/usr/share/arm/starter.py is in tor-arm
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Command line application for monitoring Tor relays, providing real time status
information. This is the starter for the application, handling and validating
command line parameters.
import os
import sys
import time
import getopt
import getpass
import locale
import platform
import version
import cli.controller
import cli.logPanel
import util.conf
import util.connections
import util.hostnames
import util.log
import util.panel
import util.procTools
import util.sysTools
import util.torConfig
import util.torInterpretor
import util.torTools
import util.uiTools
import TorCtl.TorCtl
import TorCtl.TorUtil
LOG_DUMP_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.arm/log")
DEFAULT_CONFIG = os.path.expanduser("~/.arm/armrc")
CONFIG = {"startup.controlPassword": None,
"startup.interface.ipAddress": "",
"startup.interface.port": 9051,
"startup.interface.socket": "/var/run/tor/control",
"startup.blindModeEnabled": False,
"startup.events": "N3",
"startup.dataDirectory": "~/.arm",
"wizard.default": {},
"features.allowDetachedStartup": True,
"features.config.descriptions.enabled": True,
"features.config.descriptions.persist": True,
"log.configDescriptions.readManPageSuccess": util.log.INFO,
"log.configDescriptions.readManPageFailed": util.log.NOTICE,
"log.configDescriptions.internalLoadSuccess": util.log.NOTICE,
"log.configDescriptions.internalLoadFailed": util.log.ERR,
"log.configDescriptions.persistance.loadSuccess": util.log.INFO,
"log.configDescriptions.persistance.loadFailed": util.log.INFO,
"log.configDescriptions.persistance.saveSuccess": util.log.INFO,
"log.configDescriptions.persistance.saveFailed": util.log.NOTICE,
"log.savingDebugLog": util.log.NOTICE}
OPT = "gpi:s:c:dbe:vh"
OPT_EXPANDED = ["gui", "prompt", "interface=", "socket=", "config=", "debug", "blind", "event=", "version", "help"]
HELP_MSG = """Usage arm [OPTION]
Terminal status monitor for Tor relays.
-g, --gui launch the Gtk+ interface
-p, --prompt only start the control interpretor
-i, --interface [ADDRESS:]PORT change control interface from %s:%i
-s, --socket SOCKET_PATH attach using unix domain socket if present,
SOCKET_PATH defaults to: %s
-c, --config CONFIG_PATH loaded configuration options, CONFIG_PATH
defaults to: %s
-d, --debug writes all arm logs to %s
-b, --blind disable connection lookups
-e, --event EVENT_FLAGS event types in message log (default: %s)
-v, --version provides version information
-h, --help presents this help
arm -b -i 1643 hide connection data, attaching to control port 1643
arm -e we -c /tmp/cfg use this configuration file with 'WARN'/'ERR' events
""" % (CONFIG["startup.interface.ipAddress"], CONFIG["startup.interface.port"], CONFIG["startup.interface.socket"], DEFAULT_CONFIG, LOG_DUMP_PATH, CONFIG["startup.events"], cli.logPanel.EVENT_LISTING)
# filename used for cached tor config descriptions
CONFIG_DESC_FILENAME = "torConfigDesc.txt"
# messages related to loading the tor configuration descriptions
DESC_LOAD_SUCCESS_MSG = "Loaded configuration descriptions from '%s' (runtime: %0.3f)"
DESC_LOAD_FAILED_MSG = "Unable to load configuration descriptions (%s)"
DESC_INTERNAL_LOAD_SUCCESS_MSG = "Falling back to descriptions for Tor %s"
DESC_INTERNAL_LOAD_FAILED_MSG = "Unable to load fallback descriptions. Categories and help for Tor's configuration options won't be available. (%s)"
DESC_READ_MAN_SUCCESS_MSG = "Read descriptions for tor's configuration options from its man page (runtime %0.3f)"
DESC_READ_MAN_FAILED_MSG = "Unable to get the descriptions of Tor's configuration options from its man page (%s)"
DESC_SAVE_SUCCESS_MSG = "Saved configuration descriptions to '%s' (runtime: %0.3f)"
DESC_SAVE_FAILED_MSG = "Unable to save configuration descriptions (%s)"
NO_INTERNAL_CFG_MSG = "Failed to load the parsing configuration. This will be problematic for a few things like torrc validation and log duplication detection (%s)"
STANDARD_CFG_LOAD_FAILED_MSG = "Failed to load configuration (using defaults): \"%s\""
STANDARD_CFG_NOT_FOUND_MSG = "No armrc loaded, using defaults. You can customize arm by placing a configuration file at '%s' (see the armrc.sample for its options)."
