
This package is 128.0 KB. It is available at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/firehol/firehol_1.297-1_all.deb .

View its full control file here: debian/control.


easy to use but powerful iptables stateful firewall


This package depends on: iptables (>= 1.4.14), iproute2, bash (>= 4.2), lsb-base.

This package recommends: kmod, wget | curl, aggregate.

This package suggests: ulogd2.

This package does not conflict with any other package.

Package Contents

This package is indexed.

firehol 1.297-1 is in ubuntu - trusty / universe. This package's architecture is: architectureless.

File Mime Type Owner Mode Size
postinst text/x-shellscript N/A N/A 542 bytes
postrm text/x-shellscript N/A N/A 359 bytes
preinst text/x-shellscript N/A N/A 844 bytes
prerm text/x-shellscript N/A N/A 204 bytes
/etc/ root:root 0o755
/etc/default/ root:root 0o755
/etc/default/firehol text/plain root:root 0o644 155 bytes
/etc/firehol/ root:root 0o755
/etc/firehol/firehol.conf text/plain root:root 0o644 465 bytes
/etc/firehol/services/ root:root 0o755
/etc/init.d/ root:root 0o755
/etc/init.d/firehol text/x-shellscript root:root 0o755 1.7 KB
/sbin/ root:root 0o755
/sbin/firehol text/x-shellscript root:root 0o755 195.4 KB
/usr/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/ root:root 0o755
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/usr/share/doc/firehol/examples/client-all.conf text/plain root:root 0o644 531 bytes
/usr/share/doc/firehol/examples/home-adsl.conf text/plain root:root 0o644 3.4 KB
/usr/share/doc/firehol/examples/home-dialup.conf text/plain root:root 0o644 2.0 KB
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/usr/share/doc/firehol/examples/office.conf.gz application/gzip root:root 0o644 1.5 KB
/usr/share/doc/firehol/examples/RESERVED_IPS text/plain root:root 0o644 34 bytes
/usr/share/doc/firehol/examples/server-dmz.conf text/plain root:root 0o644 3.4 KB
/usr/share/doc/firehol/html/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/doc/firehol/html/adding.html text/html root:root 0o644 12.1 KB
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/usr/share/doc/firehol/html/css.css text/plain root:root 0o644 579 bytes
/usr/share/doc/firehol/html/faq.html text/html root:root 0o644 15.7 KB
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/usr/share/doc/firehol/html/search.html text/html root:root 0o644 3.0 KB
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/usr/share/doc/firehol/WhatIsNew.gz application/gzip root:root 0o644 3.1 KB
/usr/share/man/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/man/man1/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/man/man1/firehol.1.gz application/gzip root:root 0o644 3.0 KB
/usr/share/man/man5/ root:root 0o755
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