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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2004-2006,2008-2010 Zuza Software Foundation
# This file is part of the Translate Toolkit.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Insert debug messages into XLIFF and Gettext PO localization files.
See: http://docs.translatehouse.org/projects/translate-toolkit/en/latest/commands/podebug.html
for examples and usage instructions.
import os
import re
from translate.misc import hash
from translate.storage import factory
from translate.storage.placeables import StringElem, general
from translate.storage.placeables import parse as rich_parse
from translate.convert import dtd2po
def add_prefix(prefix, stringelems):
for stringelem in stringelems:
for string in stringelem.flatten():
if len(string.sub) > 0:
string.sub[0] = prefix + string.sub[0]
return stringelems
podebug_parsers = general.parsers
class podebug:
def __init__(self, format=None, rewritestyle=None, ignoreoption=None):
if format is None:
self.format = ""
self.format = format
self.rewritefunc = getattr(self, "rewrite_%s" % rewritestyle, None)
self.ignorefunc = getattr(self, "ignore_%s" % ignoreoption, None)
def apply_to_translatables(self, string, func):
"""Applies func to all translatable strings in string."""
lambda e: e.apply_to_strings(func),
lambda e: e.isleaf() and e.istranslatable)
def rewritelist(cls):
return [rewrite.replace("rewrite_", "") for rewrite in dir(cls) if rewrite.startswith("rewrite_")]
rewritelist = classmethod(rewritelist)
def _rewrite_prepend_append(self, string, prepend, append=None):
if append is None:
append = prepend
if not isinstance(string, StringElem):
string = StringElem(string)
string.sub.insert(0, prepend)
if unicode(string).endswith(u'\n'):
# Try and remove the last character from the tree
lastnode = string.flatten()[-1]
if isinstance(lastnode.sub[-1], unicode):
lastnode.sub[-1] = lastnode.sub[-1].rstrip(u'\n')
except IndexError:
string.sub.append(append + u'\n')
return string
def rewrite_xxx(self, string):
return self._rewrite_prepend_append(string, u"xxx")
def rewrite_bracket(self, string):
return self._rewrite_prepend_append(string, u"[", u"]")
def rewrite_en(self, string):
if not isinstance(string, StringElem):
string = StringElem(string)
return string
def rewrite_blank(self, string):
return StringElem(u"")
def rewrite_chef(self, string):
"""Rewrite using Mock Swedish as made famous by Monty Python"""
if not isinstance(string, StringElem):
string = StringElem(string)
# From Dive into Python which itself got it elsewhere
# http://www.renderx.com/demos/examples/diveintopython.pdf
subs = (
(r'a([nu])', r'u\1'),
(r'A([nu])', r'U\1'),
(r'a\B', r'e'),
(r'A\B', r'E'),
(r'en\b', r'ee'),
(r'\Bew', r'oo'),
(r'\Be\b', r'e-a'),
(r'\be', r'i'),
(r'\bE', r'I'),
(r'\Bf', r'ff'),
(r'\Bir', r'ur'),
(r'(\w*?)i(\w*?)$', r'\1ee\2'),
(r'\bow', r'oo'),
(r'\bo', r'oo'),
(r'\bO', r'Oo'),
(r'the', r'zee'),
(r'The', r'Zee'),
(r'th\b', r't'),
(r'\Btion', r'shun'),
(r'\Bu', r'oo'),
(r'\BU', r'Oo'),
(r'v', r'f'),
(r'V', r'F'),
(r'w', r'w'),
(r'W', r'W'),
(r'([a-z])[.]', r'\1. Bork Bork Bork!'))
for a, b in subs:
self.apply_to_translatables(string, lambda s: re.sub(a, b, s))
return string
REWRITE_UNICODE_MAP = u"ȦƁƇḒḖƑƓĦĪĴĶĿḾȠǾƤɊŘŞŦŬṼẆẊẎẐ" + u"[\\]^_`" + u"ȧƀƈḓḗƒɠħīĵķŀḿƞǿƥɋřşŧŭṽẇẋẏẑ"
def rewrite_unicode(self, string):
"""Convert to Unicode characters that look like the source string"""
if not isinstance(string, StringElem):
string = StringElem(string)
def transpose(char):
loc = ord(char) - 65
if loc < 0 or loc > 56:
return char
return self.REWRITE_UNICODE_MAP[loc]
def transformer(s):
return ''.join([transpose(c) for c in s])
self.apply_to_translatables(string, transformer)
return string
REWRITE_FLIPPED_MAP = u"¡„#$%⅋,()⁎+´-˙/012Ɛᔭ59Ƚ86:;<=>¿@" + \
u"∀ԐↃᗡƎℲ⅁HIſӼ⅂WNOԀÒᴚS⊥∩ɅMX⅄Z" + u"[\\]ᵥ_," + \
# Brackets should be swapped if the string will be reversed in memory.
# If a right-to-left override is used, the brackets should be
# unchanged.
#Some alternatives:
# D: ᗡ◖
# K: Ж⋊Ӽ
# @: Ҩ - Seems only related in Dejavu Sans
# Q: Ὄ Ό Ὀ Ὃ Ὄ Ṑ Ò Ỏ
# _: ‾ - left out for now for the sake of GTK accelerators
def rewrite_flipped(self, string):
"""Convert the string to look flipped upside down."""