# torrc entries that are scrubbed when dumping
PRIVATE_TORRC_ENTRIES = ["HashedControlPassword", "Bridge", "HiddenServiceDir"]
# notices given if the user is running arm or tor as root
TOR_ROOT_NOTICE = "Tor is currently running with root permissions. This is not a good idea and shouldn't be necessary. See the 'User UID' option from Tor's man page for an easy method of reducing its permissions after startup."
ARM_ROOT_NOTICE = "Arm is currently running with root permissions. This is not a good idea, and will still work perfectly well if it's run with the same user as Tor (ie, starting with \"sudo -u %s arm\")."
# Makes subcommands provide us with English results (this is important so we
# can properly parse it).
os.putenv("LANG", "C")
def allowConnectionTypes():
This provides a tuple with booleans indicating if we should or shouldn't
attempt to connect by various methods...
(allowPortConnection, allowSocketConnection, allowDetachedStart)
confKeys = util.conf.getConfig("arm").getKeys()
isPortArgPresent = "startup.interface.ipAddress" in confKeys or "startup.interface.port" in confKeys
isSocketArgPresent = "startup.interface.socket" in confKeys
skipPortConnection = isSocketArgPresent and not isPortArgPresent
skipSocketConnection = isPortArgPresent and not isSocketArgPresent
# Flag to indicate if we'll start arm reguardless of being unable to connect
# to Tor. This is the default behavior if the user hasn't provided a port or
# socket to connect to, so we can show the relay setup wizard.
allowDetachedStart = CONFIG["features.allowDetachedStartup"] and not isPortArgPresent and not isSocketArgPresent
return (not skipPortConnection, not skipSocketConnection, allowDetachedStart)
def _loadConfigurationDescriptions(pathPrefix):
Attempts to load descriptions for tor's configuration options, fetching them
from the man page and persisting them to a file to speed future startups.
# It is important that this is loaded before entering the curses context,
# otherwise the man call pegs the cpu for around a minute (I'm not sure
# why... curses must mess the terminal in a way that's important to man).
if CONFIG["features.config.descriptions.enabled"]:
isConfigDescriptionsLoaded = False
# determines the path where cached descriptions should be persisted (left
# undefined if caching is disabled)
descriptorPath = None
if CONFIG["features.config.descriptions.persist"]:
dataDir = CONFIG["startup.dataDirectory"]
if not dataDir.endswith("/"): dataDir += "/"
descriptorPath = os.path.expanduser(dataDir + "cache/") + CONFIG_DESC_FILENAME
# attempts to load configuration descriptions cached in the data directory
if descriptorPath:
loadStartTime = time.time()
isConfigDescriptionsLoaded = True
msg = DESC_LOAD_SUCCESS_MSG % (descriptorPath, time.time() - loadStartTime)
util.log.log(CONFIG["log.configDescriptions.persistance.loadSuccess"], msg)
except IOError, exc:
msg = DESC_LOAD_FAILED_MSG % util.sysTools.getFileErrorMsg(exc)
util.log.log(CONFIG["log.configDescriptions.persistance.loadFailed"], msg)
# fetches configuration options from the man page
if not isConfigDescriptionsLoaded:
loadStartTime = time.time()
isConfigDescriptionsLoaded = True
msg = DESC_READ_MAN_SUCCESS_MSG % (time.time() - loadStartTime)
util.log.log(CONFIG["log.configDescriptions.readManPageSuccess"], msg)
except IOError, exc:
msg = DESC_READ_MAN_FAILED_MSG % util.sysTools.getFileErrorMsg(exc)
util.log.log(CONFIG["log.configDescriptions.readManPageFailed"], msg)
# persists configuration descriptions
if isConfigDescriptionsLoaded and descriptorPath:
loadStartTime = time.time()
msg = DESC_SAVE_SUCCESS_MSG % (descriptorPath, time.time() - loadStartTime)
util.log.log(CONFIG["log.configDescriptions.persistance.loadSuccess"], msg)
except (IOError, OSError), exc:
msg = DESC_SAVE_FAILED_MSG % util.sysTools.getFileErrorMsg(exc)
util.log.log(CONFIG["log.configDescriptions.persistance.saveFailed"], msg)
# finally fall back to the cached descriptors provided with arm (this is
# often the case for tbb and manual builds)
if not isConfigDescriptionsLoaded:
loadStartTime = time.time()
loadedVersion = util.torConfig.loadOptionDescriptions("%sresources/%s" % (pathPrefix, CONFIG_DESC_FILENAME), False)
isConfigDescriptionsLoaded = True
util.log.log(CONFIG["log.configDescriptions.internalLoadSuccess"], msg)
except IOError, exc:
msg = DESC_INTERNAL_LOAD_FAILED_MSG % util.sysTools.getFileErrorMsg(exc)
util.log.log(CONFIG["log.configDescriptions.internalLoadFailed"], msg)
def _torCtlConnect(controlAddr="", controlPort=9051, passphrase=None, incorrectPasswordMsg="", printError=True):
Custom handler for establishing a TorCtl connection.
