Quotation-Marks.html#Inserting-Quotation-Marks">Inserting Quotation Marks</a>), and ‘<samp>---</samp>’ and ‘<samp>--</samp>’
(see <a href="Conventions.html#Conventions">Conventions</a>); default true.
<a name="index-USE_005fLINKS"></a>
<dd><a name="index-_003clink_003e-HTML-tag_002c-in-_003chead_003e"></a>
<a name="index-_003chead_003e-HTML-tag_002c-and-_003clink_003e"></a>
<p>For HTML. Generate <code><link></code> elements in the HTML <code><head></code>
output; default true.
<a name="index-USE_005fREL_005fREV"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Use <code>rel</code> in cross references; default true.
<a name="index-VERTICAL_005fHEAD_005fNAVIGATION"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, a vertical navigation panel is used; default false.
<a name="index-WORDS_005fIN_005fPAGE"></a>
<dd><a name="index-Navigation-panel_002c-bottom-of-page"></a>
<p>For HTML, with output split at nodes. Specifies the approximate
minimum page length at which a navigation panel is placed at the
bottom of a page. To avoid ever having the navigation buttons at the
bottom of a page, set this to a sufficiently large number. The
default is 300.
<a name="index-XREF_005fUSE_005fFLOAT_005fLABEL"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. If set, for the float name in cross references, use the
float label instead of the type followed by the float number
(see <a href="_0040float.html#g_t_0040float"><tt>@float</tt></a>). The default is off.
<a name="index-XREF_005fUSE_005fNODE_005fNAME_005fARG"></a>
<dd><p>For HTML. Only relevant for cross reference commands with no cross
reference name (second argument). If set to 1, use the node name
(first) argument in cross reference @-commands for the text displayed
as the hyperlink. If set to 0, use the node name if
<code>USE_NODES</code> is set, otherwise the section name. If set to
‘<samp>undef</samp>’, use the first argument in preformatted environments,
otherwise use the node name or section name depending on
<code>USE_NODES</code>. The default is ‘<samp>undef</samp>’.
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