/usr/share/pyshared/bike/parsing/parserutils.py is in bicyclerepair 0.9-6.1.
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import re
escapedQuotesRE = re.compile(r"(\\\\|\\\"|\\\')")
# changess \" \' and \\ into ** so that text searches
# for " and ' won't hit escaped ones
def maskEscapedQuotes(src):
return escapedQuotesRE.sub("**", src)
stringsAndCommentsRE = \
re.compile("(\"\"\".*?\"\"\"|'''.*?'''|\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'|#.*?\n)", re.DOTALL)
import string
#transtable = string.maketrans('classdefifforwhiletry', "*********************")
# performs a transformation on all of the comments and strings so that
# text searches for python keywords won't accidently find a keyword in
# a string or comment
def maskPythonKeywordsInStringsAndComments(src):
src = escapedQuotesRE.sub("**", src)
allstrings = stringsAndCommentsRE.split(src)
# every odd element is a string or comment
for i in xrange(1, len(allstrings), 2):
allstrings[i] = allstrings[i].upper()
#allstrings[i] = allstrings[i].translate(transtable)
return "".join(allstrings)
allchars = string.maketrans("", "")
allcharsExceptNewline = allchars[: allchars.index('\n')]+allchars[allchars.index('\n')+1:]
allcharsExceptNewlineTranstable = string.maketrans(allcharsExceptNewline, '*'*len(allcharsExceptNewline))
# replaces all chars in a string or a comment with * (except newlines).
# this ensures that text searches don't mistake comments for keywords, and that all
# matches are in the same line/comment as the original
def maskStringsAndComments(src):
src = escapedQuotesRE.sub("**", src)
allstrings = stringsAndCommentsRE.split(src)
# every odd element is a string or comment
for i in xrange(1, len(allstrings), 2):
if allstrings[i].startswith("'''")or allstrings[i].startswith('"""'):
allstrings[i] = allstrings[i][:3]+ \
allstrings[i][3:-3].translate(allcharsExceptNewlineTranstable)+ \
allstrings[i] = allstrings[i][0]+ \
allstrings[i][1:-1].translate(allcharsExceptNewlineTranstable)+ \
return "".join(allstrings)
# replaces all chars in a string or a comment with * (except newlines).
# this ensures that text searches don't mistake comments for keywords, and that all
# matches are in the same line/comment as the original
def maskStringsAndRemoveComments(src):
src = escapedQuotesRE.sub("**", src)
allstrings = stringsAndCommentsRE.split(src)
# every odd element is a string or comment
for i in xrange(1, len(allstrings), 2):
if allstrings[i].startswith("'''")or allstrings[i].startswith('"""'):
allstrings[i] = allstrings[i][:3]+ \
allstrings[i][3:-3].translate(allcharsExceptNewlineTranstable)+ \
elif allstrings[i].startswith("#"):
allstrings[i] = '\n'
allstrings[i] = allstrings[i][0]+ \
allstrings[i][1:-1].translate(allcharsExceptNewlineTranstable)+ \
return "".join(allstrings)
implicitContinuationChars = (('(', ')'), ('[', ']'), ('{', '}'))
emptyHangingBraces = [0,0,0,0,0]
linecontinueRE = re.compile(r"\\\s*(#.*)?$")
multiLineStringsRE = \
re.compile("(^.*?\"\"\".*?\"\"\".*?$|^.*?'''.*?'''.*?$)", re.DOTALL)
#def splitLogicalLines(src):
# src = multiLineStringsRE.split(src)
# splits the string into logical lines. This requires the comments to
# be removed, and strings masked (see other fns in this module)
def splitLogicalLines(src):
physicallines = src.splitlines(1)
return [x for x in generateLogicalLines(physicallines)]
class UnbalancedBracesException: pass
# splits the string into logical lines. This requires the strings
# masked (see other fns in this module)
# Physical Lines *Must* start on a non-continued non-in-a-comment line
# (although detects unbalanced braces)
def generateLogicalLines(physicallines):
tmp = []
hangingBraces = list(emptyHangingBraces)
hangingComments = 0
for line in physicallines:
# update hanging braces
for i in range(len(implicitContinuationChars)):
contchar = implicitContinuationChars[i]
numHanging = hangingBraces[i]
hangingBraces[i] = numHanging+line.count(contchar[0]) - \
hangingComments ^= line.count('"""') % 2
hangingComments ^= line.count("'''") % 2
if hangingBraces[0] < 0 or \
hangingBraces[1] < 0 or \
hangingBraces[2] < 0:
raise UnbalancedBracesException()
if linecontinueRE.search(line):
elif hangingBraces != emptyHangingBraces:
elif hangingComments:
yield "".join(tmp)
tmp = []
# see above but yields (line,linenum)
# needs physicallines to have linenum attribute
# TODO: refactor with previous function
def generateLogicalLinesAndLineNumbers(physicallines):
tmp = []
hangingBraces = list(emptyHangingBraces)
hangingComments = 0
linenum = None
for line in physicallines:
if tmp == []:
linenum = line.linenum
# update hanging braces
for i in range(len(implicitContinuationChars)):
contchar = implicitContinuationChars[i]
numHanging = hangingBraces[i]
hangingBraces[i] = numHanging+line.count(contchar[0]) - \
hangingComments ^= line.count('"""') % 2
hangingComments ^= line.count("'''") % 2
if linecontinueRE.search(line):
elif hangingBraces != emptyHangingBraces:
elif hangingComments:
yield "".join(tmp),linenum
tmp = []
# takes a line of code, and decorates it with noops so that it can be
# parsed by the python compiler.
# e.g. "if foo:" -> "if foo: pass"
# returns the line, and the adjustment made to the column pos of the first char
# line must have strings and comments masked
# N.B. it only inserts keywords whitespace and 0's
notSpaceRE = re.compile("\s*(\S)")
commentRE = re.compile("#.*$")
def makeLineParseable(line):
return makeLineParseableWhenCommentsRemoved(commentRE.sub("",line))
def makeLineParseableWhenCommentsRemoved(line):
line = line.strip()
if ":" in line:
if line.endswith(":"):
line += " pass"
if line.startswith("try"):
line += "\nexcept: pass"
elif line.startswith("except") or line.startswith("finally"):
line = "try: pass\n" + line
return line
elif line.startswith("else") or line.startswith("elif"):
line = "if 0: pass\n" + line
return line
elif line.startswith("yield"):
return ("return"+line[5:])
return line