conn = None
#conn, authType, authValue = TorCtl.TorCtl.preauth_connect(controlAddr, controlPort)
conn, authTypes, authValue = util.torTools.preauth_connect_alt(controlAddr, controlPort)
if TorCtl.TorCtl.AUTH_TYPE.PASSWORD in authTypes:
# password authentication, promting for the password if it wasn't provided
# TODO: When handling multi-auth we should try to authenticate via the
# cookie first, then fall back to prompting the user for their password.
# With the stack of fixes and hacks we have here jerry-rigging that in
# without trying cookie auth twice will be a pita so leaving this alone
# for now. Stem will handle most of this transparently, letting us handle
# this much more elegantly.
if not passphrase:
try: passphrase = getpass.getpass("Controller password: ")
except KeyboardInterrupt: return None
if TorCtl.TorCtl.AUTH_TYPE.COOKIE in authTypes and authValue[0] != "/":
# Connecting to the control port will probably fail if it's using cookie
# authentication and the cookie path is relative (unfortunately this is
# the case for TBB). This is discussed in:
# https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/1101
# This is best effort. If we can't expand the path then it's still
# attempted since we might be running in tor's pwd.
torPid = util.torTools.getPid(controlPort)
if torPid:
try: conn._cookiePath = util.sysTools.expandRelativePath(authValue, torPid)
except IOError: pass
# appends the path prefix if it's set
if TorCtl.TorCtl.AUTH_TYPE.COOKIE in authTypes:
pathPrefix = util.torTools.getConn().getPathPrefix()
# The os.path.join function is kinda stupid. If given an absolute path
# with the second argument then it will swallow the prefix. Ie...
# os.path.join("/tmp", "/foo") => "/foo"
if pathPrefix:
pathSuffix = conn._cookiePath
if pathSuffix.startswith("/"): pathSuffix = pathSuffix[1:]
conn._cookiePath = os.path.join(pathPrefix, pathSuffix)
# Abort if the file isn't 32 bytes long. This is to avoid exposing
# arbitrary file content to the port.
# Without this a malicious socket could, for instance, claim that
# '~/.bash_history' or '~/.ssh/id_rsa' was its authentication cookie to
# trick us into reading it for them with our current permissions.
# https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4305
authCookieSize = os.path.getsize(conn._cookiePath)
if authCookieSize != 32:
raise IOError("authentication cookie '%s' is the wrong size (%i bytes instead of 32)" % (conn._cookiePath, authCookieSize))
except Exception, exc:
# if the above fails then either...
# - raise an exception if cookie auth is the only method we have to
# authenticate
# - suppress the exception and try the other connection methods if we
# have alternatives
if len(authTypes) == 1: raise exc
else: conn._authTypes.remove(TorCtl.TorCtl.AUTH_TYPE.COOKIE)
return conn
except Exception, exc:
if conn: conn.close()
# attempts to connect with the default wizard address too
wizardPort = CONFIG["wizard.default"].get("Control")
if wizardPort and wizardPort.isdigit():
wizardPort = int(wizardPort)
# Attempt to connect to the wizard port. If the connection fails then
# don't print anything and continue with the error case for the initial
# connection failure. Otherwise, return the connection result.
if controlPort != wizardPort:
connResult = _torCtlConnect(controlAddr, wizardPort)
if connResult != None: return connResult
else: return None # wizard connection attempt, don't print anything
if passphrase and str(exc) == "Unable to authenticate: password incorrect":
# provide a warning that the provided password didn't work, then try
# again prompting for the user to enter it
print incorrectPasswordMsg
return _torCtlConnect(controlAddr, controlPort)
elif printError:
print exc
return None
def _dumpConfig():
Dumps the current arm and tor configurations at the DEBUG runlevel. This
attempts to scrub private information, but naturally the user should double
check that I didn't miss anything.
