/usr/share/dynare/matlab/simult_.m is in dynare-common 4.4.1-1build1.
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% Simulates the model using a perturbation approach, given the path for the exogenous variables and the
% decision rules.
% y0 [double] n*1 vector, initial value (n is the number of declared endogenous variables plus the number
% of auxilliary variables for lags and leads)
% dr [struct] matlab's structure where the reduced form solution of the model is stored.
% ex_ [double] T*q matrix of innovations.
% iorder [integer] order of the taylor approximation.
% y_ [double] n*(T+1) time series for the endogenous variables.
% none
% Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.
% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
global M_ options_
iter = size(ex_,1);
endo_nbr = M_.endo_nbr;
exo_nbr = M_.exo_nbr;
y_ = zeros(size(y0,1),iter+M_.maximum_lag);
y_(:,1) = y0;
% stoch_simul sets k_order_solver=1 if order=3, but does so only locally, so we
% have to do it here also
if options_.order == 3
options_.k_order_solver = 1;
if ~options_.k_order_solver || (options_.k_order_solver && options_.pruning) %if k_order_pert is not used or if we do not use Dynare++ with k_order_pert
if iorder==1
y_(:,1) = y_(:,1)-dr.ys;
if options_.k_order_solver && ~options_.pruning % Call dynare++ routines.
ex_ = [zeros(M_.maximum_lag,M_.exo_nbr); ex_];
switch options_.order
case 1
[err, y_] = dynare_simul_(1,M_.nstatic,M_.npred,M_.nboth,M_.nfwrd,exo_nbr, ...
case 2
[err, y_] = dynare_simul_(2,M_.nstatic,M_.npred,M_.nboth,M_.nfwrd,exo_nbr, ...
y_(dr.order_var,1),ex_',M_.Sigma_e,options_.DynareRandomStreams.seed,dr.ys(dr.order_var),dr.g_0, ...
case 3
[err, y_] = dynare_simul_(3,M_.nstatic,M_.npred,M_.nboth,M_.nfwrd,exo_nbr, ...
y_(dr.order_var,1),ex_',M_.Sigma_e,options_.DynareRandomStreams.seed,dr.ys(dr.order_var),dr.g_0, ...
error(['order = ' int2str(order) ' isn''t supported'])
mexErrCheck('dynare_simul_', err);
y_(dr.order_var,:) = y_;
if options_.block
if M_.maximum_lag > 0
k2 = dr.state_var;
k2 = [];
order_var = 1:endo_nbr;
dr.order_var = order_var;
k2 = dr.kstate(find(dr.kstate(:,2) <= M_.maximum_lag+1),[1 2]);
k2 = k2(:,1)+(M_.maximum_lag+1-k2(:,2))*endo_nbr;
order_var = dr.order_var;
switch iorder
case 1
if isempty(dr.ghu)% For (linearized) deterministic models.
for i = 2:iter+M_.maximum_lag
yhat = y_(order_var(k2),i-1);
y_(order_var,i) = dr.ghx*yhat;
elseif isempty(dr.ghx)% For (linearized) purely forward variables (no state variables).
y_(dr.order_var,:) = dr.ghu*transpose(ex_);
epsilon = dr.ghu*transpose(ex_);
for i = 2:iter+M_.maximum_lag
yhat = y_(order_var(k2),i-1);
y_(order_var,i) = dr.ghx*yhat + epsilon(:,i-1);
y_ = bsxfun(@plus,y_,dr.ys);
case 2
constant = dr.ys(order_var)+.5*dr.ghs2;
if options_.pruning
y__ = y0;
for i = 2:iter+M_.maximum_lag
yhat1 = y__(order_var(k2))-dr.ys(order_var(k2));
yhat2 = y_(order_var(k2),i-1)-dr.ys(order_var(k2));
epsilon = ex_(i-1,:)';
[abcOut1, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(.5*dr.ghxx,yhat1,options_.threads.kronecker.A_times_B_kronecker_C);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
[abcOut2, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(.5*dr.ghuu,epsilon,options_.threads.kronecker.A_times_B_kronecker_C);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
[abcOut3, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(dr.ghxu,yhat1,epsilon,options_.threads.kronecker.A_times_B_kronecker_C);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
y_(order_var,i) = constant + dr.ghx*yhat2 + dr.ghu*epsilon ...
