/usr/share/irssi/scripts/nocollide.pl is in irssi-scripts 20131030.
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# This script will change your nickname if in given time (/SET collision_time [seconds])
# there are more than specific number of collisions (/SET collision_count [number]) on
# single channel. After change next nick collisions are ignored for given time
# (/SET collsion_ignore [seconds]).
# Settings:
# /SET collision_avoid [On/Off] (default is on, if off - action disabled)
# /SET collision_count [number]
# /SET collision_time [seconds]
# /SET collision_ignore [seconds]
# /SET collision_baselen [0-6]
use strict;
use Irssi;
use Irssi::Irc;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "0.2.3";
%IRSSI = (
'authors' => 'Marcin Rozycki',
'contact' => 'derwan@irssi.pl',
'name' => 'nocollide',
'description' => 'Automatically changes nick (to randnick or uid on ircd 2.11) when certain amount of nick colissions'.
'takes place on channel',
'url' => 'http://derwan.irssi.pl',
'license' => 'GNU GPL v2',
'changed' => 'Mon Feb 16 10:08:59 CET 2004',
my $default_time = 5;
my $default_count = 2;
my $default_ignore = 10;
my $default_baselen = 5;
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'collision_avoid', 1);
Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'collision_time', $default_time);
Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'collision_count', $default_count);
Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'collision_ignore', $default_ignore);
Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'collision_baselen', $default_baselen);
my %collision = ();
my %collision_changed = ();
sub sig_message_quit {
my ($server, $nick, $null, $quit_msg) = @_;
# based on cras'es kills.pl
return if ($quit_msg !~ /^Killed \(([^ ]*) \((.*)\)\)$/ or !$server or !$server->{connected} or
!$nick or !Irssi::settings_get_bool('collision_avoid'));
my $time = time(); my $tag = lc($server->{tag}); my $change = 0;
my $check_time = Irssi::settings_get_int('collision_time');
$check_time = $default_time if (!$check_time or $check_time !~ /^\d+$/);
my $check_count = Irssi::settings_get_int('collision_count');
$check_count = $default_count if (!$check_count or $check_count !~ /^\d+$/);
$check_count = 10 if (--$check_count > 10);
my $ignore = Irssi::settings_get_int('collision_ignore');
$ignore = $default_ignore if (!$ignore or $ignore !~ /^\d+$/);
my $version = $server->{version};
$version = 0 unless ( defined $version );
my @list = $server->nicks_get_same($nick);
while (my $channel = shift(@list)) {
my $chan = lc($channel->{name});
unshift @{$collision{$tag}{$chan}}, $time; $#{$collision{$tag}{$chan}} = 10;
next if ( $server->{nick} =~ m/^\d/ );
next unless ($check_count > 0 and $check_time > 0);
my $test = $collision{$tag}{$chan}[$check_count];
if ($test and $test >= ($time - $check_time)) {
my $last = $collision_changed{$tag};
next if ($last and ($time - $last) < $ignore);
$collision_changed{$tag} = $time;
delete $collision{$tag}{$chan};
next if ($change++);
if ( $version =~ m/^2.11/ ) {
$channel->print("%RNick collision alert%n in %_".$channel->{name}."%_ \(rate ".($check_count + 1)."\:$check_time\). Changing nick to %_uid%_!", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
$server->send_raw('NICK 0');
my $len = Irssi::settings_get_int('collision_baselen');
$len = 6 if ($len > 6);
my $nick = randnick(substr($server->{nick}, 0, $len));
$channel->print("%RNick collision alert%n in %_".$channel->{name}."%_ \(rate ".($check_count + 1)."\:$check_time\). Changing nick to \'%_$nick%_\'", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
$server->command("NICK $nick");
# str randnick($prefix, $nicklen);
# returns random nickname
sub randnick {
my ($base, $length) = @_;
$length = 9 if (!$length or $length !~ /^\d+$/);
# based on fahren's void.scr for LiCe
my $chars = 'aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ_-0123456789';
my $cchars = (length($base)) ? 64 : 53;
while (length($base) < $length)
$base .= substr($chars, int(rand($cchars)), 1);
$cchars = 64 if ($cchars == 53);
return $base;
Irssi::signal_add_first('message quit', 'sig_message_quit');