/usr/share/vtk/GUI/Tcl/CameraAndSliderWidgets.tcl is in vtk-examples 5.8.0-14.1ubuntu3.
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package require vtkinteraction
# Demonstrate how to use vtkCameraWidget to record and playback interpolated
# camera views. This example also demonstrates the use of vtkSliderWidget, in
# this case to set the number of frames the camera widget will play back.
# Start by generating some data: the planet earth.
# Define a 2D plane to act as a base to apply a texture to. The coordinates
# are specified as origin: {1, pi, 0}, point 1: {1, pi, 2*pi},
# point 2: {1, 0, 0} and can be thought of as a rectangle oriented parallel
# to the y-z plane and offset along the x-axis by 1.
vtkPlaneSource plane
plane SetOrigin 1.0 [expr 3.14159265359 - 0.0001] 0.0
plane SetPoint1 1.0 [expr 3.14159265359 - 0.0001] 6.28318530719
plane SetPoint2 1.0 0.0001 0.0
plane SetXResolution 19
plane SetYResolution 9
# Warp the plane's spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates using
# vtkSphericalTransfrom and vtkTransformPolyDataFilter. The transform will
# map coordinates into a range suitable for texture mapping: [0,1].
vtkSphericalTransform transform
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter tpoly
tpoly SetInputConnection [plane GetOutputPort]
tpoly SetTransform transform
# Load an image: a map of the earth.
vtkPNMReader earth
earth SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/earth.ppm"
# Apply the image to a vtkTexture so that the earth image can be mapped onto
# our sphere.
vtkTexture texture
texture SetInputConnection [earth GetOutputPort]
texture InterpolateOn
# Create a mapper to render the sphere.
vtkDataSetMapper mapper
mapper SetInputConnection [tpoly GetOutputPort]
# Create an actor to display and interact with. The actor will apply the
# texture map to geometry of the sphere.
vtkActor world
world SetMapper mapper
world SetTexture texture
# Create a renderer and a render window.
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
# Create an interactor to respond to mouse events.
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
# VTK widgets consist of two parts: the widget part that handles event processing;
# and the widget representation that defines how the widget appears in the scene
# (i.e., matters pertaining to geometry). The camera representation inherits
# from vtkBorderRepresentation, a rectangular region, and is therefore
# essentially a 2D rectangle containing 3 pictograms: a camera that when clicked
# records the current camera position, a triangle to represent a playback button
# and an "X" to represent a reset button that erases all previously recorded
# camera positions. The representation also sets the number of frames to
# generate during playback.
# Create the widget and its representation.
vtkCameraRepresentation cameraRep
cameraRep SetNumberOfFrames 500
# An interpolator is used to fill in camera positions between the positions
# recorded by the widget. Here we interpolate smoothly with a spline scheme.
vtkCameraInterpolator interpolator
interpolator SetInterpolationTypeToSpline
cameraRep SetInterpolator interpolator
# Position the rectangle to be in the lower left of the renderer window.
[cameraRep GetPositionCoordinate] SetCoordinateSystemToNormalizedDisplay
[cameraRep GetPositionCoordinate] SetValue 0.08 0.07
[cameraRep GetPosition2Coordinate] SetCoordinateSystemToNormalizedDisplay
[cameraRep GetPosition2Coordinate] SetValue 0.16 0.14
# Create the actual camera widget that will listen and react to events.
vtkCameraWidget cameraWidget
cameraWidget SetInteractor iren
cameraWidget SetRepresentation cameraRep
cameraWidget KeyPressActivationOff
# Create a slider widget so that we can interactively set the number of frames
# that are interpolated between recorded camera positions. First we create
# the widget's representation, in this case it will be a 2D slider. A slider
# representation consists of 4 parts: a tube along which a slider runs and
# represents the range of values the slider can attain, the slider which has a
# text actor over top to display the current slider value, end caps
# to signify the ends of the slider's range and a text actor to display a
# title about what the slider represents (e.g., temperature, time, number
# of camera frames etc.). The tube and the end caps can be clicked on and
# the slider will move to that chosen location. The slider can be dragged along
# the tube.
vtkSliderRepresentation2D sliderRep
sliderRep SetMinimumValue 10
sliderRep SetMaximumValue 1000
sliderRep SetValue 500
sliderRep SetTitleText "Number of Frames"
# Position the representation to be along the bottom of the render window
# and to the right of the camera widget.
[sliderRep GetPoint1Coordinate] SetCoordinateSystemToNormalizedDisplay
[sliderRep GetPoint1Coordinate] SetValue 0.3 0.1
[sliderRep GetPoint2Coordinate] SetCoordinateSystemToNormalizedDisplay
[sliderRep GetPoint2Coordinate] SetValue 0.9 0.1
# Specifiy the sizes of the slider, the end caps and the slider's tube.
sliderRep SetSliderLength 0.02
sliderRep SetSliderWidth 0.03
sliderRep SetEndCapLength 0.01
sliderRep SetEndCapWidth 0.03
sliderRep SetTubeWidth 0.005
sliderRep SetLabelFormat "%4.0lf"
# Create the actual slider widget that will listen and react to events.
vtkSliderWidget sliderWidget
sliderWidget SetInteractor iren
sliderWidget SetRepresentation sliderRep
sliderWidget KeyPressActivationOff
# The slider widget can respond to interactions by either immediately updating
# the representation's slider position, or by animating it from its current
# position to a newly chosen one.
sliderWidget SetAnimationModeToAnimate
# Add a callback to the slider widget to set the number of frames desired
# during playback by the camera widget. More frames results in a longer/slower
# playback.
sliderWidget AddObserver InteractionEvent callback
# Add the actors to the renderer, set the background color and size.
ren1 AddActor world
ren1 SetBackground .1 .2 .4
renWin SetSize 600 400
# Initialize the interactor so we can get the active camera.
iren Initialize
renWin Render
# Set the camera that the representation will record.
cameraRep SetCamera [ ren1 GetActiveCamera ]
# Turn on both widgets.
cameraWidget On
sliderWidget On
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
# Prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop.
wm withdraw .
# vtkMath is needed to convert double values returned by the slider
# representation into integers.
vtkMath math
# Callback for the interaction
proc callback { } {
cameraRep SetNumberOfFrames [ eval math Round [ sliderRep GetValue ] ]