/usr/share/amsn/plugins/notify/notify.tcl is in amsn-data 0.98.9-1ubuntu3.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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# Notify plugin by Yoda-BZH (yodabzh gmail com)
# Display contact's login/logout/state changes using notify-send
# You need both libnotify-bin and notify-deamon packages installed
# Conversion to UTF-8 is handled
# * find why there's no dp
# * find why we get a wrong/unexistant dp
# * handle user prefs', if s/he want contact's connection, contact's disco, contact's state changes (partially done)
# * handle email notifications
# * -- add more here --
# * finally clean the code
# 2008-05-10
# 2008-10-19 :
# * Added "dash hack", thanks to nico@nc - http://www.amsn-project.net/forums/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=5798
# * Re-enable sounds on events: http://www.amsn-project.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5824&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15 , thanks to nico@nc too
# * bumped to version 1.3
# 2009-03-01 :
# * Don't show the event if the user is bloqued (and the "don't show blocked user notification" config is set)
# * Added OS Check
# * Code cleaning
# * Bumped to version 1.4
# 2010-03-18
# * Fix UTF8 detection, thanks to bardo <ilbardo gmail.com>
# * Version 1.5
namespace eval ::notify {
# variables
variable config
variable configlist
proc initPlugin { dir } {
#log "::notify::initPlugin"
# register the plugin
if { [::OnLinux] || [::OnBSD] || [::OnX11] || [::OnUnix] } {
::plugins::RegisterPlugin "Notify"
# register events
::config::setKey notifyonlysound 1
# set the default values for config
checkForBin "notify-send"
log "Plugin Notify activated" 1
} else {
tk_messageBox -parent .main -title "Warning" -icon warning -type ok -message "This plugin is not aviable on this platform."
proc deInit { } {
#log "::notify::deInit"
::config::setKey notifyonlysound 0
log "Plugin Notify disactivated" 1
proc registerEvents { } {
# ::plugins::RegisterEvent "name" type localProc
::plugins::RegisterEvent "Notify" ChangeState userChangeState
::plugins::RegisterEvent "Notify" chat_msg_received new_message
#::plugins::RegisterEvent "Notify" contactStateChange userChangeState
#::plugins::RegisterEvent "Notify" UserConnect userConnected
proc configArray { } {
array set ::notify::config {
notify_send {notify-send}
enable {}
pic_size {32}
notify_header {aMSN: %dispname}
notify_busy {1}
notify_msg {1}
show_nick {1}
debug {0}
set ::notify::configlist [list \
[list str "notify send path" notify_send] \
[list bool "enable" enable] \
[list str "Pic size" pic_size ] \
[list str "Header" notify_header ] \
[list bool "Show notifications when busy" notify_busy ] \
[list bool "Notify messages when unfocused" notify_msg ] \
[list bool "Display nicknames instead of e-mail" show_nick ] \
[list bool "Debug" debug ] \
proc log { mess {force 0}} {
variable config
if { $config(debug) == 1 || $force == 1} {
plugins_log Notify $mess
#status_log "Notify: $mess"
# TODO: when finished, remove status_log, just keep plugins_log
proc checkForBin { bin } {
variable config
#log "::notify::checkForBin $bin"
if {![catch {exec $bin -v}]} {
set $config(notify_send) "$bin"
} elseif {![catch {exec "/opt/local/bin/$bin" -v}]} {
set $config(notify_send) "/opt/local/bin/$bin"
} elseif {![catch {exec "/usr/bin/$bin" -v}]} {
set $config(notify_send) "/usr/bin/$bin"
} elseif {![catch {exec "/usr/local/bin/$bin" -v}]} {
set $config(notify_send) "/usr/local/bin/$bin"
