/usr/share/octave/packages/vrml-1.0.13/vmesh.m is in octave-vrml 1.0.13-1.
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## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## s = vmesh (x, y, z [, options] ) - Visualize a 3D surface
## s = vmesh (z [, options] )
## Visualizes a 3D surface. Returns the VRML code.
## x : RxC or C : X coordinates of the points on the surface
## y : RxC or R : Y " "
## z : RxC : Z " "
## s : string : The code
## If x and y are omitted, they are assumed to be linspace(-1,1,C or R).
## Points presenting one or more 'inf' or 'nan' coordinates are ignored.
## Options : (all options of vrml_surf may be used too)
## "col" , col : 3 : RGB Color, Default = [0.3,0.4,0.9]
## or 3x(R*C): Color of vertices (vrml colorPerVertex is TRUE).
## or 3x((R-1)*(C-1))
## : Color of facets
## or 1 : Reflectivity (equivalent to [col,col,col] in RGB)
## or R x C : Reflectivity of vertices
## or 1x(R*C)
## or (R-1)x(C-1)
## or (R-1)*(C-1)
## : Reflectivity of facets.
## RGB and reflectivity values should be in the [0,1] interval.
## "checker", c : 1x2 : Color as a checker. If c(1) is positive, checker has
## c(1) rows. If it is negative, each checker row is
## c(1) facets high. c(2) does the same for columns.
## or 1x1 : Same as [c,c].
## "zgray" : Color varies from black for lowest point to white
## for highest.
## "zrb" : Color varies from blue for lowest point to red for
## highest.
## "zcol", zcol : Mx3 : Color is linearly interpolated between the RGB
## values specified by the rows of zcol.
## "steps" : Represent surface as a piecewise constant Z = f(X,Y)
## function
## "bars" : Represent surface as a bar plot
## "bwid" : Bar width, relative to point separation. Default = 2/3
## "level", l : 1xN : Display one or more horizontal translucent plane(s)
## z == l(i) (1 <= i <= length(l))
## "lcol", lc : Nx3 : Color of the plane(s). Default = [.7 .7 .7]
## "ltran",lt : Nx1 : Transparency of the plane(s). Default = 0.3
## "tex", texFile
## "normalize" : Normalize z to [-1,1]
## See also: vrml_surf(), vrml_faces(), demo("vmesh")
function s = vmesh (x, y, z, varargin)
level = [];
lcol = [7 7 7]/10;
ltran = 0.3;
normalize = 0;
if (nargin <= 1) || ischar(y), # Cruft to allow not passing x and y
zz = x ;
[R,C] = size (zz);
[xx,yy] = meshgrid (linspace (-1,1,C), linspace (-1,1,R));
if nargin >= 3
varargin = {y, z, varargin{:}};
elseif nargin >= 2
varargin = {y, varargin{:}};
## if nargin >=3,
## s = vmesh ( xx, yy, zz, y, z, varargin{:} );
## if ! nargout, clear s; end; return
## elseif nargin >=2,
## s = vmesh ( xx, yy, zz, y, varargin{:} );
## if ! nargout, clear s; end; return
## end
x = xx ; y = yy ; z = zz ;
frame = 1;
## surf_args = list (x,y,z); # Arguments that'll be passed to vrml_surf
surf_args = {x,y,z}; # Arguments that'll be passed to vrml_surf
if numel (varargin)
op1 = [" tran col checker creaseAngle emit colorPerVertex tex zcol frame ",\
" level lcol ltran bwid "];
op0 = " smooth zgray zrb normalize steps bars ";
df = tars (level, lcol, ltran, normalize, frame);
opts = read_options (varargin,"op0",op0,"op1",op1,"default",df);
# Identify options for vrml_surf()
# all_surf_opts = list ("tran", "col", "checker", "creaseAngle", "emit", \
# "colorPerVertex", "smooth", "tex",\
# "zgray","zrb","zcol");
all_surf_opts = {"tran", "col", "checker", "creaseAngle", "emit", \
"colorPerVertex", "smooth", "steps", "bars", "bwid", "tex",\
for i = 1:length(all_surf_opts)
optname = all_surf_opts{i};
if isfield (opts, optname)
