/usr/share/dynare/matlab/AIM/dynAIMsolver1.m is in dynare-common 4.4.1-1build1.
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% function [dr,aimcode]=dynAIMsolver1(jacobia_,M_,dr)
% Maps Dynare jacobia to AIM 1st order model solver designed and developed by Gary ANderson
% and derives the solution for gy=dr.hgx and gu=dr.hgu from the AIM outputs
% AIM System is given as a sum:
% i.e. for i=-$...+& SUM(Hi*xt+i)= £*zt, t = 0, . . . ,?
% and its input as single array of matrices: [H-$... Hi ... H+&]
% and its solution as xt=SUM( Bi*xt+i) + @*£*zt for i=-$...-1
% with the output in form bb=[B-$... Bi ... B-1] and @=inv(Ho+H1*B-1)
% Dynare jacobian = [fy'-$... fy'i ... fy'+& fu']
% where [fy'-$... fy'i ... fy'+&]=[H-$... Hi ... H+&] and fu'= £
% jacobia_ [matrix] 1st order derivative of the model
% dr [matlab structure] Decision rules for stochastic simulations.
% M_ [matlab structure] Definition of the model.
% dr [matlab structure] Decision rules for stochastic simulations.
% aimcode [integer] 1: the model defines variables uniquely
% aimcode is resolved in AIMerr as
% (c==1) e='Aim: unique solution.';
% (c==2) e='Aim: roots not correctly computed by real_schur.';
% (c==3) e='Aim: too many big roots.';
% (c==35) e='Aim: too many big roots, and q(:,right) is singular.';
% (c==4) e='Aim: too few big roots.';
% (c==45) e='Aim: too few big roots, and q(:,right) is singular.';
% (c==5) e='Aim: q(:,right) is singular.';
% (c==61) e='Aim: too many exact shiftrights.';
% (c==62) e='Aim: too many numeric shiftrights.';
% (c==63) e='Aim: A is NAN or INF.';
% (c==64) e='Aim: Problem in SPEIG.';
% else e='Aimerr: return code not properly specified';
% Dynare use:
% 1) the lognormal block in DR1 is being invoked for some models and changing
% values of ghx and ghy. We need to return the AIM output
% values before that block and run the block with the current returned values
% of gy (i.e. dr.ghx) and gu (dr.ghu) if it is needed even when the AIM is used
% (it does not depend on mjdgges output).
% 2) passing in aa={Q'|1}*jacobia_ can produce ~ one order closer
% results to the Dynare solutiion then when if plain jacobia_ is passed,
% i.e. diff < e-14 for aa and diff < *e-13 for jacobia_ if Q' is used.
% GP July 2008
% Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.
% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
neq= size(jacobia_,1); % no of equations
lags=M_.maximum_endo_lag; % no of lags and leads
klen=(leads+lags+1); % total lenght
theAIM_H=zeros(neq, neq*klen); % alloc space
% "sparse" the compact jacobia into AIM H aray of matrices
% without exogenous shoc
condn = 1.e-10;%SPAmalg uses this in zero tests
uprbnd = 1 + 1.e-6;%allow unit roots
% forward only models - AIM must have at least 1 lead and 1 lag.
if lags ==0
theAIM_H =[zeros(neq) theAIM_H];
% backward looking only models
if leads ==0
theAIM_H =[theAIM_H zeros(neq)];
%disp('gensysToAMA:running ama');
try % try to run AIM
[bb,rts,ia,nexact,nnumeric,lgroots,aimcode] =...
SPAmalg(theAIM_H,neq, lags,leads,condn,uprbnd);
err = lasterror;
disp(['Dynare AIM Solver error:' sprintf('%s; ID:%s',err.message, err.identifier)]);
if aimcode==1 %if OK
for i =1:lags
col_order=[((i-1)*neq)+dr.order_var' col_order];
bb_ord= bb(dr.order_var,col_order); % derive ordered gy
% variables are present in the state space at the lag at which they
% appear and at all smaller lags. The are ordered from smaller to
% higher lag (reversed order of M_.lead_lag_incidence rows for lagged
% variables)
i_lagged_vars = flipud(cumsum(M_.lead_lag_incidence(1:M_.maximum_lag,dr.order_var),1))';
dr.ghx= bb_ord(:,find(i_lagged_vars(:))); % get columns reported in
% Dynare solution
if M_.exo_nbr % if there are exogenous shocks then derive gu for the shocks:
% get H0 and H+1=HM
% theH0= theAIM_H (:,M_.maximum_endo_lag*neq+1: (M_.maximum_endo_lag+1)*neq);
%theH0= theAIM_H (:,lags*neq+1: (lags+1)*neq);
% theHP= theAIM_H (:,(M_.maximum_endo_lag+1)*neq+1: (M_.maximum_endo_lag+2)*neq);
%theHP= theAIM_H (:,(lags+1)*neq+1: (lags+2)*neq);
theAIM_Psi= - jacobia_(:, size(nonzeros(lli(:)))+1:end);%
%? = inv(H0 + H1B1)
%phi= (theH0+theHP*sparse(bb(:,(lags-1)*neq+1:end)))\eye( neq);
%dr.ghu =AIM_ghu(dr.order_var,:); % order gu
% Using AIM SPObstruct
scof = SPObstruct(theAIM_H,bb,neq,lags,leads);
scof1= scof(:,(lags)*neq+1:end);
scof1= scof1(:,dr.order_var);
dr.ghu =scof1\theAIM_Psi;
dr.ghu = [];
%warning('Error in AIM: aimcode=%d, erro=%s', aimcode, err);;
disp(['Error in AIM: aimcode=' sprintf('%d : %s',aimcode, err)]);
if aimcode < 1 || aimcode > 5 % too big exception, use mjdgges
error('Error in AIM: aimcode=%d ; %s', aimcode, err);
% if aimcode > 5
% disp(['Error in AIM: aimcode=' sprintf('%d : %s',aimcode, err)]);
% aimcode=5;
% end