/usr/share/vtk/GUI/Python/OrthogonalPlanesWithTkPhoto.py is in vtk-examples 5.8.0-14.1ubuntu3.
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from vtk import *
import Tkinter
from Tkinter import *
import sys, os
import vtk.tk
import vtk.tk.vtkLoadPythonTkWidgets
import vtk.tk.vtkTkImageViewerWidget
from vtk.tk.vtkTkPhotoImage import *
from vtk.util.misc import *
class SampleViewer:
def __init__ ( self ):
self.Tk = Tk = Tkinter.Tk();
Tk.title ( 'Python Version of vtkImageDataToTkPhoto' );
# Image pipeline
reader = vtkVolume16Reader ()
reader.SetDataDimensions ( 64, 64 )
reader.SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian ( )
reader.SetFilePrefix ( vtkGetDataRoot() + '/Data/headsq/quarter' )
reader.SetImageRange ( 1, 93 )
reader.SetDataSpacing ( 3.2, 3.2, 1.5 )
reader.Update ()
self.cast = cast = vtkImageCast()
cast.SetInputConnection( reader.GetOutputPort() )
cast.SetOutputScalarType ( reader.GetOutput().GetScalarType() )
# Make the image a little bigger
self.resample = resample = vtkImageResample ()
resample.SetInputConnection( cast.GetOutputPort() )
resample.SetAxisMagnificationFactor ( 0, 2 )
resample.SetAxisMagnificationFactor ( 1, 2 )
resample.SetAxisMagnificationFactor ( 2, 1 )
l,h = reader.GetOutput().GetScalarRange()
# Create the three orthogonal views
tphoto = self.tphoto = self.tphoto = vtkTkPhotoImage ();
cphoto = self.cphoto = vtkTkPhotoImage ();
sphoto = self.sphoto = vtkTkPhotoImage ();
d = reader.GetOutput().GetDimensions()
self.Position = [ int(d[0]/2.0), int(d[0]/2.0), int(d[0]/2.0) ]
# Create a popup menu
v = IntVar()
self.popup = popup = Menu ( Tk, tearoff=0 )
popup.add_radiobutton ( label='unsigned char', command=self.CastToUnsignedChar, variable=v, value=-1 )
popup.add_radiobutton ( label='unsigned short', command=self.CastToUnsignedShort, variable=v, value=0 )
popup.add_radiobutton ( label='unsigned int', command=self.CastToFloat, variable=v, value=1 )
popup.add_radiobutton ( label='float', command=self.CastToFloat, variable=v, value=2 )
v.set ( 0 )
w = self.TransverseLabelWidget = Label ( Tk, image = tphoto )
w.grid ( row = 0, column = 0 )
w.bind ( "<Button1-Motion>", lambda e, i=tphoto, o='transverse', s=self: s.Motion ( e, i, o ) )
w.bind ( "<Button-3>", self.DoPopup )
w = Label ( Tk, image = cphoto )
w.grid ( row = 1, column = 0 )
w.bind ( "<Button1-Motion>", lambda e, i=cphoto, o='coronal', s=self: s.Motion ( e, i, o ) )
w.bind ( "<Button-3>", self.DoPopup )
w = Label ( Tk, image = sphoto )
w.grid ( row = 0, column = 1 )
w.bind ( "<Button1-Motion>", lambda e, i=sphoto, o='sagittal', s=self: s.Motion ( e, i, o ) )
w.bind ( "<Button-3>", self.DoPopup )
w = self.WindowWidget = Scale ( Tk, label='Window', orient='horizontal', from_=1, to=(h-l)/2, command = self.SetWindowLevel )
w = self.LevelWidget = Scale ( Tk, label='Level', orient='horizontal', from_=l, to=h, command=self.SetWindowLevel )
self.WindowWidget.grid ( row=2, columnspan=2, sticky='ew' )
self.LevelWidget.grid ( row=3, columnspan=2, sticky='ew' );
self.WindowWidget.set ( 1370 );
self.LevelWidget.set ( 1268 );
w = self.LabelWidget = Label ( Tk, bd=2, relief='raised' )
w.grid ( row=4, columnspan=2, sticky='ew' )
w.configure ( text = "Use the right mouse button to change data type" )
def DoPopup ( self, event ):
self.popup.post ( event.x_root, event.y_root )
def CastToUnsignedChar ( self ):
def CastToUnsignedShort ( self ):
def CastToUnsignedInt ( self ):
def CastToFloat ( self ):
def Motion ( self, event, image, orientation ):
w = image.width();
h = image.height()
if orientation == 'transverse':
self.Position[0] = event.x
self.Position[1] = h - event.y - 1
if orientation == 'coronal':
self.Position[0] = event.x;
self.Position[2] = event.y
if orientation == 'sagittal':
self.Position[1] = w - event.x - 1
self.Position[2] = event.y
self.LabelWidget.configure ( text = "Position: %d, %d, %d" % tuple ( self.Position ) )
def SetWindowLevel ( self, event ):
def SetImages ( self ):
Window = self.WindowWidget.get()
Level = self.LevelWidget.get()
image = self.resample.GetOutput()
self.tphoto.PutImageSlice ( image,
Level )
self.sphoto.PutImageSlice ( image,
Level )
self.cphoto.PutImageSlice ( image,
Level )
if __name__ == '__main__':
S = SampleViewer()