/usr/share/pyshared/screenlayout/xrandr.py is in arandr
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# Copyright (C) 2008 -- 2011 chrysn <chrysn@fsfe.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Wrapper around command line xrandr (only 1.2 per output features supported)"""
import os
import subprocess
import warnings
from .auxiliary import BetterList, Size, Position, Geometry, FileLoadError, FileSyntaxError, InadequateConfiguration, Rotation, ROTATIONS, NORMAL, NamedSize
import gettext
class XRandR(object):
def __init__(self, display=None, force_version=False):
"""Create proxy object and check for xrandr at `display`. Fail with
untested versions unless `force_version` is True."""
self.environ = dict(os.environ)
if display:
self.environ['DISPLAY'] = display
version_output = self._output("--version")
if not ("1.2" in version_output or "1.3" in version_output or "1.4" in version_output) and not force_version:
raise Exception("XRandR 1.2/1.3 required.")
def _get_outputs(self):
assert self.state.outputs.keys() == self.configuration.outputs.keys()
return self.state.outputs.keys()
outputs = property(_get_outputs)
#################### calling xrandr ####################
def _output(self, *args):
p = subprocess.Popen(("xrandr",)+args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.environ)
ret, err = p.communicate()
status = p.wait()
if status!=0:
raise Exception("XRandR returned error code %d: %s"%(status,err))
if err:
warnings.warn("XRandR wrote to stderr, but did not report an error (Message was: %r)"%err)
return ret
def _run(self, *args):
#################### loading ####################
def load_from_string(self, data):
data = data.replace("%","%%")
lines = data.split("\n")
if lines[-1] == '': lines.pop() # don't create empty last line
if lines[0] != SHELLSHEBANG:
raise FileLoadError('Not a shell script.')
xrandrlines = [i for i,l in enumerate(lines) if l.strip().startswith('xrandr ')]
if len(xrandrlines)==0:
raise FileLoadError('No recognized xrandr command in this shell script.')
if len(xrandrlines)>1:
raise FileLoadError('More than one xrandr line in this shell script.')
lines[xrandrlines[0]] = '%(xrandr)s'
return lines
def _load_from_commandlineargs(self, commandline):
args = BetterList(commandline.split(" "))
if args.pop(0) != 'xrandr':
raise FileSyntaxError()
options = dict((a[0], a[1:]) for a in args.split('--output') if a) # first part is empty, exclude empty parts
for on,oa in options.items():
o = self.configuration.outputs[on]
os = self.state.outputs[on]
if oa == ['--off']:
o.active = False
if len(oa)%2 != 0:
raise FileSyntaxError()
parts = [(oa[2*i],oa[2*i+1]) for i in range(len(oa)//2)]
for p in parts:
if p[0] == '--mode':
for namedmode in os.modes:
if namedmode.name == p[1]:
o.mode = namedmode
raise FileLoadError("Not a known mode: %s"%p[1])
elif p[0] == '--pos':
o.position = Position(p[1])
elif p[0] == '--rotate':
if p[1] not in ROTATIONS:
raise FileSyntaxError()
o.rotation = Rotation(p[1])
raise FileSyntaxError()
o.active = True
def load_from_x(self): # FIXME -- use a library
self.configuration = self.Configuration()
self.state = self.State()
screenline, items = self._load_raw_lines()
for headline,details in items:
if headline.startswith(" "): continue # a currently disconnected part of the screen i can't currently get any info out of
if headline == "": continue # noise
headline = headline.replace('unknown connection', 'unknown-connection')
hsplit = headline.split(" ")
o = self.state.Output(hsplit[0])
assert hsplit[1] in ("connected","disconnected", 'unknown-connection')
o.connected = (hsplit[1] in ('connected', 'unknown-connection'))
if 'primary' in hsplit:
if not hsplit[2].startswith("("):
active = True
geometry = Geometry(hsplit[2])
modeid = hsplit[3].strip("()")
if hsplit[4] in ROTATIONS: rotation = Rotation(hsplit[4])
else: rotation = NORMAL
active = False
geometry = None
modeid = None
rotation = None
o.rotations = set()
for r in ROTATIONS:
if r in headline:
currentname = None
for d, w, h in details:
n, m = d[0:2]
k = m.strip("()")
r = Size([int(w), int(h)])
except ValueError:
raise Exception("Output %s parse error: modename %s modeid %s."%(o.name, n,k))
if "*current" in d:
currentname = n
for x in [ "+preferred", "*current" ]:
if x in d: d.remove(x)
for old_mode in o.modes:
if old_mode.name == n:
if tuple(old_mode) != tuple(r):
warnings.warn("Supressing duplicate mode %s even though it has different resolutions (%s, %s)."%(n, r, old_mode))
# the mode is really new
o.modes.append(NamedSize(r, name=n))
self.state.outputs[o.name] = o
self.configuration.outputs[o.name] = self.configuration.OutputConfiguration(active, geometry, rotation, currentname)
def _load_raw_lines(self):
output = self._output("--verbose")
items = []
screenline = None
for l in output.split('\n'):
if l.startswith("Screen "):
assert screenline is None
screenline = l
elif l.startswith('\t'):
elif l.startswith(2*' '): # [mode, width, height]
l = l.strip()
if reduce(bool.__or__, [l.startswith(x+':') for x in "hv"]):
l = l[-len(l):l.index(" start")-len(l)]
items[-1][1][-1].append(l[l.rindex(' '):])
else: # mode
items.append([l, []])
return screenline, items
def _load_parse_screenline(self, screenline):
assert screenline is not None
ssplit = screenline.split(" ")
ssplit_expect = ["Screen",None,"minimum",None,"x",None,"current",None,"x",None,"maximum",None,"x",None]
assert all(a==b for (a,b) in zip(ssplit,ssplit_expect) if b is not None)
self.state.virtual = self.state.Virtual(
min = Size((int(ssplit[3]),int(ssplit[5][:-1]))),
max = Size((int(ssplit[11]),int(ssplit[13])))
self.configuration.virtual = Size((int(ssplit[7]),int(ssplit[9][:-1])))
#################### saving ####################
def save_to_shellscript_string(self, template=None, additional=None):
"""Return a shellscript that will set the current configuration. Output can be parsed by load_from_string.
You may specify a template, which must contain a %(xrandr)s parameter and optionally others, which will be filled from the additional dictionary."""
if not template:
template = self.DEFAULTTEMPLATE
template = '\n'.join(template)+'\n'
d = {'xrandr': "xrandr "+" ".join(self.configuration.commandlineargs())}
if additional:
return template%d
def save_to_x(self):
def check_configuration(self):
vmax = self.state.virtual.max
for on in self.outputs:
oc = self.configuration.outputs[on]
#os = self.state.outputs[on]
if not oc.active:
# we trust users to know what they are doing (e.g. widget: will accept current mode, but not offer to change it lacking knowledge of alternatives)
#if oc.rotation not in os.rotations:
# raise InadequateConfiguration("Rotation not allowed.")
#if oc.mode not in os.modes:
# raise InadequateConfiguration("Mode not allowed.")
x = oc.position[0] + oc.size[0]
y = oc.position[1] + oc.size[1]
if x > vmax[0] or y > vmax[1]:
raise InadequateConfiguration(_("A part of an output is outside the virtual screen."))
if oc.position[0] < 0 or oc.position[1] < 0:
raise InadequateConfiguration(_("An output is outside the virtual screen."))
#################### sub objects ####################
class State(object):
"""Represents everything that can not be set by xrandr."""
def __init__(self):
self.outputs = {}
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s for %d Outputs, %d connected>'%(type(self).__name__, len(self.outputs), len([x for x in self.outputs.values() if x.connected]))
class Virtual(object):
def __init__(self, min, max):
self.min = min
self.max = max
class Output(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.modes = []
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %r (%d modes)>'%(type(self).__name__, self.name, len(self.modes))
class Configuration(object):
"""Represents everything that can be set by xrandr (and is therefore subject to saving and loading from files)"""
def __init__(self):
self.outputs = {}
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s for %d Outputs, %d active>'%(type(self).__name__, len(self.outputs), len([x for x in self.outputs.values() if x.active]))
def commandlineargs(self):
args = []
for on,o in self.outputs.items():
if not o.active:
return args
class OutputConfiguration(object):
def __init__(self, active, geometry, rotation, modename):
self.active = active
if active:
self.position = geometry.position
self.rotation = rotation
if rotation.is_odd:
self.mode = NamedSize(Size(reversed(geometry.size)), name=modename)
self.mode = NamedSize(geometry.size, name=modename)
size = property(lambda self: NamedSize(Size(reversed(self.mode)), name=self.mode.name) if self.rotation.is_odd else self.mode)