/usr/share/pyshared/advancedcaching/coordfinder.py is in agtl
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2010 Daniel Fett
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Author: Daniel Fett agtl@danielfett.de
# Jabber: fett.daniel@jaber.ccc.de
# Bugtracker and GIT Repository: http://github.com/webhamster/advancedcaching
from __future__ import division
TEST = ('''
''', {'A': 2, 'D': 4, 'G': 3,'T': 1, 'R': 2, 'S': 1, 'H': 4, 'B': 2, 'C': 9, 'E': 0, 'F': 1})
HTML = '''
<br /></p>
<p><font face="Arial, sans-serif"><font size=
<p style="font-style: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face=
"Arial, sans-serif"><font size="3"><b><span style=
"background: transparent">N 49°
<p style="font-style: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face=
"Arial, sans-serif"><font size="3"><b><span style=
"background: transparent">E 6°
<p style="font-style: normal; font-weight: normal"><font color=
"#000000"><font face="Arial, sans-serif"><font size=
"3"><span style="background: transparent">Es müssen keine Zäune
oder Mauern überwunden werden.</span></font></font></font></p>
N 49°
<p><br />
<br /></p></span>
import geo
import re
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('coordfinder')
class CalcCoordinateManager(object):
def __init__(self, vars):
self.__vars = vars
self.__known_signatures = []
self.__filtered_signatures = []
self.requires = set()
self.coords = []
logger.debug("New coordfinder started")
def add_text(self, text, source):
logger.debug("Adding Text with length %d from source %s" % (len(text), source))
self.__add_coords(CalcCoordinate.find(text, source))
def __add_coords(self, coords, apply_filter = True):
for x in coords:
logger.debug("Adding: %s, apply_filter = %s" % (x, apply_filter))
if x.signature in self.__known_signatures:
if apply_filter and x.signature in self.__filtered_signatures:
self.requires |= x.requires
logger.debug("Now having %d coords, %d requires" % (len(self.coords), len(self.requires)))
def __remove_coord(self, signature):
self.__known_signatures = []
self.requires = set()
logger.debug("Removing: %s" % signature)
new_coords = []
for x in self.coords:
if x.signature != signature:
self.requires |= x.requires
self.coords = new_coords
logger.debug("Now having %d coords, %d requires" % (len(self.coords), len(self.requires)))
def add_replacement(self, signature, replacement_text, source):
self.__add_coords(CalcCoordinate.find(replacement_text, source), False)
def set_var(self, char, value):
if value != '':
self.__vars[char] = value
del self.__vars[char]
def update(self):
for c in self.coords:
if c.has_requires():
def get_solutions(self):
return [(c.result, c.source) for c in self.coords if c.has_requires() and len(c.requires) > 0]
def get_plain_coordinates(self):
return [(c.result, c.source) for c in self.coords if len(c.requires) == 0]
def get_vars(self):
return self.__vars
class CalcCoordinate():
WARNING_NEGATIVE = "Negative intermediate result (%d)."
WARNING_VERY_HIGH = "Very high intermediate result (%d)."
WARNING_FLOAT = "Intermediate result with decimal point ('%s')."
WARNING_WRONG_LENGTH = "%d digits where %s digits were expected (%s)."
WARNING_CANNOT_PARSE = "Cannot parse result: %s."
WARNING_SYNTAX = "Could not parse formula."
EXPECTED_LENGTHS = [(1,2), (1,2), (3,), (1,2,3), (1,2), (3,)]
def __init__(self, ns, lat_deg, lat_min, lat_min_2, ew, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_min_2, source):
self.ns = ns
self.ew = ew
self.lat_deg = self.__prepare(lat_deg)
self.lat_min = self.__prepare(lat_min)
self.lat_min_2 = self.__prepare(lat_min_2)
self.lon_deg = self.__prepare(lon_deg)
self.lon_min = self.__prepare(lon_min)
self.lon_min_2 = self.__prepare(lon_min_2)
self.orig = "%s%s %s.%s %s%s %s.%s" % (self.ns, self.lat_deg, self.lat_min, self.lat_min_2, self.ew, self.lon_deg, self.lon_min, self.lon_min_2)
self.requires = set(x for i in [self.lat_deg, self.lat_min, self.lat_min_2, self.lon_deg, self.lon_min, self.lon_min_2] for x in re.sub('[^A-Za-z]', '', i))
self.warnings = []
self.vars = {}
self.signature = "|".join([ns, self.lat_deg, self.lat_min, self.lat_min_2, ew, self.lon_deg, self.lon_min, self.lon_min_2])
self.source = source
def __prepare(self, text):
return (re.sub('[^A-Za-z()+*/0-9-.,]', '', text)).replace(',', '.')
