/usr/share/perl5/Test/Valgrind.pm is in libtest-valgrind-perl 1.14-1.
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use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
Test::Valgrind - Generate suppressions, analyse and test any command with valgrind.
=head1 VERSION
Version 1.14
our $VERSION = '1.14';
# From the command-line
perl -MTest::Valgrind leaky.pl
# From the command-line, snippet style
perl -MTest::Valgrind -e 'leaky()'
# In a test file
use Test::More;
eval 'use Test::Valgrind';
plan skip_all => 'Test::Valgrind is required to test your distribution with valgrind' if $@;
# In all the test files of a directory
prove --exec 'perl -Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch -MTest::Valgrind' t/*.t
This module is a front-end to the C<Test::Valgrind::*> API that lets you run Perl code through the C<memcheck> tool of the C<valgrind> memory debugger, to test for memory errors and leaks.
If they aren't available yet, it will first generate suppressions for the current C<perl> interpreter and store them in the portable flavour of F<~/.perl/Test-Valgrind/suppressions/$VERSION>.
The actual run will then take place, and tests will be passed or failed according to the result of the analysis.
The complete API is much more versatile than this.
By declaring an appropriate L<Test::Valgrind::Command> class, you can run any executable (that is, not only Perl scripts) under valgrind, generate the corresponding suppressions on-the-fly and convert the analysis result to TAP output so that it can be incorporated into your project's testsuite.
If you're not interested in producing TAP, you can output the results in whatever format you like (for example HTML pages) by defining your own L<Test::Valgrind::Action> class.
Due to the nature of perl's memory allocator, this module can't track leaks of Perl objects.
This includes non-mortalized scalars and memory cycles.
However, it can track leaks of chunks of memory allocated in XS extensions with C<Newx> and friends or C<malloc>.
As such, it's complementary to the other very good leak detectors listed in the L</SEE ALSO> section.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<analyse>
Run a C<valgrind> analysis configured by C<%options> :
=over 4
=item *
C<< command => $command >>
The L<Test::Valgrind::Command> object (or class name) to use.
Defaults to L<Test::Valgrind::Command::PerlScript>.
=item *
C<< tool => $tool >>
The L<Test::Valgrind::Tool> object (or class name) to use.
Defaults to L<Test::Valgrind::Tool::memcheck>.
=item *
C<< action => $action >>
The L<Test::Valgrind::Action> object (or class name) to use.
Defaults to L<Test::Valgrind::Action::Test>.
=item *
C<< file => $file >>
The file name of the script to analyse.
Ignored if you supply your own custom C<command>, but mandatory otherwise.
=item *
C<< callers => $number >>
Specify the maximum stack depth studied when valgrind encounters an error.
Raising this number improves granularity.
Ignored if you supply your own custom C<tool>, otherwise defaults to C<12>.
=item *
C<< diag => $bool >>
If true, print the output of the test script as diagnostics.
Ignored if you supply your own custom C<action>, otherwise defaults to false.
=item *
C<< extra_supps => \@files >>
Also use suppressions from C<@files> besides C<perl>'s.
Defaults to empty.
=item *
C<< no_def_supp => $bool >>
If true, do not use the default suppression file.
Defaults to false.
sub analyse {
my %args = @_;
my $instanceof = sub {
require Scalar::Util;
Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0]) && $_[0]->isa($_[1]);
my $cmd = delete $args{command};
unless ($cmd->$instanceof('Test::Valgrind::Command')) {
require Test::Valgrind::Command;
$cmd = Test::Valgrind::Command->new(
command => $cmd || 'PerlScript',
file => delete $args{file},
args => [ '-MTest::Valgrind=run,1' ],
my $tool = delete $args{tool};
unless ($tool->$instanceof('Test::Valgrind::Tool')) {
require Test::Valgrind::Tool;
$tool = Test::Valgrind::Tool->new(
tool => $tool || 'memcheck',
callers => delete $args{callers},
my $action = delete $args{action};
unless ($action->$instanceof('Test::Valgrind::Action')) {
require Test::Valgrind::Action;
$action = Test::Valgrind::Action->new(
action => $action || 'Test',
diag => delete $args{diag},
require Test::Valgrind::Session;
my $sess = eval {
min_version => $tool->requires_version,
map { $_ => delete $args{$_} } qw<extra_supps no_def_supp>
unless ($sess) {
my $err = $@;
$err =~ s/^(Empty valgrind candidates list|No appropriate valgrind executable could be found)\s+at.*/$1/;
$action->abort($sess, $err);
return $action->status($sess);
eval {
command => $cmd,
tool => $tool,
action => $action,
if ($@) {
require Test::Valgrind::Report;
$action->report($sess, Test::Valgrind::Report->new_diag($@));
my $status = $sess->status;
$status = 255 unless defined $status;
return $status;
=head2 C<import>
use Test::Valgrind %options;
In the parent process, L</import> calls L</analyse> with the arguments it received itself - except that if no C<file> option was supplied, it tries to pick the first caller context that looks like a script.
