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Version 1.0
File name: msn/docs/DOCS-HOWTO
This file and its contents are licenced under the
GNU-FDL licence version 1.2 or up.
If you modify this file, please update the version and add
your name to the credits at the end.
This little document is a guide to translators and translation
managers that works or wants to work in aMSN. It is indeed a
little document, but has a lot of information. We suggest you
to print it and leave it within the reach of your hands if you
are serious in this translation business.
First things first: there are TWO documents you must read.
This is the DOCS-HOWTO, that explains what you have to do
when you waht to translate the FAQ, README and HELP files of
There is *another* document called LANG-HOWTO, that is in
msn/lang/LANG-HOWTO, that deals with the translation of the
messages, those that are shown on aMSN's menus, dialog boxes
and windows. We call those files "language files" or, in short,
but choose one first, read it, understand it and, only then, read the other.
Another word of warning: if you are in doubt, please ask!
We will be pleased to help you. The right place to ask
questions is our discussion list: amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net
You must subscribe to post there. Instructions on how to subscribe
can be found here: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/amsn-lang
One of our goals is to be the most internationalized
free software / open source project of the world.
And for that we need you!
Thanks for the interest on the aMSN project!
*. Introduction.
What is this aMSN translation stuff all about?
0. The most important thing
Explains why and how to subscribe to the amsn-lang forum.
1. For translators
For those who want to translate aMSN to their own language,
or help improve/extend the existing translation. Must read.
-- Rules that must be followed
-- How to add a new language
2. For translation managers
For those who are in charge of coordination of local or global
translation efforts and commiting the langfiles to the CVS server.
If you want to start a local translation effort please read this.
3. Useful tools
Some of the tools you *must* use before sending your files. These
tools are included with aMSN.
There are many ways you can help the aMSN project. One of them is
by translating the software to other languages. This can be easily
done. Another way is proofreading the current translations in search
of typos and errors and missing (untranslated) messages. There is
plenty of work for everyone who wants to be involved, and this seems
to be your case as you are reading this file ;-)
If you open you aMSN main window, you will notice that there is a
"Help" menu. This menu has seven entries. There is a "Help" section,
a FAQ section and an "About" section in english. Also, we have the same
scheme - a "Help" section, a FAQ section and an "About" section - in
your own language. At the bottom we have a "version" item.
In order for you to have the FAQ, About and Help sections translated to
your own language, there must be exist the corresponding FAQ, README and
HELP files for your language.
The Help menu of aMSN Messenger can be translated into any language you want.
It is easy to do so because all of the translated texts for every
new language are stored in special files:
FAQxx - The translated FAQ file
READMExx - The translated README file
HELPxx - The translated HELP file
The name of these indicates clearly the language it contains.
The format is FAQxx, READMExx and HELPxx, where "xx" is the
two-caracter ISO code of your language. For instance, for the
italian language, whose ISO code is IT, the files are called
A few examples:
Valenciano: FAQva, READMEva, HELPva
Spanish: FAQes, READMEes, HELPes
German: FAQde, READMEde, HELPde
French: FAQfr, READMEfr, HELPfr
The ISO codes for the valenciano, spanish, german and french languages are,
respectively, va, es, de and fr. Later in this document we will see how
to determine the country code for new languages.
All translated FAQxx, READMExx and HELPxx files (which we call "documents") are
stored in the msn/docs folder of your aMSN installation. The exception are
the english files, that have no country code (FAQ, README and HELP) and reside
on the main msn folder for legacy reasons. For the languages already
present in aMSN (some completely translated, some not) look in the msn/docs
folder and look for the apropriate files reflecting your language.
Unfotunately, we don't have these files integrated with our website, the way
the so-called "langfiles" are (refer to the msn/lang/LANG-HOWTO document and our
translation website: http://amsn.sourceforge.net/modules.php?name=Translation).
We are studying ways to intregrate the FAQ, HELP and README files in the automated
translation scripts we hav on the Internet - bu there is nothing practical right now.
You should check periodically the lateststable version of aMSN (or the CVS version
if you have this access) and compare the latest english FAQ, README and HELP files
to you langiage's (possibly outdated) FAQxx, READMExx and HELPxx files
Yeah, I know. Hard work, difficult to understand.
Nothing we can do right now, sorry.
Even if your HELPxx, FAQxx and READMExx files are the same version as the master
(english) ones, you still have work to do in them. It is important to proofread the
files, scanning them for possible typos, gramatical errors or bad writting styles
introduced by other translators.
This document (msn/docs/DOCS-HOWTO) deals ONLY with the HELP, FAQ and README files.
Please read the present document completely, make sure you understand everything
and ask what to do (at amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net) when in doubt.
There are other files that need translation and proofreading like the
langXX files (that is, the language files that translates aMSN's messages,
menus and dialog boxes). There is another document called LANG-HOWTO,
Tip: this DOCS-HOWTO file surely contains many errors. If you are a
native english speaker, please help us by proofreading it.
