/usr/share/lua/5.1/cgilua/post.lua is in lua-cgi 5.2~alpha2-1.
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-- Process POST data.
-- This library depends on some functions that read POST data and other
-- HTTP information. A beginning is:
-- require"post"
-- local params = {}
-- post.parsedata {
-- read = ap.get_client_block or io.input,
-- discardinput = ap.discard_request_body,
-- content_type = ap.get_header"content-type" or os.getenv"CONTENT_TYPE",
-- content_length = ap.get_header"content-length" or os.getenv"CONTENT_LENGTH",
-- maxinput = 1024 * 1024,
-- maxfilesize = 512 * 1024,
-- args = params,
-- }
-- @release $Id: post.lua,v 1.17 2008/04/03 21:55:28 mascarenhas Exp $
local iterate = require"cgilua.readuntil".iterate
local urlcode = require"cgilua.urlcode"
local tmpfile = require"cgilua".tmpfile
local assert, error, pairs, tonumber, tostring, type = assert, error, pairs, tonumber, tostring, type
local getn, tinsert = table.getn, table.insert
local format, gsub, strfind, strlower, strlen = string.format, string.gsub, string.find, string.lower, string.len
local min = math.min
--local iterate = cgilua.readuntil.iterate
--local urlcode = cgilua.urlcode
--local tmpfile = cgilua.tmpfile
-- environment for processing multipart/form-data input
local boundary = nil -- boundary string that separates each 'part' of input
local maxfilesize = nil -- maximum size for file upload
local maxinput = nil -- maximum size of total POST data
local inputfile = nil -- temporary file for inputting form-data
local bytesleft = nil -- number of bytes yet to be read
local content_type = nil -- request's content-type
-- local functions
local discardinput = nil -- discard all remaining input
local readuntil = nil -- read until delimiter
local read = nil -- basic read function
-- Extract the boundary string from CONTENT_TYPE metavariable
local function getboundary ()
local _,_,boundary = strfind (content_type, "boundary%=(.-)$")
return "--"..boundary
-- Create a table containing the headers of a multipart/form-data field
local function breakheaders (hdrdata)
local headers = {}
gsub (hdrdata, '([^%c%s:]+):%s+([^\n]+)', function(type,val)
type = strlower(type)
headers[type] = val
return headers
-- Read the headers of the next multipart/form-data field
-- This function returns a table containing the headers values. Each header
-- value is indexed by the corresponding header "type".
-- If end of input is reached (no more fields to process) it returns nil.
local function readfieldheaders ()
local EOH = "\r\n\r\n" -- <CR><LF><CR><LF>
local hdrdata = ""
local out = function (str) hdrdata = hdrdata..str end
if readuntil (EOH, out) then
-- parse headers
return breakheaders (hdrdata)
-- no header found
return nil
-- Extract a field name (and possible filename) from its disposition header
local function getfieldnames (headers)
local disposition_hdr = headers["content-disposition"]
local attrs = {}
if disposition_hdr then
gsub(disposition_hdr, ';%s*([^%s=]+)="(.-)"', function(attr, val)
attrs[attr] = val
error("Error processing multipart/form-data."..
"\nMissing content-disposition header")
return attrs.name, attrs.filename
-- Read the contents of a 'regular' field to a string
local function readfieldcontents ()
local value = ""
local boundaryline = "\r\n"..boundary
local out = function (str) value = value..str end
if readuntil (boundaryline, out) then
return value
error("Error processing multipart/form-data.\nUnexpected end of input\n")
-- Read the contents of a 'file' field to a temporary file (file upload)
local function fileupload (filename)
-- create a temporary file for uploading the file field
local file, err = tmpfile()
if file == nil then
error("Cannot create a temporary file.\n"..err)
local bytesread = 0
local boundaryline = "\r\n"..boundary
local out = function (str)
local sl = strlen (str)
if bytesread + sl > maxfilesize then
discardinput (bytesleft)
error (format ("Maximum file size (%d kbytes) exceeded while uploading `%s'", maxfilesize / 1024, filename))
file:write (str)
bytesread = bytesread + sl
if readuntil (boundaryline, out) then
file:seek ("set", 0)
return file, bytesread
error (format ("Error processing multipart/form-data.\nUnexpected end of input while uploading %s", filename))
-- Compose a file field 'value'
local function filevalue (filehandle, filename, filesize, headers)
-- the temporary file handle
local value = { file = filehandle,
filename = filename,
filesize = filesize }
-- copy additional header values
for hdr, hdrval in pairs(headers) do
if hdr ~= "content-disposition" then
value[hdr] = hdrval
return value
-- Process multipart/form-data
-- This function receives the total size of the incoming multipart/form-data,
-- the maximum size for a file upload, and a reference to a table where the
-- form fields should be stored.