def set_vars(self, var):
self.warnings = []
self.vars = var
def has_requires(self):
for i in self.requires:
if not i in self.vars:
return False
return True
def try_get_solution(self):
replaced = [self.__replace(x) for x in [self.lat_deg, self.lat_min, self.lat_min_2, self.lon_deg, self.lon_min, self.lon_min_2]]
self.replaced_result = ("%%s%s %s.%s %%s%s %s.%s" % tuple(replaced)) % (self.ns, self.ew)
results = [self.resolve(x) for x in replaced]
for i in range(len(results)):
if len(results[i]) not in self.EXPECTED_LENGTHS[i]:
self.warnings.append(self.WARNING_WRONG_LENGTH % (len(results[i]), " or ".join([str(x) for x in self.EXPECTED_LENGTHS[i]]), results[i]))
result = ("%%s%s %s.%s %%s%s %s.%s" % tuple(results)) % (self.ns, self.ew)
#print self.replaced_result
self.result = geo.try_parse_coordinate(result)
self.result.name = self.orig
except (Exception):
self.warnings.append(self.WARNING_CANNOT_PARSE % result)
self.result = False
def __replace(self, text):
for char, value in self.vars.items():
text = text.replace(char, str(value))
return text
def resolve(self, text):
c = 1
while c > 0:
text, c = re.subn('\([^()]+\)', lambda match: self.__safe_eval(match.group(0)), text)
if re.match('^[0-9]+$', text) == None:
# determine number of leading zeros
#lz = len(text) - len(str(int(text)))
text = self.__safe_eval(text)
text = "%03d" % int(text)
except Exception:
text = '?'
return text
def __safe_eval(self, text):
tmp = eval(text,{"__builtins__":None},{})
except (SyntaxError, Exception):
return '?'
if round(tmp) != round(tmp, 1):
self.warnings.append(self.WARNING_FLOAT % text)
tmp = int(tmp)
if tmp < 0:
self.warnings.append(self.WARNING_NEGATIVE % tmp)
self.warnings.append(self.WARNING_VERY_HIGH % tmp)
return str(tmp)
def __str__(self):
return "<%s> from %s" % (self.orig, self.source)
SINGLE_CALC_PART = ur'''((?:\([A-Za-z +*/0-9-.,]+\)|[A-Za-z ()+*/0-9-])+)'''
def find(text, source):
text = re.sub(ur'''(?u)\s[^\W\d_]{2,}\s''', ' | ', text)
text = re.sub(ur'''(?u)\b[^\W\d_]{4,}\b''', ' | ', text)
text = text.replace('°', '|')
text = text.decode('utf-8', 'replace').encode('utf-8')
text = text.replace(unichr(160), ' ')
text = re.sub(ur''' +''', ' ', text)
matches = re.findall(ur'''(?<![a-zA-Z])([NSns])\s?([A-Z() -+*/0-9]+?)[\s|]{1,2}%(calc)s[.,\s]%(calc)s['`\s,/]+([EOWeow])\s?([A-Z() -+*/0-9]+?)[\s|]{1,2}%(calc)s[.,\s]%(calc)s[\s'`]*(?![a-zA-Z])''' % {'calc' : CalcCoordinate.SINGLE_CALC_PART}, text)
return [CalcCoordinate(*match, **{'source': source}) for match in matches]
def is_calc_string(text):
regex = ur'''^([NSns])\s?([A-Z() -+*/0-9]+?)[\s|]{1,2}%(calc)s[.,\s]%(calc)s['`\s,/]+([EOWeow])\s?([A-Z() -+*/0-9]+?)[\s|]{1,2}%(calc)s[.,\s]%(calc)s[\s'`]*$''' % {'calc' : CalcCoordinate.SINGLE_CALC_PART}
return (re.match(regex, text) != None)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from simplegui import SimpleGui
print '\n\n========================================================='
h = SimpleGui._strip_html(HTML)
print h
#for x in h:
# print "%d -> %s" % (ord(x), x)
print '---------------------------------------------------------'
for instance in CalcCoordinate.find(h)[0]:
print "Found: %s" % (instance.orig)