/usr/share/tau/tools/inc/help.tcl is in tau-racy 2.16.4-1.5.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 | #*********************************************************************#
#* TAU/pC++/Sage++ Copyright (C) 1994 *#
#* Jerry Manic Saftware *#
#* Indiana University University of Oregon University of Rennes *#
# helpSetTagsFormat: set and configure tag in help text window
# tag: name of tag
# pos1: start position of tag
# pos2: end position of tag
# config: options to set for this tag
proc helpSetTagsFormat {tag pos1 pos2 config} {
.help.t1 tag add $tag "$pos1" "$pos2"
eval .help.t1 tag configure $tag $config
# helpSetTagsLink: set and configure hypertext links in help text window
# tag: name of tag to use for this link
# pos1: start position of link
# pos2: end position of link
# com: command to execute when user clicks on link
proc helpSetTagsLink {tag pos1 pos2 com} {
.help.t1 tag add $tag "$pos1" "$pos2"
.help.t1 tag configure $tag -foreground red -underline true
.help.t1 tag bind $tag <Button-1> "$com"
# showHelp: help main function, displays on page of help text
# prog: program name
# section: name of help page
# isTop: set is page is root of new help tree
proc showHelp {prog section {isTop 0}} {
global TAUDIR
global helpstack
# -- read requested help page
set file "$TAUDIR/help/$prog/$section"
if { ! [file readable $file] } {
showError "No help on $prog:$section"
if [ info exists helpstack(length) ] { popStack helpstack }
if [ winfo exists .help ] {
# -- help window already displayed; reset help window (delete text)
.help.t1 configure -state normal
.help.t1 delete 1.0 end
if { [set tags [lpick [.help.t1 tag names] {tag*}]] != "" } {
eval .help.t1 tag delete $tags
# -- if new help tree, reset stack of help pages
if { $isTop } { initStack helpstack }
} else {
# -- create and setup new help window
toplevel .help
text .help.t1 -width 60 -height 24 -background white -foreground black \
-exportselection false -selectbackground white \
-selectborderwidth 0
scrollbar .help.s1 -orient vert -relief sunken -command ".help.t1 yview"
.help.t1 configure -yscrollcommand ".help.s1 set"
frame .help.move -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
frame .help.dummy
button .help.pv -text "prev"
button .help.up -text "up"
button .help.nt -text "next"
button .help.cl -text "close" -command "destroy .help"
pack .help.cl -side right -in .help.move -padx 15 -ipadx 3 -ipady 3
pack .help.pv .help.nt -side left -in .help.dummy -padx 15 -ipadx 3 -ipady 3
pack .help.up -side left -in .help.move -padx 15 -pady 15 -ipadx 15 -ipady 3
pack .help.dummy -side left -in .help.move -padx 30 -pady 15
pack .help.move -side bottom -fill x
pack .help.s1 -side right -fill y
pack .help.t1 -side top -expand yes -fill both
initStack helpstack
# -- if there is somthing on the help pages stack, enable "up" button
# -- and point to that page
set t [topStack helpstack]
if { $t == "" } {
.help.up configure -state disabled
} else {
.help.up configure -state normal \
-command "popStack helpstack; showHelp [lindex $t 0] [lindex $t 1]"
# -- process text of help file
set no 0
set lineno 1
set in [open $file r]
while { [gets $in line] >= 0 } {
if { [regexp "^#" $line] } {
# -- comment; ignore
} elseif { [regexp "^@\(\[^\{\]\) ?\(.*$\)" $line dummy com var] } {
# -- command
switch -exact $com {
T { # -- title
wm title .help "HELP: $prog - $var"
P { # -- prev button
if { $var == "" } {
.help.pv configure -state disabled
} else {
.help.pv configure -state normal -command $var
N { # -- next button
if { $var == "" } {
.help.nt configure -state disabled
} else {
.help.nt configure -state normal -command $var
L { # -- hypertext link
set text " [lindex $var 0]"
regexp -indices {[^ ]} $text pos
.help.t1 insert end "$text\n"
.help.t1 tag add tag$no \
$lineno.[lindex $pos 0] "$lineno.1 lineend"
.help.t1 tag configure tag$no -foreground red -underline true
.help.t1 tag bind tag$no <Button-1> \
"pushStack helpstack \{[list $prog $section]\}; [lindex $var 1]"
incr no
incr lineno
D { # -- display format description
set dformat([lindex $var 0]) [lindex $var 1]
} elseif { [string first "@\{" $line] != -1 } {
# -- text with inlined commands
set todo ""
while { [regexp "\(^\[^@\]*\)@\{\(\[A-Za-z\]*\) \{\(\[^\}\]*\)\}\(.*$\)" \
$line dummy bef c text end] } {
set line "$bef$text$end"
set pos1 [string first $text " $line"]
set pos2 [expr $pos1+[string length $text]]
if { $c == "L" } {
# -- text with embedded link
regexp "^ *\{\(\[^\}\]*\)\}\}\(.*$\)" $end dummy com newend
set line "$bef$text$newend"
append todo "helpSetTagsLink \
tag$no $lineno.$pos1 \"$lineno.$pos2\" \
\"pushStack helpstack \{[list $prog $section]\}; $com\";"
} else {
# -- text with embedded format command
set end [string range $end 1 end]
set line "$bef$text$end"
if [ info exists dformat($c) ] {
append todo "helpSetTagsFormat \
tag$no $lineno.$pos1 \"$lineno.$pos2\" \"$dformat($c)\";"
incr no
.help.t1 insert end " $line\n"
incr lineno
eval $todo
} else {
# -- plain text
.help.t1 insert end " $line\n"
incr lineno
close $in
.help.t1 configure -state disabled
bind .help.t1 <Control-Shift-Button-1> "showHelp $prog $section"
if { $isTop } { raise .help }