-- For every field in the incoming form-data a (name=value) pair is
-- inserted into the given table. [[name]] is the field name extracted
-- from the content-disposition header.
-- If a field is of type 'file' (i.e., a 'filename' attribute was found
-- in its content-disposition header) a temporary file is created
-- and the field contents are written to it. In this case,
-- [[value]] has a table that contains the temporary file handle
-- (key 'file') and the file name (key 'filename'). Optional headers
-- included in the field description are also inserted into this table,
-- as (header_type=value) pairs.
-- If the field is not of type 'file', [[value]] contains the field
-- contents.
local function Main (inputsize, args)
-- create a temporary file for processing input data
local inputf,err = tmpfile()
if inputf == nil then
error("Cannot create a temporary file.\n"..err)
-- set the environment for processing the multipart/form-data
inputfile = inputf
bytesleft = inputsize
maxfilesize = maxfilesize or inputsize
boundary = getboundary()
while true do
-- read the next field header(s)
local headers = readfieldheaders()
if not headers then break end -- end of input
-- get the name attributes for the form field (name and filename)
local name, filename = getfieldnames(headers)
-- get the field contents
local value
if filename then
local filehandle, filesize = fileupload(filename)
value = filevalue(filehandle, filename, filesize, headers)
value = readfieldcontents()
-- insert the form field into table [[args]]
urlcode.insertfield(args, name, value)
-- Initialize the library by setting the dependent functions:
-- content_type = value of "Content-type" header
-- content_length = value of "Content-length" header
-- read = function that can read POST data
-- discardinput (optional) = function that discard POST data
-- maxinput (optional) = limit of POST data (in bytes)
-- maxfilesize (optional) = limit of uploaded file(s) (in bytes)
local function init (defs)
assert (defs.read)
read = defs.read
readuntil = iterate (function ()
if bytesleft then
if bytesleft <= 0 then return nil end
local n = min (bytesleft, 2^13) -- 2^13 == 8192
local bytes = read (n)
bytesleft = bytesleft - #bytes
return bytes
if defs.discard_function then
discardinput = defs.discardinput
discardinput = function (inputsize)
readuntil ('\0', function()end)
content_type = defs.content_type
if defs.maxinput then
maxinput = defs.maxinput
if defs.maxfilesize then
maxfilesize = defs.maxfilesize
-- Parse the POST REQUEST incoming data according to its "content type"
-- as defined by the metavariable CONTENT_TYPE (RFC CGI)
-- An error is issued if the "total" size of the incoming data
-- (defined by the metavariable CONTENT_LENGTH) exceeds the
-- maximum input size allowed
return {
parsedata = function (defs)
assert (type(defs.args) == "table", "field `args' must be a table")
init (defs)
-- get the "total" size of the incoming data
local inputsize = tonumber(defs.content_length) or 0
if inputsize > maxinput then
-- some Web Servers (like IIS) require that all the incoming data is read
bytesleft = inputsize
error(format("Total size of incoming data (%d KB) exceeds configured maximum (%d KB)",
inputsize /1024, maxinput / 1024))
-- process the incoming data according to its content type
local contenttype = content_type
if not contenttype then
error("Undefined Media Type")
if strfind(contenttype, "x-www-form-urlencoded", 1, true) then
urlcode.parsequery (read (inputsize), defs.args)
elseif strfind(contenttype, "multipart/form-data", 1, true) then
Main (inputsize, defs.args)
elseif strfind (contenttype, "application/xml", 1, true) or strfind (contenttype, "text/xml", 1, true) or strfind (contenttype, "text/plain", 1, true) then
tinsert (defs.args, read (inputsize))
error("Unsupported Media Type: "..contenttype)