} elseif {![catch {exec "/sw/bin/$bin" -v}]} {
set $config(notify_send) "/sw/bin/$bin"
} else {
set $config(notify_send) "plop"
# thx authors of the music plugin
proc exec_notify { txt {email ""} {urgency "normal"} {expire -1} {category "im.received"} {hint ""} } {
global HOME
variable config
#log "exec_notify lvl 1"
set status [::MSN::myStatusIs]
if { $status == "BSY" && $config(notify_busy) != 1} {
log "You are busy, so not disturbing you"
set notify $config(notify_send)
set urgency "--urgency=$urgency"
if { $expire == -1 } {
set expire [::config::getKey notifytimeout]
set expire "--expire-time=$expire"
set nopreview 0
set icon 0
#log "exec_notify lvl 2"
if { $email != "" } {
# see protocol.tcl line ~6500 for this code
set filename [::abook::getContactData $email displaypicfile ""]
set icon "[file join $HOME displaypic cache $email ${filename}].png"
if { "$icon" == "" } {
log "icon is empty, breaking"
set icon "--icon="
# TODO: try to find out why there's no DP, and set the NoDP pic
} else {
#log "email check 1: icon is $icon"
set callid "[format %X [myRand 4369 65450]][format %X [myRand 4369 65450]]-[format %X [myRand 4369 65450]]-[format %X [myRand 4369 65450]]-[format %X [myRand 4369 65450]]-[format %X [myRand 4369 65450]][format %X [myRand 4369 65450]][format %X [myRand 4369 65450]]"
#log "email check 1.1"
if { [catch {set filesize [file size $icon]} res] } {
log "oops, set filesize returned $res, continue-ing"
set icon "--icon="
# TODO: try to find out why there's no DP, and set the NoDP pic (bis)
} else {
#log "catch set filesize returned: $res"
#log "email check 1.2"
set context "[binary format i 574][binary format i 2][binary format i $filesize][binary format i 0][binary format i $nopreview]"
#log "email check 2"
set file [ToUnicode [getfilename $icon]]
set file [binary format a550 $file]
set context "${context}${file}\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"
#log "email check 3"
#Here we resize the picture and save it in /FT/cache for the preview (we send it and we see it)
create_dir [file join [set ::HOME] notify cache]
if {[catch {set image [image create photo [TmpImgName] -file $icon]}]} {
set image [::skin::getNoDisplayPicture]
#log "email check 4"
if {[catch {::picture::ResizeWithRatio $image $config(pic_size) $config(pic_size)} res]} {
#status_log "$res"
#log "email check 5"
set file "[file join [set ::HOME] notify cache ${callid}.png]"
if {[catch {::picture::Save $image $file cxpng} res] } {
#status_log "$res"
#log "email check 6"
if {$image != "displaypicture_std_none"} {
image delete $image
#log "email check 7"
::skin::setPixmap ${callid}.png $file
#log "email check 8"
if { [catch { open $file} fd] == 0 } {
fconfigure $fd -translation {binary binary }
set context "$context[read $fd]"
close $fd
#log "email check 9"
set icon "--icon=$file"
#log "email check 10"
#log "exec_notify after email check"
if { "$category" != "" } {
set category "--category=$category"
if { "$hint" != "" } {
set hint "--hint=$hint"
if { $config(notify_header) == "" } {
set config(notify_header) "aMSN"
if { $config(show_nick) == 1} {
set dispname [::abook::getDisplayNick $email]
} else {
set dispname $email
set title [ string map [list "%dispname" "$dispname" ] $config(notify_header) ]
#log "plop 1"
#log "plop 2"
#set txt [ string map { "[" "\\[" "]" "\\]" "(" "\\(" ")" "\\)" "\$" "\\\$" "-" "\\\\-" ">" "\\\\>" "<" "\\\\<" } $txt ]
#set title [ string map { "[" "\\[" "]" "\\]" "(" "\\(" ")" "\\)" "\$" "\\\$" "-" "\\\\-" ">" "\\\\>" "<" "\\\\<" } $title ]