+ abcOut1 + abcOut2 + abcOut3;
y__(order_var) = dr.ys(order_var) + dr.ghx*yhat1 + dr.ghu*epsilon;
for i = 2:iter+M_.maximum_lag
yhat = y_(order_var(k2),i-1)-dr.ys(order_var(k2));
epsilon = ex_(i-1,:)';
[abcOut1, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(.5*dr.ghxx,yhat,options_.threads.kronecker.A_times_B_kronecker_C);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
[abcOut2, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(.5*dr.ghuu,epsilon,options_.threads.kronecker.A_times_B_kronecker_C);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
[abcOut3, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(dr.ghxu,yhat,epsilon,options_.threads.kronecker.A_times_B_kronecker_C);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
y_(dr.order_var,i) = constant + dr.ghx*yhat + dr.ghu*epsilon ...
+ abcOut1 + abcOut2 + abcOut3;
case 3
% only with pruning
% the third moments of the shocks are assumed null. We don't have
% an interface for specifying them
ghx = dr.ghx;
ghu = dr.ghu;
ghxx = dr.ghxx;
ghxu = dr.ghxu;
ghuu = dr.ghuu;
ghs2 = dr.ghs2;
ghxxx = dr.ghxxx;
ghxxu = dr.ghxxu;
ghxuu = dr.ghxuu;
ghuuu = dr.ghuuu;
ghxss = dr.ghxss;
ghuss = dr.ghuss;
threads = options_.threads.kronecker.A_times_B_kronecker_C;
nspred = M_.nspred;
ipred = M_.nstatic+(1:nspred);
%construction follows Andreasen et al (2013), Technical
%Appendix, Formulas (65) and (66)
%split into first, second, and third order terms
yhat1 = y0(order_var(k2))-dr.ys(order_var(k2));
yhat2 = zeros(nspred,1);
yhat3 = zeros(nspred,1);
for i=2:iter+M_.maximum_lag
u = ex_(i-1,:)';
%construct terms of order 2 from second order part, based
%on linear component yhat1
[gyy, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxx,yhat1,threads);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
[guu, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghuu,u,threads);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
[gyu, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxu,yhat1,u,threads);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
%construct terms of order 3 from second order part, based
%on order 2 component yhat2
[gyy12, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxx,yhat1,yhat2,threads);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
[gy2u, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxu,yhat2,u,threads);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
%construct terms of order 3, all based on first order component yhat1
y2a = kron(yhat1,yhat1);
[gyyy, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxxx,y2a,yhat1,threads);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
u2a = kron(u,u);
[guuu, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghuuu,u2a,u,threads);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
yu = kron(yhat1,u);
[gyyu, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxxu,yhat1,yu,threads);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
[gyuu, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxuu,yu,u,threads);
mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
%add all terms of order 3, linear component based on third
%order yhat3
yhat3 = ghx*yhat3 +gyy12 ... % prefactor is 1/2*2=1, see (65) Appendix Andreasen et al.
+ gy2u ... % prefactor is 1/2*2=1, see (65) Appendix Andreasen et al.
+ 1/6*(gyyy + guuu + 3*(gyyu + gyuu + ghxss*yhat1 + ghuss*u)); %note: s is treated as variable, thus xss and uss are third order
yhat2 = ghx*yhat2 + 1/2*(gyy + guu + 2*gyu + ghs2);
yhat1 = ghx*yhat1 + ghu*u;
y_(order_var,i) = dr.ys(order_var)+yhat1 + yhat2 + yhat3; %combine terms again
yhat1 = yhat1(ipred);
yhat2 = yhat2(ipred);
yhat3 = yhat3(ipred);