## surf_args = append (surf_args, list (optname));
surf_args{length(surf_args)+1} = optname;
if index (op1,[" ",optname," "])
## surf_args = append (surf_args, list(opts.(optname)));
surf_args{length(surf_args)+1} = opts.(optname);
lcol = opts.lcol;
level = opts.level;
ltran = opts.ltran;
frame = opts.frame;
normalize = opts.normalize;
if normalize
x -= nanmean (x(:));
y -= nanmean (y(:));
z -= nanmean (z(:));
datascl = nanmax (abs([z(:);y(:);x(:)]));
x /= datascl;
y /= datascl;
z /= datascl;
# Put back z in surf_args
surf_args{1} = x;
surf_args{2} = y;
surf_args{3} = z;
s = vrml_surf (surf_args{:});
if numel (x) == columns (z)
x = ones(rows(z),1) * x(:)';
assert (numel (x) == numel (z));
if numel (y) == rows (z)
y = y(:) * ones(1,columns(z));
assert (numel (y) == numel (z));
pts = [x(:)';y(:)';z(:)'];
ii = find (all (isfinite (pts)));
pt2 = pts(:,ii); x2 = x(ii); y2 = y(ii); z2 = z(ii);
## Add a point light
# scl = max (max(pt2') - min(pt2'));
# lpos = [min(x2) - 0.5*scl, mean(y2), max(z2)+scl]
# pl1 = vrml_PointLight ("location", lpos, "intensity", 0.7);
# lpos = [mean(x2), min(y2) - 0.5*scl, max(z2)+scl]
# pl2 = vrml_PointLight ("location", lpos, "intensity", 0.7);
# pl = [pl1 pl2];
pl = [vrml_DirectionalLight("direction",[-1,-1,-1],"intensity",0.75),\
vrml_DirectionalLight("direction",[-1, 1,-1],"intensity",0.5),\
vrml_DirectionalLight("direction",[ 1,-1,-1],"intensity",0.5),\
vrml_DirectionalLight("direction",[ 1, 1,-1],"intensity",0.33),\
vrml_DirectionalLight("direction",[ 0, 0, 1],"intensity",0.5)];
# distance = max ([max (x(:)) - min (x(:)),\
# max (y(:)) - min (y(:)),\
# max (z(:)) - min (z(:))])
# vp = vrml_Viewpoint ("orientation", [1 0 0 -pi/6],\
# "position", distance*[0 0 5]);
minpts = min (pt2');
maxpts = max (pt2');
medpts = (minpts + maxpts)/2;
ptssz = (maxpts - minpts);
ptssz = max (ptssz, max (ptssz/10));
if frame, fr = vrml_frame (minpts-ptssz/10,\
"scale", ptssz * 1.2, "col",(ones(3)+eye(3))/2);
else fr = "";
sbg = vrml_Background ("skyColor", [0.5 0.5 0.6]);
slevel = "";
if ! isempty (level)
level = level(:)'; # Make a row
nlev = length (level);
xmin = min (x(:)); xmax = max (x(:));
ymin = min (y(:)); ymax = max (y(:));
if any (size (lcol) != [nlev,3])
nlc = prod (szlc = size (lcol));
# Transpose colors
if all (szlc == [3,nlev]), lcol = lcol';
# Single gray level
elseif nlc == 1 , lcol = lcol * ones (nlev,3);
# nlev gray levels
elseif nlc == nlev , lcol = lcol(:)*[1 1 1];
elseif nlc == 3 , lcol = ones(nlev,1)*lcol(:)';
else error ("lcol has size %i x %i",szlc);
if prod (size (ltran)) == 1 , ltran = ltran*ones(1,nlev); end
for i = 1:nlev
slevel = [slevel, \
vrml_parallelogram([xmin xmin xmax xmax;\
ymin ymax ymax ymin;\
level(i) level(i) level(i) level(i)],\
s = [pl, sbg, s , fr, slevel];
if ! nargout,
vrml_browse (s);
clear s;
%! % Test the vmesh and vrml_browse functions with the test_vmesh script
%! R = 41; C = 26;
%! [x,y] = meshgrid (linspace (-8+eps,8+eps,C), linspace (-8+eps,8+eps,R));
%! z = sin (sqrt (x.^2 + y.^2)) ./ (sqrt (x.^2 + y.^2));
%! vmesh (z);
%! printf ("Press a key.\n"); pause;
%! ############## The same surface, with holes (NaN's) in it. ###############
%! z(3,3) = nan; # Bore a hole
%! # Bore more holes
%! z(1+floor(rand(1,5+R*C/30)*R*C)) = nan;
%! vmesh (z);
%! printf ("Press a key.\n"); pause;
%! ###### The same surface, with checkered stripes - 'checker' option ######
%! vmesh (z,"checker",-[6,5]);
%! printf ("Press a key.\n"); pause;
%! ##### With z-dependent coloring - 'zrb', 'zgray' and'zcol' options. #####
%! vmesh (z,"zrb");
%! printf ("That's it!\n");
## %! test_vmesh