if not isinstance(string, StringElem):
string = StringElem(string)
def transpose(char):
loc = ord(char) - 33
if loc < 0 or loc > 89:
return char
return self.REWRITE_FLIPPED_MAP[loc]
def transformer(s):
return u"\u202e" + u''.join([transpose(c) for c in s])
# To reverse instead of using the RTL override:
#return u''.join(reversed([transpose(c) for c in s]))
self.apply_to_translatables(string, transformer)
return string
def ignorelist(cls):
return [ignore.replace("ignore_", "") for ignore in dir(cls) if ignore.startswith("ignore_")]
ignorelist = classmethod(ignorelist)
def ignore_openoffice(self, unit):
for location in unit.getlocations():
if location.startswith("Common.xcu#..Common.View.Localisation"):
return True
elif location.startswith("profile.lng#STR_DIR_MENU_NEW_"):
return True
elif location.startswith("profile.lng#STR_DIR_MENU_WIZARD_"):
return True
return False
def ignore_mozilla(self, unit):
locations = unit.getlocations()
if len(locations) == 1 and locations[0].lower().endswith(".accesskey"):
return True
for location in locations:
if dtd2po.is_css_entity(location):
return True
if location in ["brandShortName", "brandFullName", "vendorShortName"]:
return True
if location.lower().endswith(".commandkey") or location.endswith(".key"):
return True
return False
def ignore_gtk(self, unit):
if unit.source == "default:LTR":
return True
return False
def ignore_kde(self, unit):
if unit.source == "LTR":
return True
return False
def convertunit(self, unit, prefix):
if self.ignorefunc:
if self.ignorefunc(unit):
return unit
if prefix.find("@hash_placeholder@") != -1:
if unit.getlocations():
hashable = unit.getlocations()[0]
hashable = unit.source
prefix = prefix.replace("@hash_placeholder@", hash.md5_f(hashable).hexdigest()[:self.hash_len])
if unit.istranslated():
rich_string = unit.rich_target
rich_string = unit.rich_source
if not isinstance(rich_string, StringElem):
rich_string = [rich_parse(string, podebug_parsers) for string in rich_string]
if self.rewritefunc:
rewritten = [self.rewritefunc(string) for string in rich_string]
if rewritten:
rich_string = rewritten
unit.rich_target = add_prefix(prefix, rich_string)
return unit
def convertstore(self, store):
filename = self.shrinkfilename(store.filename)
prefix = self.format
for formatstr in re.findall("%[0-9c]*[sfFbBdh]", self.format):
if formatstr.endswith("s"):
formatted = self.shrinkfilename(store.filename)
elif formatstr.endswith("f"):
formatted = store.filename
formatted = os.path.splitext(formatted)[0]
elif formatstr.endswith("F"):
formatted = store.filename
elif formatstr.endswith("b"):
formatted = os.path.basename(store.filename)
formatted = os.path.splitext(formatted)[0]
elif formatstr.endswith("B"):
formatted = os.path.basename(store.filename)
elif formatstr.endswith("d"):
formatted = os.path.dirname(store.filename)
elif formatstr.endswith("h"):
self.hash_len = int(filter(str.isdigit, formatstr[1:-1]))
except ValueError:
self.hash_len = 4
formatted = "@hash_placeholder@"
formatoptions = formatstr[1:-1]
if formatoptions and not formatstr.endswith("h"):
if "c" in formatoptions and formatted:
formatted = formatted[0] + filter(lambda x: x.lower() not in "aeiou", formatted[1:])
length = filter(str.isdigit, formatoptions)
if length:
formatted = formatted[:int(length)]
prefix = prefix.replace(formatstr, formatted)
for unit in store.units:
if not unit.istranslatable():
unit = self.convertunit(unit, prefix)
return store
def shrinkfilename(self, filename):
if filename.startswith("." + os.sep):
filename = filename.replace("." + os.sep, "", 1)
dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
dirparts = dirname.split(os.sep)
if not dirparts:
dirshrunk = ""
dirshrunk = dirparts[0][:4] + "-"
if len(dirparts) > 1:
dirshrunk += "".join([dirpart[0] for dirpart in dirparts[1:]]) + "-"
baseshrunk = os.path.basename(filename)[:4]
if "." in baseshrunk:
baseshrunk = baseshrunk[:baseshrunk.find(".")]
return dirshrunk + baseshrunk
def convertpo(inputfile, outputfile, templatefile, format=None, rewritestyle=None, ignoreoption=None):
"""Reads in inputfile, changes it to have debug strings, writes to outputfile."""
# note that templatefile is not used, but it is required by the converter...
inputstore = factory.getobject(inputfile)
if inputstore.isempty():
return 0
convertor = podebug(format=format, rewritestyle=rewritestyle, ignoreoption=ignoreoption)
outputstore = convertor.convertstore(inputstore)
return 1
def main():
from translate.convert import convert
formats = {
"po": ("po", convertpo), "pot": ("po", convertpo),
"xlf": ("xlf", convertpo),
"tmx": ("tmx", convertpo),
parser = convert.ConvertOptionParser(formats, description=__doc__)
# TODO: add documentation on format strings...
parser.add_option("-f", "--format", dest="format", default="",
help="specify format string")
parser.add_option("", "--rewrite", dest="rewritestyle",
type="choice", choices=podebug.rewritelist(), metavar="STYLE",
help="the translation rewrite style: %s" % ", ".join(podebug.rewritelist()))
parser.add_option("", "--ignore", dest="ignoreoption",
type="choice", choices=podebug.ignorelist(), metavar="APPLICATION",
help="apply tagging ignore rules for the given application: %s" % ", ".join(podebug.ignorelist()))
if __name__ == '__main__':