config = util.conf.getConfig("arm")
conn = util.torTools.getConn()
# dumps arm's configuration
armConfigEntry = ""
armConfigKeys = list(config.getKeys())
for configKey in armConfigKeys:
# Skips some config entries that are loaded by default. This fetches
# the config values directly to avoid misflagging them as being used by
# arm.
if not configKey.startswith("config.summary.") and not configKey.startswith("torrc.") and not configKey.startswith("msg."):
armConfigEntry += "%s -> %s\n" % (configKey, config.contents[configKey])
if armConfigEntry: armConfigEntry = "Arm Configuration:\n%s" % armConfigEntry
else: armConfigEntry = "Arm Configuration: None"
# dumps tor's version and configuration
torConfigEntry = "Tor (%s) Configuration:\n" % conn.getInfo("version")
for line in conn.getInfo("config-text", "").split("\n"):
if not line: continue
elif " " in line: key, value = line.split(" ", 1)
else: key, value = line, ""
torConfigEntry += "%s <scrubbed>\n" % key
torConfigEntry += "%s %s\n" % (key, value)
util.log.log(util.log.DEBUG, armConfigEntry.strip())
util.log.log(util.log.DEBUG, torConfigEntry.strip())
if __name__ == '__main__':
startTime = time.time()
param = dict([(key, None) for key in CONFIG.keys()])
launchGui = False
launchPrompt = False
isDebugMode = False
configPath = DEFAULT_CONFIG # path used for customized configuration
# parses user input, noting any issues
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], OPT, OPT_EXPANDED)
except getopt.GetoptError, exc:
print str(exc) + " (for usage provide --help)"
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-i", "--interface"):
# defines control interface address/port
controlAddr, controlPort = None, None
divIndex = arg.find(":")
if divIndex == -1:
controlPort = int(arg)
controlAddr = arg[0:divIndex]
controlPort = int(arg[divIndex + 1:])
except ValueError:
print "'%s' isn't a valid port number" % arg
param["startup.interface.ipAddress"] = controlAddr
param["startup.interface.port"] = controlPort
elif opt in ("-s", "--socket"):
param["startup.interface.socket"] = arg
elif opt in ("-g", "--gui"): launchGui = True
elif opt in ("-p", "--prompt"): launchPrompt = True
elif opt in ("-c", "--config"): configPath = arg # sets path of user's config
elif opt in ("-d", "--debug"): isDebugMode = True # dumps all logs
elif opt in ("-b", "--blind"):
param["startup.blindModeEnabled"] = True # prevents connection lookups
elif opt in ("-e", "--event"):
param["startup.events"] = arg # set event flags
elif opt in ("-v", "--version"):
print "arm version %s (released %s)\n" % (version.VERSION, version.LAST_MODIFIED)
elif opt in ("-h", "--help"):
print HELP_MSG
if isDebugMode:
currentTime = time.localtime()
timeLabel = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %m/%d/%Y (%Z)", currentTime)
initMsg = "Arm %s Debug Dump, %s" % (version.VERSION, timeLabel)
pythonVersionLabel = "Python Version: %s" % (".".join([str(arg) for arg in sys.version_info[:3]]))
osLabel = "Platform: %s (%s)" % (platform.system(), " ".join(platform.dist()))
util.log.DUMP_FILE.write("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (initMsg, pythonVersionLabel, osLabel, "-" * 80))
except (OSError, IOError), exc:
print "Unable to write to debug log file: %s" % util.sysTools.getFileErrorMsg(exc)
config = util.conf.getConfig("arm")
# attempts to fetch attributes for parsing tor's logs, configuration, etc
pathPrefix = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
if pathPrefix and not pathPrefix.endswith("/"):
pathPrefix = pathPrefix + "/"
config.load("%ssettings.cfg" % pathPrefix)
except IOError, exc:
msg = NO_INTERNAL_CFG_MSG % util.sysTools.getFileErrorMsg(exc)
util.log.log(util.log.WARN, msg)
# loads user's personal armrc if available
if os.path.exists(configPath):
except IOError, exc:
msg = STANDARD_CFG_LOAD_FAILED_MSG % util.sysTools.getFileErrorMsg(exc)
util.log.log(util.log.WARN, msg)
# no armrc found, falling back to the defaults in the source
util.log.log(util.log.NOTICE, msg)