0. The most important thing
You MUST subscribe to the amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net mailing
list. There you can discuss various issues with the members of the
translation team, including:
- The best way to translate a word or phrase;
- What character code you should use or not use;
- Best translation practices;
- Issues and questions about this HOWTO;
- Coordination of local efforts;
- Stablishment of local language translation managers.
One important thing you MUST ask at the amsn-lang list is if there
is somebody already doing what you intend to.
For instance, if you want to translate the FAQ file into greek
(FAQel) you shoud ask first. This way, if there is another person
already translating the same FAQel you won't waste your time.
You can subscribe to the list by visiting this page:
Remember, joining or not is not an option. You MUST subscribe.
1. For Translators
When you translate the FAQ, README or HELP files, you should send the
entire updated FAQxx, HELPxx or READMExx file to the translator managers,
who can be reached at
Diff files are also accepted, and can be used in certain cases where
you update more than one file with a single diff or you merge
different files into one, but the best and easyest way (for both
translators and managers) is to send the whole translated file. If
in doubt, send the entire file.
You must send a text file attached to your email message. Translations sent
in the body of the email will be ignored, due to character coding and
line break issues.
You can help us by translating some sentences to your language,
or modifying wrongly translated sentences (proofreading).
STAY TUNED ON THE amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net LIST!!!
Developers will always announce there the availability of new versions of
the english FAQ,README and HELP files!!! This will be your starting gun!
When a new version of the file is announced, follow these steps:
0. Make sure you are looking at the right file.
Translated FAQs are in the msn/DOCS folder.
Also make sure you read and understand the translation instructions
at msn/docs/DOCS-HOWTO. By the way, it's the present document.
1. You will have always to download two files: the most updated english
file and the most updated file in your language. For this example, we will use
the FAQ file and the language-couple egnlish/german. But it works the same way
for the other two files (README, HELP) and the other 50 languages.
If you want to translate (or update) the FAQde file (german FAQ file)
you must download both
FAQ and
from our SourceForge's CVS. There is no other way to dowload these up-to-date files.
We are working on it (to make download of latest FAQ, README and HELP files easyer)
but now it is just the way it is.
To download from CVS, visit this page and follow intructions:
Please read the CVS instructions thoroughly and carefully!
When in doubt, ask! (amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net)
-NEVER use files from a stable AMSN package, as they are probably out
of date, and you'll find yourself translating things that are
already translated in the latest file version.
When in doubt, ask! (amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net)
2. Open both FAQ and FAQde, each one in a window, side by side on
your screen. Close all other windows but this two. It is important to have
both documents open at the same time so you can scroll both of them down and
compare both versions. In a graphic environment (Mac OS, Windows, KDE, Gnome)
there would be no hassles. If you insist in doing everything in text mode,
use the "screen" command (for further information, "man screen").
When in doubt, ask! (amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net)
3. Compare the version of the latest FAQ file with the latest FAQde file.
If versions are the same, go to step 4. If versions differ, hunt down the
differences between FAQ and FAQde and translate the missing segments.
The diff tool is your friend (man diff --- se section 3 of this document).
When in doubt, ask! (amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net)
4. Do NOT close windows! Proofread the FAQde file in search of errors.
Compare it again with the english FAQ file. If (*AND ONLY IF*) you are
sure that there are no errors, update de version of the file, making it
the same as the original english file.
When in doubt, ask! (amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net)
5. When all errors are fixed, send the updated file to
-We will ONLY accept FAQxx, READMExx and HELPxx files. We will NOT accept,
in ANY way, individual sentences or paragraphs in the body of the email.
You MUST send the COMPLETE file (for instance, READMEit if you are italian)
ATTACHED to de email message. Only in special cases we will accept
diff files or incomplete files with a few sentences.
-As stated above, anything sent in the body of the email will be
-Files sent to other email addresses than
amsn-translations@lists.sourceforge.net will also be IGNORED and
DISCARDED. When in doubt, ask!
Including the text directly in the email body
is a bad idea, as mail clients usually split long lines and
change the character encodings, which leads to mistakes.
I hope you understand, there's usually one person in charge of
updating the translations, and there are more than 50 languages, so
there are many translations and submission. Don't make it more
difficult :)
When in doubt, ask! (amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net)
0. Make sure you are looking at the right file.
Translated FAQs are in the msn/DOCS folder.
Also make sure you read and understand the translation instructions
at msn/docs/DOCS-HOWTO. By the way, it's the present document.
1. Choose a short identifier for your language (for example danish
- da). It is better that you use the correct ISO code for your
language. ISO codes for languages can be found at
Always use the 2-letter code for your language if it exists (for
instance, fr for french, pt for portuguese). If your language has
only a 3-letter code (for instance, ale for aleut, pap for
papiamento) you must use it, though.
When in doubt, ask! (amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net)
For languages spoken on colonial lands, you shoud use the language
ISO code followed by an underline and the country ISO code in CAPS
(fr_CA for canadian french, pt_BR for brazilian portuguese).
