/usr/include/boost/random/random_device.hpp is in libboost1.54-dev 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.
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* Copyright Jens Maurer 2000
* Copyright Steven Watanabe 2010-2011
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
* accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* $Id: random_device.hpp 71018 2011-04-05 21:27:52Z steven_watanabe $
* Revision history
* 2000-02-18 Portability fixes (thanks to Beman Dawes)
// See http://www.boost.org/libs/random for documentation.
#include <string>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/random/detail/auto_link.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace random {
* Class \random_device models a \nondeterministic_random_number_generator.
* It uses one or more implementation-defined stochastic processes to
* generate a sequence of uniformly distributed non-deterministic random
* numbers. For those environments where a non-deterministic random number
* generator is not available, class random_device must not be implemented. See
* @blockquote
* "Randomness Recommendations for Security", D. Eastlake, S. Crocker,
* J. Schiller, Network Working Group, RFC 1750, December 1994
* @endblockquote
* for further discussions.
* @xmlnote
* Some operating systems abstract the computer hardware enough
* to make it difficult to non-intrusively monitor stochastic processes.
* However, several do provide a special device for exactly this purpose.
* It seems to be impossible to emulate the functionality using Standard
* C++ only, so users should be aware that this class may not be available
* on all platforms.
* @endxmlnote
* <b>Implementation Note for Linux</b>
* On the Linux operating system, token is interpreted as a filesystem
* path. It is assumed that this path denotes an operating system
* pseudo-device which generates a stream of non-deterministic random
* numbers. The pseudo-device should never signal an error or end-of-file.
* Otherwise, @c std::ios_base::failure is thrown. By default,
* \random_device uses the /dev/urandom pseudo-device to retrieve
* the random numbers. Another option would be to specify the /dev/random
* pseudo-device, which blocks on reads if the entropy pool has no more
* random bits available.
* <b>Implementation Note for Windows</b>
* On the Windows operating system, token is interpreted as the name
* of a cryptographic service provider. By default \random_device uses
* <b>Performance</b>
* The test program <a href="\boost/libs/random/performance/nondet_random_speed.cpp">
* nondet_random_speed.cpp</a> measures the execution times of the
* random_device.hpp implementation of the above algorithms in a tight
* loop. The performance has been evaluated on an
* Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 840 \@ 1.87GHz, 1867 Mhz with
* Visual C++ 2010, Microsoft Windows 7 Professional and with gcc 4.4.5,
* Ubuntu Linux 2.6.35-25-generic.
* <table cols="2">
* <tr><th>Platform</th><th>time per invocation [microseconds]</th></tr>
* <tr><td> Windows </td><td>2.9</td></tr>
* <tr><td> Linux </td><td>1.7</td></tr>
* </table>
* The measurement error is estimated at +/- 1 usec.
class random_device : private noncopyable
typedef unsigned int result_type;
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, has_fixed_range = false);
/** Returns the smallest value that the \random_device can produce. */
static result_type min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION () { return 0; }
/** Returns the largest value that the \random_device can produce. */
static result_type max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION () { return ~0u; }
/** Constructs a @c random_device, optionally using the default device. */
BOOST_RANDOM_DECL random_device();
* Constructs a @c random_device, optionally using the given token as an
* access specification (for example, a URL) to some implementation-defined
* service for monitoring a stochastic process.
BOOST_RANDOM_DECL explicit random_device(const std::string& token);
BOOST_RANDOM_DECL ~random_device();
* Returns: An entropy estimate for the random numbers returned by
* operator(), in the range min() to log2( max()+1). A deterministic
* random number generator (e.g. a pseudo-random number engine)
* has entropy 0.
* Throws: Nothing.
BOOST_RANDOM_DECL double entropy() const;
/** Returns a random value in the range [min, max]. */
BOOST_RANDOM_DECL unsigned int operator()();
/** Fills a range with random 32-bit values. */
template<class Iter>
void generate(Iter begin, Iter end)
for(; begin != end; ++begin) {
*begin = (*this)();
class impl;
impl * pimpl;
} // namespace random
using random::random_device;
} // namespace boost