set txt [ ::notify::protect $txt ]
set title [ ::notify::protect $title ]
#log "plop 3"
# libnotify WANTS them to be in utf8
#log "We are in ${::env(LANG)}"
if { [string match -nocase "*UTF*" $::env(LANG) ] == 0 } {
set txt [encoding convertto utf-8 $txt]
set title [encoding convertto utf-8 $title]
#log "Converted to UTF8, because we are in ${::env(LANG)}"
#log "plop 4"
# thanks music plugin
set cmd [concat [list "exec" $notify $urgency $expire $icon $category "--" "$title" "$txt" ]]
#log "executing $notify $urgency $expire $icon $category $hint \"$title\" \"$txt\""
#log "executing $notify $cmd"
#if { [catch { eval [concat [list "exec"] $notify $urgency $expire $icon $category $hint "\"$title\"" "\"$txt\"" ]} result ] } {}
if { [catch { eval $cmd } result ] } {
log "Error lauching $notify : $result"
} else {
#log "exec_notify: seems good"
file delete $file
proc protect { txt } {
#return [ string map { "[" "\\[" "]" "\\]" "(" "\\(" ")" "\\)" "\$" "\\\$" "-" "\\\\-" ">" "\\\\>" "<" "\\\\<" } $txt ]
return [ string map { "<" "<" ">" ">" "&" "&" } $txt ]
#return htmlentities $txt
proc userChangeState { event epvar } {
#log "userChangeState called"
#upvar 2 $epvar args
#log "userChangeState lvl 1"
#upvar 2 $args(user) user
#log "userChangeState lvl 2"
#upvar 2 $args(substate) substate
#log "userChangeState lvl 3"
upvar 2 user user
#log "userChangeState lvl 1"
upvar 2 substate substate
#log "userChangeState lvl 2"
#upvar 2 oldsubstate oldsubstate
#log "userChangeState lvl 2.1 old substate: $oldsubstate"
# Ignore user if blocked and we don't want blocked notifs
log "Checking if $user is blocked"
if {[::config::getKey no_blocked_notif 0] == 1 && [::MSN::userIsBlocked $user]} {
log "User $user is blocked !"
# yeah, getting old state !
# Should be FLN for disconnected
set oldstate [::abook::getVolatileData $user state]
#log "Old status is : $oldstate"
set email $user
set username [::abook::getNick $email]
set state [::MSN::stateToDescription $substate]
set state [ trans $state ]
#log "userChangeState email: $email, username: $username, state: $state ($substate)"
switch -- $substate {
"FLN" {
if { [::config::getKey notifyoffline] == 0 } {
log "Preferences says that disconnections should not make an event"
log "Ok, preferences says that disconnections can be displayed [::config::getKey display_event_disconnect]"
set txt "[trans disconnect $username]"
default {
if { $oldstate == "FLN" } {
if { [::config::getKey notifyonline] == 0 } {
log "Preferences says that connections should not make an event"
set txt "$username [trans logsin]"
} else {
if { [::config::getKey notifystate] == 0 } {
log "Preferences says that states changes should not make an event"
set txt "[trans changestate $username $state]"
#log "going to exec"
exec_notify "$txt" "$email"
proc new_message {event evpar} {
variable config
upvar 2 $evpar newvar
upvar 2 $newvar(msg) msg
upvar 2 $newvar(user) user
set email $user
if { $config(notify_msg) == 1 && ([focus] == "")} {
exec_notify "$msg" "$email"
#proc userConnected { event epvar } {
# log "userConnected called"
# #upvar 2 $epvar args
# upvar 2 user user
# log "userConnected lvl 1"
# #upvar 2 $args(user) user
# upvar 2 user_name user_name
# log "userConnected lvl 2"
# #upvar 2 $args(user_name) user_name
# #log "userConnected lvl 3"
# set email $user
# set username [::abook::getNick $user_name]
# set username [lindex 1 $username]
# #exec_notify "$username [trans logsin]" "aMSN: $email" "$email"
# exec_notify "$username [trans logsin]" "$email"