Language ISO codes:
Country ISO codes:
Some codes have been mistakenly taken (for example, langbr once was
taken for the brazilian portuguese, but the correct code would be
pt_BR, br alone refers to the breton language). If you find that
the ISO code for your language has been taken by mistake for
another language, scream your lungs out at the amsn-lang list and
we will fix things up ;-)
When in doubt, ask! (amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net)
2. Download the english version of the file you want to creates.
You should always download the most updated english file available.
For this example, we will use the FAQ file and the language-couple
egnlish/german. But it works the same way for the other two files
(README, HELP) and the other 50 languages.
If you want to create a new FAQde file (german FAQ file)
you must download the most up-to-fate english FAQ file
from our SourceForge's CVS. There is no other way to dowload
this up-to-date file. We are working on it (to make download of
latest FAQ, README and HELP files easyer) but now it is just the way it is.
To download from CVS, visit this page and follow intructions:
Please read the CVS instructions thoroughly and carefully!
When in doubt, ask! (amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net)
-NEVER use files from a stable AMSN package, as they are probably out
of date, and you'll find yourself translating things that are
already translated in the latest file version.
When in doubt, ask! (amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net)
3. Copy the file msn/FAQ (the one you just downloades) to msn/DOCS/FAQde
Note that the english FAQ/README/HELP files are in the msn folder, not
the msn/DOCS folder. Remember that, for some languages, the ISO code has three
(3) letters.
4. Translate the whole file as described in the RULES THAT MUST BE FOLLOWED
subsection (earlier in this document --- two windows side by side etc).
5. PROOFREAD YOR FILE, or better, ask someone else to do it. If you don't
know anyone who can do it, try the amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net mailing list.
They will help.
Also TEST your file in your own aMSN messenger. Go to the Help menu and see if
you text fits, if there's no error opening the file, if aMSN freezes, if character
coding is correct etc.
6. Only after testing for one or two days, send the new file to
Send to this email only! Submissions to other emails will be ignored
and discarded.
7. Of course, the file will have errors. So please ask again to the
kind folks at amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net to proofread the file.
8. When in doubt, ask! (amsn-lang@lists.sourceforge.net)
2. For Translation Managers
This is not quite different from what you read in the LANG-HOWTO file.
When a new FAQxx, READMExx or HELPxx translation arrives to you, you should
only accept it if is a diff file or a complete FAQxx, READMExx or HELPxx file.
Do not accept other kinds of submissions, 'cause our users have the sad habit
of sending sparse translated sentences by mail, and it's impossible to do
anything useful with them :)
ENSURE THE FILE IS OK!* You can use the Unix diff tool to help you.
Do this before commiting the file and only commit it if it's ok!
If the file has any problems, the best thing to do is to return it to
the translator and ask him to correct it. If you really need to edit a
file (for whatever reason) be sure you use a multilanguage editor and
also use de correct codepage for each language --- or you can corrupt it.
Encodings are in langlist file (msn/langlist). This file is XML-formatted
so it must be easy to understand.
If you reject a translation by any reason, do it politely.
Explain the reasons of why you're rejecting it and always:
'Thanks anyway' ;)
What should I do if...
-...I receive two files of the same language? Reject one, the
oldest, or the less complete.
When you get big contributions (not just 1 or 2 sentences), or when you
notice a person is very active (sending frequent translation
updates for a language), you should add him to the CREDITS file.
You should tell him/her about this, and ask him/her if he or she
wants to be removed (nobody wanted to be removed until now, but
it's polite to ask :))
3. For both - Useful tools
Unfotunately, we did not have time to develop dedicated tools for the
HELP, FAQ and README files. But there is a little Unix tool (present
in almost all Unices including Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X) that can
be of great help: the diff tool.
Use it to compare the file you've just received with the file already there.
For instance: you are atranslation manager and have reveived a new FAQpt (portuguese)
file. Save it in your system, in the msn/docs folder, as FAQpt.new. Then do a
diff FAQpt FAQpt.new
and carefully inspect the differences between the files. Once you are satisfied with
the new file and wants to commit it, just do a
cp FAQpt.new FAQpt
cvs commit
These are Unix commands. Windows instructions are on the way.
File created by Henrique Cesar Ulbrich (Hatredman)
Based on the msn/lang/LANG-HOWTO by Alberto Diaz
Version Created Author Obs
1.0 29.Aug.2004 Henrique Cesar Ulbrich (Hatredman) Initial file
Please don't mess with the versioning system. It's quite simple to determine
what version your mods should take. If you just add a few items or correct some,
ad one to the MINOR version number (example, 1.1 to 1.2). If you totally rewrite the file (or rewrite
large portions of it) add one to the MAJOR number and make the minor zero (example: 2.6 to 3.0).
These credits are not a reward or reconition for you, but a way
to hunt for a guilty person if something goes wrong he he he...
We have the CVS versioning anyway.