# prevent arm from starting without a tor instance if...
# - we're launching a prompt
# - tor is running (otherwise it would be kinda confusing, "tor is running
# but why does arm say that it's shut down?")
if launchPrompt or util.torTools.isTorRunning():
config.set("features.allowDetachedStartup", "false")
# revises defaults to match user's configuration
# loads user preferences for utilities
for utilModule in (util.conf, util.connections, util.hostnames, util.log, util.panel, util.procTools, util.sysTools, util.torConfig, util.torTools, util.uiTools):
# syncs config and parameters, saving changed config options and overwriting
# undefined parameters with defaults
for key in param.keys():
if param[key] == None: param[key] = CONFIG[key]
else: config.set(key, str(param[key]))
# validates that input has a valid ip address and port
controlAddr = param["startup.interface.ipAddress"]
controlPort = param["startup.interface.port"]
if not util.connections.isValidIpAddress(controlAddr):
print "'%s' isn't a valid IP address" % controlAddr
elif controlPort < 0 or controlPort > 65535:
print "'%s' isn't a valid port number (ports range 0-65535)" % controlPort
# validates and expands log event flags
except ValueError, exc:
for flag in str(exc):
print "Unrecognized event flag: %s" % flag
# temporarily disables TorCtl logging to prevent issues from going to stdout while starting
TorCtl.TorUtil.loglevel = "NONE"
# By default attempts to connect using the control socket if it exists. This
# skips attempting to connect by socket or port if the user has given
# arguments for connecting to the other.
conn = None
allowPortConnection, allowSocketConnection, allowDetachedStart = allowConnectionTypes()
socketPath = param["startup.interface.socket"]
if os.path.exists(socketPath) and allowSocketConnection:
try: conn = util.torTools.connect_socket(socketPath)
except IOError, exc:
if not allowPortConnection:
print "Unable to use socket '%s': %s" % (socketPath, exc)
elif not allowPortConnection:
print "Socket '%s' doesn't exist" % socketPath
if not conn and allowPortConnection:
# sets up TorCtl connection, prompting for the passphrase if necessary and
# sending problems to stdout if they arise
authPassword = config.get("startup.controlPassword", CONFIG["startup.controlPassword"])
incorrectPasswordMsg = "Password found in '%s' was incorrect" % configPath
conn = _torCtlConnect(controlAddr, controlPort, authPassword, incorrectPasswordMsg, not allowDetachedStart)
# removing references to the controller password so the memory can be freed
# (unfortunately python does allow for direct access to the memory so this
# is the best we can do)
del authPassword
if "startup.controlPassword" in config.contents:
del config.contents["startup.controlPassword"]
pwLineNum = None
for i in range(len(config.rawContents)):
if config.rawContents[i].strip().startswith("startup.controlPassword"):
pwLineNum = i
if pwLineNum != None:
del config.rawContents[i]
if conn == None and not allowDetachedStart: sys.exit(1)
# initializing the connection may require user input (for the password)
# skewing the startup time results so this isn't counted
initTime = time.time() - startTime
controller = util.torTools.getConn()
torUser = None
if conn:
# give a notice if tor is running with root
torUser = controller.getMyUser()
if torUser == "root":
util.log.log(util.log.NOTICE, TOR_ROOT_NOTICE)
# Give a notice if arm is running with root. Querying connections usually
# requires us to have the same permissions as tor so if tor is running as
# root then drop this notice (they're already then being warned about tor
# being root, anyway).
if torUser != "root" and os.getuid() == 0:
torUserLabel = torUser if torUser else "<tor user>"
util.log.log(util.log.NOTICE, ARM_ROOT_NOTICE % torUserLabel)
# fetches descriptions for tor's configuration options
# dump tor and arm configuration when in debug mode
if isDebugMode:
util.log.log(CONFIG["log.savingDebugLog"], "Saving a debug log to '%s' (please check it for sensitive information before sharing)" % LOG_DUMP_PATH)
# Attempts to rename our process from "python setup.py <input args>" to
# "arm <input args>"
from util import procName
procName.renameProcess("arm\0%s" % "\0".join(sys.argv[1:]))
except: pass
# If using our LANG variable for rendering multi-byte characters lets us
# get unicode support then then use it. This needs to be done before
# initializing curses.
if util.uiTools.isUnicodeAvailable():
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
if launchGui:
import gui.controller
elif launchPrompt:
cli.controller.startTorMonitor(time.time() - initTime)