When the analysis ends, it exits with the status returned by the action (for the default TAP-generator action, it's the number of failed tests).
In the child process, it just C<return>s so that the calling code is actually run under C<valgrind>, albeit two side-effects :
=over 4
=item *
L<Perl::Destruct::Level> is loaded and the destruction level is set to C<3>.
=item *
Autoflush on C<STDOUT> is turned on.
# We use as little modules as possible in run mode so that they don't pollute
# the analysis. Hence all the requires.
my $run;
sub import {
my $class = shift;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
if (@_ % 2) {
require Carp;
Carp::croak('Optional arguments must be passed as key => value pairs');
my %args = @_;
if (defined delete $args{run} or $run) {
require Perl::Destruct::Level;
my $oldfh = select STDOUT;
select $oldfh;
$run = 1;
my $file = delete $args{file};
unless (defined $file) {
my ($next, $last_pm);
for (my $l = 0; 1; ++$l) {
$next = (caller $l)[1];
last unless defined $next;
next if $next =~ /^\s*\(\s*eval\s*\d*\s*\)\s*$/;
if ($next =~ /\.pmc?$/) {
$last_pm = $next;
} else {
$file = $next;
$file = $last_pm unless defined $file;
unless (defined $file) {
require Test::Builder;
Test::Builder->new->diag('Couldn\'t find a valid source file');
if ($file ne '-e') {
exit $class->analyse(
file => $file,
require File::Temp;
my $tmp = File::Temp->new;
require Filter::Util::Call;
Filter::Util::Call::filter_add(sub {
my $status = Filter::Util::Call::filter_read();
if ($status > 0) {
print $tmp $_;
} elsif ($status == 0) {
close $tmp;
my $code = $class->analyse(
file => $tmp->filename,
exit $code;
=head2 C<$dl_unload>
When set to true, all dynamic extensions that were loaded during the analysis will be unloaded at C<END> time by L<DynaLoader/dl_unload_file>.
Since this obfuscates error stack traces, it's disabled by default.
our $dl_unload;
if ($dl_unload and $run and eval { require DynaLoader; 1 }) {
my @rest;
DynaLoader::dl_unload_file($_) or push @rest, $_ for @DynaLoader::dl_librefs;
@DynaLoader::dl_librefs = @rest;
=head1 CAVEATS
Perl 5.8 is notorious for leaking like there's no tomorrow, so the suppressions are very likely not to be complete on it.
You also have a better chance to get more accurate results if your perl is built with debugging enabled.
Using the latest C<valgrind> available will also help.
This module is not really secure.
It's definitely not taint safe.
That shouldn't be a problem for test files.
What your tests output to C<STDOUT> and C<STDERR> is eaten unless you pass the C<diag> option, in which case it will be reprinted as diagnostics.
L<XML::Twig>, L<version>, L<File::HomeDir>, L<Env::Sanctify>, L<Perl::Destruct::Level>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
All the C<Test::Valgrind::*> API, including L<Test::Valgrind::Command>, L<Test::Valgrind::Tool>, L<Test::Valgrind::Action> and L<Test::Valgrind::Session>.
The C<valgrind(1)> man page.
L<Devel::Leak>, L<Devel::LeakTrace>, L<Devel::LeakTrace::Fast>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Vincent Pit, C<< <perl at profvince.com> >>, L<http://www.profvince.com>.
You can contact me by mail or on C<irc.perl.org> (vincent).
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-test-valgrind at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Test-Valgrind>.
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Test::Valgrind
RafaE<euml>l Garcia-Suarez, for writing and instructing me about the existence of L<Perl::Destruct::Level> (Elizabeth Mattijsen is a close second).
H.Merijn Brand, for daring to test this thing.
David Cantrell, for providing shell access to one of his smokers where the tests were failing.
The debian-perl team, for offering all the feedback they could regarding the build issues they met.
All you people that showed interest in this module, which motivated me into completely rewriting it.
Copyright 2008,2009,2010,2011,2013 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1; # End of Test::Valgrind