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\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Possible document languages are: English, English (USA), German, German
(old spelling)
\begin_layout Plain Layout
To en/disable lines and marker see the document preamble settings.
\begin_layout Name
Place for corporate-name or logo
\begin_layout NameRowA
Bob Testman
\begin_layout NameRowB
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\begin_layout NameRowD
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Example Corporation
\begin_layout AddressRowB
\begin_layout AddressRowC
Institut for example design
\begin_layout AddressRowD
Examplestreet 103
\begin_layout AddressRowE
10001 Testburg
\begin_layout AddressRowF
\begin_layout TelephoneRowA
Mobile: 0001/ 123 4569
\begin_layout TelephoneRowB
Fax: 0001/ 123 4567
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Example Corp.
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Examplestreet 103
\begin_inset Formula $\cdot$
10001 Testburg
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Cynthia Mustermann
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\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
01234 Musterstadt
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my ref
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your ref
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01/ 01 2004
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\begin_layout Reference
\begin_layout Opening
Ladies and gentlemen,
\begin_layout Closing
\begin_layout Signature
Bob Testman
\begin_layout Encl.
\begin_layout cc
\begin_layout Letter
this is the letter text.