This file is indexed.

/usr/share/php/tests/Horde_Feed/Horde/Feed/fixtures/lexicon/ is in php-horde-feed 2.0.1-4.

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="0.91"><channel><title>Sjoerd Visscher's weblog</title><description>Pondering those web technologies that may change the future of the world wide web.</description><link></link><managingEditor></managingEditor><language>en-us</language><item><link></link><title>Algebraic Data Types in JavaScript</title></item><item><link></link><title>Tail call elimination in Javascript</title><description>Via LtU I read about a tail call optimization decorator. Of course I immediately wondered if it was possible in JavaScript, and it is:
Function.prototype.tailCallOptimized = function()
  var g = this;
  return function()
    for (var caller = arguments. &#x2026;</description></item><item><link></link><title>Technorati claim</title><description>Technorati Profile</description></item><item><link></link><title>Leak Free Javascript Closures</title><description>If you're confused about how closures in JavaScript cause memory leaks in Internet Explorer, this is for you: Leak Free Javascript Closures. Then, without leakage, you can write code like this:
function attach()
  var element = document.getElementById("my-element");
  element. &#x2026;</description></item><item><link></link><title>No more accesskeys</title><description>I had accesskeys for the tabs at the top of this site, but Mark Wubben reminded me that this was very annoying, mainly because alt-d was one of them (the shortcut to focus the address bar). This makes me think that using accesskeys in webpages is not a very good idea, because you never know what the favorite shortcut keys of your visitor are.</description></item><item><link></link><title>How to use base URIs.</title><description>If you're wondering what a base URI is for, you'll always end up being directed to RFC 3986, but you won't find much. Section 5.1 just says: &#x201C;The term "relative" implies that a "base URI" exists against which the relative reference is applied.&#x201D;. &#x2026;</description></item><item><link></link><title>Atom 1.0 feed available</title><description>I've updated my Radio Userland Atom code to produce version 1.0. You can find the feed here. My RSS 0.91 feed is created with a simple XSLT transformation from the Atom feed.</description></item><item><link></link><title>I live in Belgium</title><description>At least, that is what Google shows me, and Google is always right.</description></item><item><link></link><title>Being filmed by 3 cameras at once!</title><description>Sometimes it's really interesting to live in the centre of the administrative capital of the Netherlands. Today we had a referendum for ratification of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. I had to vote in the city hall. As this is close to the parliament buildings a lot of camera crews had chosen the city hall to film some voters, including me. &#x2026;</description></item></channel></rss>