/usr/lib/R/site-library/ggplot2/DESCRIPTION is in r-cran-ggplot2
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Type: Package
Title: An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics
Author: Hadley Wickham <h.wickham@gmail.com>, Winston Chang
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <h.wickham@gmail.com>
Description: An implementation of the grammar of graphics in R. It
combines the advantages of both base and lattice graphics:
conditioning and shared axes are handled automatically, and you
can still build up a plot step by step from multiple data
sources. It also implements a sophisticated multidimensional
conditioning system and a consistent interface to map data to
aesthetic attributes. See the ggplot2 website for more
information, documentation and examples.
Depends: R (>= 2.14), stats, methods
Imports: plyr (>= 1.7.1), digest, grid, gtable (>= 0.1.1), reshape2,
scales (>= 0.2.3), proto, MASS
Suggests: quantreg, Hmisc, mapproj, maps, hexbin, maptools, multcomp,
nlme, testthat
Enhances: sp
License: GPL-2
URL: http://had.co.nz/ggplot2/
LazyData: true
Collate: 'aaa-.r' 'aaa-constants.r' 'aes-colour-fill-alpha.r'
'aes-linetype-size-shape.r' 'aes.r' 'annotation.r' 'bench.r'
'coord-.r' 'coord-cartesian-.r' 'coord-fixed.r' 'coord-flip.r'
'coord-map.r' 'coord-munch.r' 'coord-polar.r'
'coord-transform.r' 'facet-.r' 'facet-grid-.r' 'facet-labels.r'
'facet-layout.r' 'facet-locate.r' 'facet-null.r'
'facet-viewports.r' 'facet-wrap.r' 'fortify-lm.r'
'fortify-map.r' 'fortify-spatial.r' 'fortify.r' 'geom-.r'
'geom-abline.r' 'geom-bar-.r' 'geom-bar-histogram.r'
'geom-bin2d.r' 'geom-blank.r' 'geom-boxplot.r'
'geom-crossbar.r' 'geom-defaults.r' 'geom-dotplot.r'
'geom-error.r' 'geom-errorh.r' 'geom-freqpoly.r' 'geom-hex.r'
'geom-hline.r' 'geom-linerange.r' 'geom-polygon.r' 'geom-map.r'
'geom-path-.r' 'geom-path-contour.r' 'geom-path-density2d.r'
'geom-path-line.r' 'geom-path-step.r' 'geom-point-.r'
'geom-point-jitter.r' 'geom-pointrange.r' 'geom-quantile.r'
'geom-rect.r' 'geom-ribbon-.r' 'geom-ribbon-density.r'
'geom-rug.r' 'geom-segment.r' 'geom-smooth.r' 'geom-text.r'
'geom-tile.r' 'geom-violin.r' 'geom-vline.r' 'ggplot2.r'
'grob-absolute.r' 'grob-dotstack.r' 'grob-null.r'
'guide-colorbar.r' 'guide-legend.r' 'guides-.r' 'guides-axis.r'
'guides-grid.r' 'labels.r' 'layer.r' 'limits.r' 'matrix.r'
'panel.r' 'plot-build.r' 'plot-construction.r' 'plot-last.r'
'plot-render.r' 'plot.r' 'position-.r' 'position-collide.r'
'position-dodge.r' 'position-fill.r' 'position-identity.r'
'position-jitter.r' 'position-stack.r' 'quick-plot.r' 'save.r'
'scale-.r' 'scale-alpha.r' 'scale-area.r' 'scale-brewer.r'
'scale-continuous.r' 'scale-date.r' 'scale-datetime.r'
'scale-discrete-.r' 'scale-gradient.r' 'scale-gradient2.r'
'scale-gradientn.r' 'scale-grey.r' 'scale-hue.r'
'scale-identity.r' 'scale-linetype.r' 'scale-manual.r'
'scale-shape.r' 'scale-size.r' 'scales-.r' 'stat-.r'
'stat-summary-2d.r' 'stat-summary-hex.r' 'stat-bin.r'
'stat-bin2d.r' 'stat-binhex.r' 'stat-boxplot.r'
'stat-contour.r' 'stat-density-2d.r' 'stat-density.r'
'stat-bindot.r' 'stat-function.r' 'stat-identity.r' 'stat-qq.r'
'stat-quantile.r' 'stat-smooth-methods.r' 'stat-smooth.r'
'stat-spoke.r' 'stat-sum.r' 'stat-summary.r' 'stat-unique.r'
'stat-vline.r' 'stat-ydensity.r' 'stat-ecdf.r' 'summary.r'
'templates.r' 'theme-defaults.r' 'theme-elements.r' 'theme.r'
'utilities-break.r' 'utilities-grid.r' 'utilities-layer.r'
'utilities-matrix.r' 'utilities-resolution.r'
'utilities-table.r' 'utilities.r' 'xxx-digest.r' 'zxx.r'
'geom-raster.r' 'annotation-raster.r' 'annotation-map.r'
'autoplot.r' 'zzz.r' 'fortify-multcomp.r' 'annotation-custom.r'
'aes-group-order.r' 'aes-position.r' 'translate-qplot-base.r'
'translate-qplot-ggplot.r' 'translate-qplot-gpl.r'
'translate-qplot-lattice.r' 'annotation-logticks.r'
Packaged: 2013-03-01 17:44:46 UTC; ubuntu
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2013-03-02 15:56:56
Built: R 3.0.2; ; 2013-12-28 23:16:01 UTC; unix