/usr/share/pyshared/loggerhead/templates/changelog.pt is in loggerhead 1.19~bzr479-3.
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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" metal:use-macro="macros/main">
<title metal:fill-slot="title"
tal:content="string:${branch/friendly_name} : changes"></title>
<metal:block fill-slot="header_extras">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml"
tal:attributes="href python:url(['/atom']);
title string:RSS feed for ${branch/friendly_name}" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var revids = <tal:block content="data" />;
<script type="text/javascript"
tal:attributes="src python:branch.static_url('/static/javascript/changelog.js')"></script>
<tal:block metal:fill-slot="backlink">
<tal:has-link condition="branch/branch_link">
<div class="black-link">
<a tal:attributes="href branch/branch_link">
← Back to branch summary
<tal:block metal:fill-slot="branchname" tal:content="string:${branch/friendly_name}" />
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<div id="breadcrumbs">
<tal:has-link condition="branch/branch_link">
<a tal:attributes="href branch/branch_link"
<tal:no-link condition="not: branch/branch_link">
<span metal:use-macro="breadcrumbs/directory"></span>
<tal:block condition="changes">
» Changes
<tal:block condition="filter_file_id">to <span tal:content="python:history.get_path(revid, filter_file_id)" /></tal:block>
<tal:block condition="start_revid">from revision
<span tal:content="python:history.get_revno(start_revid)"/>
<tal:block condition="query">matching <tal:block content="query" /></tal:block>
<div metal:fill-slot="content">
<tal:branch-info replace="structure python:branchinfo(branch)" />
<!-- Something nicer-looking should be done with search -->
<p tal:condition="search_failed">
Sorry, no results found for your search.
<p tal:condition="not:changes">
No revisions!
<p class="fr revnolink">From Revision <a tal:attributes="href #
title python:'Show revision '+history.get_revno(revid)"
<tal:block tal:condition="python:navigation.last_in_page_revid is not None"> to
<a tal:attributes="href #
title 'Show revision '+history.get_revno(navigation.last_in_page_revid)"
<p class="expand show_if_js" id="expand_all"><a href="#">
<img tal:attributes="src python:branch.static_url('/static/images/treeCollapsed.png')"
alt="expand all" /> expand all</a>
<p class="expand" id="collapse_all" style="display:none;"><a href="#">
<img tal:attributes="src python:branch.static_url('/static/images/treeExpanded.png')"
alt="collapse all" /> collapse all</a>
<!-- Table -->
<table id="logentries">
<tr class="logheader">
<th class="revisionnumber">Rev</th>
<th class="expandcell show_if_js"> </th>
<th class="summarycell">Summary</th>
<th class="authorcell">Authors</th>
<th tal:condition="show_tag_col" class="tagscell">Tags</th>
<th class="datecell">Date</th>
<th class="diffcell">Diff</th>
<th class="downloadcell">Files</th>
<tal:block tal:repeat="entry changes">
<a tal:attributes="name string:entry-${entry/revno}"/>
<tr tal:attributes="class string:blueRow${entry/parity} revision_log; id string:log-${entry/index}">
<td class="revnro revnolink"><a tal:attributes="title python:'Show revision '+entry.revno;
href python:url(['/revision', entry.revno], clear=1)"
<td class="expcell show_if_js">
<div class="expand_revisioninfo">
<a href="#">
<img tal:attributes="src python:branch.static_url('/static/images/treeCollapsed.png')"
class="expand_icon" />
<td class="summcell">
<div class="short_description">
<img tal:condition="python:entry.parents[1:]"
tal:attributes="src python:branch.static_url('/static/images/ico_mergefrom.gif')" />
<a tal:attributes="title python:'Show revision '+entry.revno;
href python:url(['/revision', entry.revno], clear=1);
class string:link"
<div class="long_description" style="display: none">
<img tal:condition="python:entry.parents[1:]"
tal:attributes="src python:branch.static_url('/static/images/ico_mergefrom.gif')" />
<a tal:attributes="title python:'Show revision '+entry.revno;
href python:url(['/revision', entry.revno], clear=1);
class string:link"
tal:content="structure python:util.fixed_width(entry.comment)"></a>
<div class="loading">
<img tal:attributes="src python:branch.static_url('/static/images/spinner.gif')" />
<td tal:content="python:util.trunc(util.hide_email(entry.authors[0]), 20)"
<td tal:condition="show_tag_col" tal:content="string:${entry/tags}"
<td class="date">
<span tal:attributes="title python:util.date_time(entry.utc_date)"
<td class="diffr"><a tal:attributes="title python:'Show diff at revision '+entry.revno;
href python:url(['/revision', entry.revno], clear=1)">
<img tal:attributes="src python:branch.static_url('/static/images/ico_diff.gif')" alt="Diff" /></a></td>
<td class="downr"><a tal:attributes="href python:branch.url(['/files', entry.revno]);
title string:Files at revision ${entry/revno}">
<img tal:attributes="src python:branch.static_url('/static/images/ico_file.gif')" alt="Files" /></a>
<ul tal:condition="python:navigation.prev_page_revid or navigation.next_page_revid"
<li tal:condition="navigation/prev_page_revid"
<a tal:attributes="href navigation/prev_page_url">« Newer</a>
<!-- FIXME: Leaving this to eventually show page numbers. Can't show all of them,
so some magic has to be done to just show the previous and next N page numbers
<li class="active">1</li>
<tal:block tal:repeat="page_number python:range(navigation.page_count)">
<li><a href="#"
<li tal:condition="navigation/next_page_revid"
<a tal:attributes="href navigation/next_page_url">Older »</a>