/usr/share/codeblocks/lexers/lexer_matlab.xml is in codeblocks-common 13.12-3.
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<!DOCTYPE CodeBlocks_lexer_properties>
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value="break case catch continue else elseif end
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return switch try while"/>
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value="abs acos acosh acot acoth acsc acsch actxcontrol
actxserver addframe addpath airy alim all allchild
alpha alphamap angle ans any area asec asech asin
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audiorecorder auread auwrite avifile aviinfo aviread
axes axis balance bar barh bar3 bar3h base2dec beep
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betaln bicg bicgstab bin2dec bitand bitcmp bitget
bitmax bitor bitset bitshift bitxor blanks blkdiag box
brighten builtin bvp4c bvpget bvpinit bvpset
bvpval calendar camdolly camlight camlookat camorbit
campan campos camproj camroll camtarget camup camva
camzoom capture cart2pol cart2sph cat caxis
cd cdf2rdf cdfinfo cdfread ceil cell cell2struct
celldisp cellfun cellplot cellstr cgs char checkin
checkout chol cholinc cholupdate cla clabel class clc
clear clf clipboard clock close closereq cmopts colamd
colmmd colorbar colordef colormap ColorSpec colperm
comet comet3 compan compass complex computer cond
condeig condest coneplot conj contour contour3
contourc contourf contourslice contrast conv conv2
convhull convhulln convn copyfile copyobj corrcoef cos
cosh cot coth cov cplxpair cputime cross csc csch
csvread csvwrite cumprod cumsum cumtrapz curl
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datetick datevec dbclear dbcont dbdown dblquad dbmex
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file filebrowser fileparts filesep fill fill3
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finish fitsinfo fitsread fix flipdim fliplr flipud
floor flops flow fmin fminbnd fmins fminsearch fopen
format fplot fprintf frame2im frameedit fread
freeserial freqspace frewind fscanf fseek ftell full
fullfile func2str funm fwrite fzero gallery
gamma gammainc gammaln gca gcbf gcbo gcd gcf gco
genpath get getappdata getenv getfield getframe ginput
gmres gplot gradient graymon grid griddata
griddata3 griddatan gsvd gtext guidata guide guihandles
hadamard hankel hdf hdfinfo hdfread help helpbrowser
helpdesk helpdlg helpwin hess hex2dec hex2num hgload
hgsave hidden hilb hist histc hold home horzcat hsv2rgb
ifft ifft2 ifftn ifftshift im2frame imag image
imagesc imfinfo import importdata imread imwrite
ind2rgb ind2sub Inf inferiorto info inline inmem
inpolygon input inputdlg inputname inspect
instrcallback instrfind int2str int8 int16 int32
interp1 interp2 interp3 interpft interpn
interpstreamspeed intersect inv invhilb invoke
ipermute isa isappdata iscell iscellstr ischar isempty
isequal isfield isfinite isglobal ishandle ishold isinf
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isnumeric isobject isocaps isocolors isonormals
isosurface ispc isprime isreal isruntime isspace
issparse isstr isstruct isstudent isunix isvalid
isvarname javaArray javachk javaMethod javaObject
keyboard kron lasterr lastwarn lcm legend legendre
length license light lightangle lighting lin2mu line
LineSpec linspace listdlg load loadobj log log10 log2
logical loglog logm logspace lookfor lower ls lscov
lsqnonneg lsqr lu luinc magic mat2str material matlab
matlabrc matlabroot max mean median memory menu mesh
meshc meshz meshgrid methods methodsview mex mexext
mfilename min minres mislocked mkdir mkpp mlock mod
more move movegui movie movie2avi moviein msgbox mu2lin
munlock NaN nargchk nargin nargout nargoutchk nchoosek
ndgrid ndims newplot nextpow2 nnls nnz noanimate
nonzeros norm normest notebook now null num2cell
num2str numel nzmax ode45 ode23 ode113 ode15s ode23s
ode23t ode23tb odefile odeget odeset ones open openfig
opengl openvar optimget optimset orient orth
pack pagedlg pagesetupdlg pareto partialpath pascal
patch path pathtool pause pbaspect pcg pchip pcode
pcolor pdepe pdeval peaks perms permute pi
pie pie3 pinv planerot plot plot3 plotedit plotmatrix
plotyy pol2cart polar poly polyarea polyder polyeig
polyfit polyint polyval polyvalm pow2 ppval primes
print printopt printdlg printpreview prod profile
profreport propedit pwd qmr qr qrdelete qrinsert
qrupdate quad quad8 quadl questdlg quit quiver quiver3
qz rand randn randperm rank rat rats rbbox rcond
readasync real realmax realmin record rectangle rectint
reducepatch reducevolume refresh rehash release rem
repmat reset reshape residue rgb2hsv rgbplot
ribbon rmappdata rmfield rmpath roots rose rosser rot90
rotate rotate3d round rref rsf2csf run runtime save
saveas saveobj scatter scatter3 schur script sec sech
selectmoveresize semilogx semilogy send serial
serialbreak set setappdata setdiff setfield setstr
setxor shading shiftdim shrinkfaces sign sin sinh single
size slice smooth3 sort sortrows sound soundsc spalloc
sparse spaugment spconvert spdiags speye spfun sph2cart
sphere spinmap spline spones spparms sprand sprandn
sprandsym sprank sprintf spy sqrt sqrtm squeeze sscanf
stairs startup std stem stem3 stopasync str2double
str2func str2mat str2num strcat strcmp strcmpi stream2
stream3 streamline streamparticles streamribbon
streamslice streamtube strfind strings strjust strmatch
strncmp strncmpi strread strrep strtok struct
struct2cell strvcat sub2ind subplot subsasgn subsindex
subspace subsref substruct subvolume sum superiorto
support surf surfc surf2patch surface surfl surfnorm
svd svds symamd symbfact symmlq symmmd symrcm
symvar tan tanh tempdir tempname terminal tetramesh
texlabel text textread textwrap tic toc title toeplitz
trace trapz treelayout treeplot tril trimesh triplot
trisurf triu tsearch tsearchn type uicontextmenu
uicontrol uigetfile uiimport uimenu uint8 uint16
uint32 uiputfile uiresume uiwait uisetcolor uisetfont
undocheckout union unique unix unmkpp unwrap upper
usejava vander var varargin varargout vectorize ver
version vertcat view viewmtx volumebounds voronoi
voronoin waitbar waitfor waitforbuttonpress warndlg
warning waterfall wavplay wavread wavrecord wavwrite
web weekday what whatsnew which whitebg who whos
wilkinson wk1read wk1write workspace xlabel ylabel
zlabel xlim ylim zlim xlsfinfo xlsread xor zeros zoom"/>
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